85 | S2: The End of Nothing

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It has been one day since we departed from Crescent kingdom and we can all agree that it was going to be a long voyage regardless.

There's not much to do despite a giant Royal ship. Sure we can play cards but how long will that last? The only thing to do is essentially relax on the deck and watch the brisk blue waves roll by. If we're really lucky, we can see another ship too.

I stared to my left and met the gaze of Scienion's ship sailing beside us. With their wooden crow's nest, I could see someone looking out the sea before us. One thing for sure was it wasn't Hazama as their beige sails flickered in the wind.

Since we left, their ship has made no signals nor tried to communicate with us. I truly wonder what they're planning and I know that being suspicious is just part of it. I have this gut feeling that can't settle until I figure it out.

"My King, you're making quite the expression, thinking about something?" Kaede was standing in front of me when I snapped back to reality.

"Yeah, I'm alright." I answered, "just thinking that's all."

"You and Nagisa are always saying that." She pouted and looked out at Scienion's ship. "Even though you rely on each other, you can't help but to keep to yourselves. Well, I guess we all have flaws don't we?" Kaede placed her hands behind her back and walked closer towards me.

"Something on your mind?" I asked.

"Always." She grinned, "if you want my honesty." She paused. "I don't feel comfortable at all about this but being beside the two of you, serving you, it's not that bad. Plus, Karasuma is also here so that tremendously relieves some of the pressure." She explained.

"I can only imagine how you're feeling about this." I spoke.

"Likewise." Kaede smiled and started walking back, "my King, don't you think it's in your best interest to be with Nagisa?" She giggled and disappear as she got farther away from the stern where we were standing.

The nerve of her, I shook my heading laughing. The fact that she wants us together but thinks we can make do without the other things is surely absurd. Last night I tried something with Nagisa, but he wasn't in the mood so I didn't pressure him. I guess just a simple cuddle of sorts where I wrapped my arms around him made him at ease.

Essentially, I dropped this lonely act and headed back to the cabin to see Nagisa. On my way, I noticed that he wasn't in his room, but at the bow of the ship looking out.

"I hope this won't be the last time I witness such a beautiful sight." He said as if he knew it was me who was walking behind him. "It would be unfortunate if that was the case."

The blaring sun made his face glow and the wind blew his soft blue hair back.

"You say such depressing things don't you? Well, we are much alike then." I stride towards him and wrapped my right around his shoulder.

"It will be okay, I'll protect you Nagisa." I assured.

For some reason, when I said that he looked discontent. But I don't think it's because of me really, something else is on his mind. Something that is keeping him from trusting himself, not me.

"You don't look so well." I spoke.

"Karma, is it necessary for us to create a treaty with them? An alliance of sorts?" He brought up.

"Well, politically speaking, yes." I answered, "but if it threatens our kingdom or not serve in our interest, we can always decide. We have a choice, that is what's special about this trip."

"I hope so." Nagisa slightly smiled and leaned his head on my shoulder.

And how he inched closer too was quite adorable of him. With his hand that grabbed my sleeve, I could sense his discouragement. His unease.
I caressed his cheek and leaned in for a kiss. With that spilt second before our lips touched, his cheeks flushed rosy red.

"They'll see us." Nagisa quietly spoke, hiding his expression."

"Hm? And what's wrong with that? Let me see your face Nagisa." I grabbed his wrist only to remember how fragile he was and with my other opened hand I raised his chin.

I didn't think that he would have such a miserable expression. Something is definitely wrong. He looks like he on the verge of crying.


"I'm going to head to the cabin now." Nagisa pulled away from me and walked off. When I thought he had opened his mouth to say something, he didn't continue with anything audible.

His back grew smaller and smaller.

"Will he be able to hold up? In Scienion I mean." Karasuma appeared from behind me and showed no indication of standing nearby longer than he should have. But he is the kind of man to eavesdrop.

I sighed and scratched my head.

"I know he will but I didn't think this would be such a troubling event. The way he looked at me, I couldn't bear to look at all."

Karasuma nodded his head, "couldn't you ask him what happened? Or why he's acting like so?"

"Well, that's how he is. Nagisa's endures everything by himself, so please reframe from pitying him. He's trying to protect me as well in his own annoying little ways."

"Do you need anything from me, My King?"

"It would be wise to send Kaede to him. She has her ways with people especially with Nagisa. Sometimes I can't always be the support for him, I trust Kaede." I explained.

"Yes, I will speak with her immediately." Karasuma bowed his head and waited for anymore commands.

"While you're at it, bring me a messenger bird when you're done. I would like to send a few words to the vessel next door." I added.

"Yes, My King." Karasuma headed off.

When he left, I took another glance at the crow's nest  on Scienion's ship. The person from before was still up there, but instead of looking out into the blues below, he looked our way. My way.
I suppose that from this distance, he could be staring over mindlessly without purpose. However, it felt so real that he was staring at me.

I waved nonchalantly and he moved, turning his head back to the front. So he was looking directly at me.
I dropped my hand to my side and looked back at the sea. Why does it seem so endless?

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