115 | S2: Armored Hearts

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The next morning I let Nagisa sleep in longer because last night we finished off after the fourth round. Looking back on it, I did warn Nagisa that it would take a toll on his body but in the heat of moment, it really didn't matter to us.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" I turned around to see Lord Shiota walking down this hall.

"Of course." I gleamed, "slept like a child." I chuckled while he stood next to me.

"Is Nagisa still asleep?" He wondered, looking at his door. Another sound grabbed my attention and maid appeared out of the corner.

"Good morning." She bowed her head and walked passed us, "pardon me."

As she left, I looked back at Nagisa's father.
"He stayed up rather late last night." I omitted reasons that I would never say to another soul. "But it's more normal than not. His sleeping schedule has changed significantly over the past year."

"Is that so?" His father nodded his head like he knew what could have caused this change. "I'm about to take my morning tea in my study, would you care to accompany me, my King?"

"Karma is fine." I smiled and patted his shoulder, "I would love to join you."

"Very well." He chuckled and started leading the way down the hall and into a larger one. In the passing, I noticed the large family portrait framed by gold on the wall. A facade of a happy family.
As we both sat down and got comfortable, a butler made his way through with a silver rolling cart and a few letters.

"If you don't mind." Nagisa's father took the letters in his hand as the tea was served on the desk.

"Go ahead." I smiled.

"This won't take long, it's a letter from the Crowns." He explained while reached for his letter opener. By then the butler made his way out of the study, closing the door quietly behind him.

When he began reading its contents, I quietly sipped the freshly brewed tea. Lord Shiota kept a composed expression but once I saw the arch of his brows, it made me interested.

"I presume you already know that your coronation will be in a months time. The Crowns are simply making arrangements for the early dubbing ceremonies and other events." He said.

"Yes, I'm aware that because of our situation many of our traditions are being rescheduled for earlier dates. Honestly, I forgot about the dubbing ceremonies." I sighed, "it's two days before the coronation."

"That's right. And your presence is mandatory of course along with the current Crowns, Tempus Five, and the noble families. It's one of the only occasions where all high positioned authorities and families gather. For many men and women, the rite of passage is not only a honor to be titled, but a blessing to be recognized by the spirits of the Original Monarchs." Nagisa's father brought the cup of tea to his nose and admired the scent before he sipped.

"A great deal of importance indeed." I agreed, "it's only natural that it would be an extravagant ceremony for almost all."

"Most certainly, my King. The week of the coronation is a busy and hectic one. Plus, with the Tempus Five attending many of these events especially, they'll be the ones on their feet constantly." A short chuckle escaped from him.

"Please explain." I tilted my head.

"Well, these young knights and specialists are always looking for an opportunity to prove themselves. During the dubbing ceremony and other events that Tempus Five also attend, they'll be scouting."

"That makes sense." I nodded my head, "amongst the countless crowd of suitable candidates, it will be a tasking job."

Lord Shiota finished his tea and conversation drifted once silence took over. It wasn't awkward just calming, letting our words digest between the both of us.

Setting a glimpse out the window of his study, the sun was peaking its height. The blue of the sky blended into the pinkish dawn and you could hear the prominent chirping of the birds.


I turned and made eye contact with him. The fact that he used my name made it feel like he talking to me this time. Essentially, his tone gave it away and I knew he was serious.

"Yes?" I responded.

"I don't doubt your relationship with Nagisa, I'm grateful that you cherish him." He started, "but he's grown up in such a household that I still worry about him even though I know he is doing okay." 

"He's admirable and a truly an invincible person, even though he has gone through so much. I get anxious as well about his mental well-being but I trust him. I won't let him struggle alone even if that was the case." With a sigh of respite, I acknowledged this fatherly side of him.

"I appreciate your dependability and devotion to Nagisa." He beamed an ear-to-ear and I could tell where Mamoru and Nagisa got their expressions from.

"In the past, I used to think that the King would love Nagisa regardless, maybe more as the spiritual aspect rather than acknowledging Nagisa as the person he was. Knowing that you genuinely care for him as you are both male reincarnations,  I am utterly thankful."

Lord Shiota covered his eyes with his hand and leaned over. It was apparent that his emotions was leaking out but I wasn't the one to judge.

"Thank you Karma." He moved his hand away, "while I am what is left of Nagisa's family, I hope that you and your family can open arms to him entirely. I give you my blessings."

Lord Shiota stood up and tilted his head forward, bowing. In that moment, I knew that it was the only way for him to express his gratitude so I didn't try to stop him from being formal. Ultimately, it would be an insult to him if I said it was unnecessary.

He lifted his head and with the overjoyed expression on his face it reminded me of my father. He reached his hand out and patted my shoulder with a uplifting tone,

"Take very good care of Nagisa. If he ever comes back home in low spirits because of you, I won't be as forgiving nor will show mercy."

His brazen words caught me off guard and even though it sounded like a floating joke, his eyes did not match his smile. I affirmatively assured him that I wouldn't betray Nagisa's feelings and that he would be my top priority.

"I would like to ask something if you would allow it." I spoke.

"Go on, please continue." He said while finishing up his laughs from the previous conversation.

"My parents have discussed it before and I've talked to Nagisa about it. When the time ever permits hopefully before the coronation, would you be so kind to join us at our family estate?"

"My, such a request." His eyes widened, "it's only natural at this point." Lord Shiota nodded his head, "it would be an honor to meet the rest of your family formally. You know, your father and I used to be apart of the same military unit when we were younger. Such a risky fellow, it's a shocker to know that he's more of a settled man now."

"Is that so? He's not one to talk much about his past during military training. I would love to hear more about it." I grinned.

"Most certainty." Lord Shiota patted my shoulder again, "I would like to thank you once more Karma for being a pillar of support for Nagisa. He truly loves you and I am relieved that his love is returned."

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