45 | Death Calls Us Beautiful

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Not before long, everyone was moved into sitting room three rooms down from where the Queen was kept.
Karasuma stood alert at the door, while I sat down beside Karma and Irina sitting across from us. The King himself, stood by the tall rectangular windows with maroon drapes tied by a gold tassel.

"I assume that you've called for a guard to seize whomever served the both of you this morning?" Karma spoke.

"Why of course. It's only a matter of time before he arrives in chains." He sternly replied while facing us. I think this is the first time I've ever laid my eyes upon such a vexing and infuriating expression.

Even though his time is slipping fruitlessly, he still carried the passion, burning bright inside of him. He intends to take this to the very end, and I'm not surprised by it at all. None of us were actually.

"Father, may I ask...how did you not become ill by the poison?" Irina brought up. "Mother is-."

"I did not touch the tea. We were served chamomile, and you know that I'm not very fond of that kind in the morning. Though, your mother requested the night before, I couldn't argue." He explained, "she drank less than a half of her cup before she started complaining that her hands felt numb."

It must of been frightening for such a thing to happen in the break of day. Especially when the one you love started-

"My King! We've captured him." Two guards burst into the room with rumbling clamor. They secured the man by both his arms, while his hands were cuffed from behind.

This is the guy that I bumped into!

Essentially with a forceful shove from the guards, the young man fell to his knees. His expression was another thing, fearful and terrified. But it seemed like he was roughed up a little before he came here. Under his creamy purple eyes, was a bruise, and inferior to that was a cut on his mouth.

The King proceeded towards him with an aggressive approach and flared at him. We were all silent in the watching.

"Your fate was decided once you've stepped into our room this morning. I don't even have to go over the details. Treason is treason. You will executed." His voice roared and startled us all.

"P-please! Listen to me my King! I-I was forced to! I had no choice! I was damned either way!" The man bellowed and laid head on the ground.

"W-whom is it that you speak of?!" Irina stood up and stood along side her father.

The man opened his mouth and raised his head.
"I-I cannot say, he'll..."

"It's like you said previously. You'll be damned either way!" Irina exclaimed as she was about to strike the man, but Karasuma grabbed her arm before she could.

Karma and I were speechless in this situation. Even when we had the same authority as the current crowns, seniority is the most respectable.

The man who was sobbing by now faced me and shouted at the top of his lungs,
"It was him! He forced me to do it! I overheard him say that he wanted to take the thrown as quickly as possible! H-he threatened to kill me and my family if I didn't! I had no choice! Spare me!" He cried out as if his life was really on the line.

But I don't remember any of this at all.

Karma stood up and looked over at me with concern. As if the words from that man echoed through his conscience, believing every word of it.

"W-what's the meaning of this!?" I questioned the entirely of the lied planted on my own my name. "I don't even know who you are!" I added.

My heart was racing, palms were sweating. I don't know how I suddenly became part of this.

"That's an erroneous accusation to make. Take him away." Karasuma spoke in my place.

"Yes sir!" The two guards grabbed ahold of him again.

"I have proof! I know that it was him!" He came again with a crazed look on his face.

The King allowed him to continue as interesting as his claim was. I don't know why it's me of all people.

Irina stepped forward more fiery as ever.
"You simply cannot-."

"The poison! I have the small dug bottle in my pocket, half empty. He has the rest of poison! I swear to you! He must have it on him or he's hiding it!" He shouted.

"Lies!" I confronted him, "why would I have any reason to poison the Queen? I wouldn't have the soul within me to harm her."

The King looked over at me but, it seemed like he was convinced. Someone to initially blame for the state in which the Queen was in.
Am I that untrustworthy? Especially when it came to something this grave?!

"If you're as just as you say you are then you would search him! Search him now! If you are for the people of this kingdom, you would search him!"
The man didn't give up at all. Karma stood in front of me and with a sudden gesture of assurance.

The room itself carried an intense vibe of strictness. A sudden wrong move, meant someone was going to die.

"Nagisa would never have such an ill-intent. Who are you working for you despicable pig!" Irina broke out in steam and we were all shocked by her foul mouth. But I'm grateful that she's protecting me.

"He's right though. Nagisa, can we search you just to put an end to his false claims? So that we can hurry and throw him into the dungeon?" Karma turned around and Karasuma walked towards me.

"Search him! Search him!" The man barked.

"Silence you! Another word and you'll deeply regret it on your grave!" The King raised his voice again.

Karasuma bowed his head.

"May I?" He asked.

"If it can prove my innocent. So be it." I was confident that I didn't need to think of it twice. There was no need because I know that it wasn't me.

I raised my arm up, so that Karasuma could feel around. From my arms, he made it down to my chest, lower torso, then the pockets of my pants. Then he froze altogether.
Everyone waiting.

He reached in and I felt something hard being tap against my leg.

I don't recall ever carrying anything with me. It can't possibly be!

"T-this must be a lie." Irina's voice trembled as
Karasuma pulled out a small, empty clear dug bottle from my pockets and raised it for everyone to see. There was a bit of purple liquid left inside and Karasuma looked at me firmly in disbelief.

"Nagisa! Please say that this isn't yours!" Karma grew worrisome in an instant as he had his hands on my shoulders, shaking them.

"It's not mine! I don't know how it got there!" I explained. "It's not mine." I said again.

"See! I told you! I told you! There you have it! I'm telling the truth! If you search his room too, I bet he has more lying around! He plans on taking you all out!" He shouted at the King, then he diverted his gaze, glaring at me. "To hell with you! And you thought you could get away with this!"

In seconds they all drew away from me.
Karma was wavering himself, and even I was in shock that he perfectly framed me. Irina gasped and didn't have it in her to look at me.
You simply cannot believe in this right? However, they all looked at me like a criminal.

"K-Karma you don't believe him right? Right?" I was losing face as my self-esteem depleted, hiding like a turtle with its hard shell.

"Nagisa... I..."

While he spoke unsurely, I knew that a hole had already been dug for me. It's only a matter of time before I'll be sent to my grave.


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