70 | Wilting Moon

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Back at the palace, all of us were immediately sent to the King's quarters. Though, with everything else to tend to, Kuro decided to stay back and help out. They wouldn't even let me stay with Mamoru's body, so Kaede in advance followed where they took Mamoru for me. But that was the least of my concerns now, as something far worst will come my way.

It's difficult enough to lose someone as precious as my older brother, but it is the anticipation of facing his lover, Aika.
My stomach knotted, which kept me uneasy the entire time to even speak to the King himself. Everyone stared at me until the King spoke.

"To think that behind all of this destruction was a mere lady asking for his son's life. I find it rather tragic." The current King said a few seconds after he walked through the door.

But an awkward pause floated, making the mood difficult to approach. Karasuma stepped forward and relieved that blunder.

"My King, we are tending to the citizens as we speak. The other four of the Tempus Five are currently on that case in the towns. The rest of the mercenaries are being seized." Karasuma updated him.

The King nodded his head and swiftly looked over at me with longing eyes of sadness.

"Nagisa Shiota I sincerely apologize for all of this. My abhorrent behavior can never be forgiven, for I, have sinned against the original Queen." He dropped to his knees and sank his head down.

"F-Father!" Irina hurried over to him and knelt down beside him with concern. She glanced back at me, then at her father again.

"My, my old age is getting the best of me. It seems as though God gave me the opportunity to prove myself and I've failed. I can no longer rule this kingdom." He looked up with clouded eyes of despair.

"My King, what are you saying?" Karasuma spoke.

Irina was finally able to help his father up. But she knew she couldn't help him emotionally at the moment. Even I'm surprised, that he's spewing all of this nonsense right now. Why does it feel wrong and unsettling?

Karma and I exchanged glances and he smiled slightly, giving me assurance. I wonder what he thinks of this and what the current King is saying.

"As you can see. With our age ripening and the misfortunes bestowed upon my wife and I, we are no longer fit to rule this kingdom for the sake of people. And it is because of I, that Crescent Kingdom is in shambles." He lowered his head.

"Father..." Irina covered her expression with her hand, trying with all her might to retain her emotions.

There's chaos in her heart as well.

"You better eat those words." Karma spoke abruptly and everyone turned towards him and his spontaneous behavior.

"Karma..." I responded surprised.

"Yes, the kingdom is unstable, but we dealt with it did we not? Now you cast all the blame onto yourself and the Queen? It wasn't any of our faults, just injustice for some who thought differently. Citizens were injured, many killed but look at what's happened. We've pulled through it." Karma's voice travelled with confident inflection that gave me sudden chills.

I can tell that everyone else was also moved.

"You can kick the bucket and step down the thrown in two years. But until that day, you better keep your chin held high and make a difference. You and the Queen." His words rang in our ears and I felt all my worries slip away, even for a moment.

Karma has a way with situations alright. He's a natural born-leader. I admire him for it. I always am, aren't I?

It's true, we can't blame ourselves. Life happens and terrible events will rain over. However, it is how we approach it. And if we'll win or lose.

I may have lost my older brother and mother...but the sun still rises the next day. Pain and torment will still reside, but I know it will never be the same. I will have to learn gradually accept it.
I walked through the medical ward of the palace alone. It was quite busy with doctors and nurses running around, some leaving to head towards local hospitals in the towns and villages.

I didn't want Karma to be present when I talked to Aika. It's not that I don't want him there, I just don't know how it will be when I confess. For the sake of both of us, it would be better if the cries stayed contained within that room.

I opened the door and Aika was waiting at the window, keeping her eyes glued out.

"Aika." I said her name.


She turned her head and stopped short on his name. She realized that I wasn't him and quickly fixed herself, bowing her head.

"My Queen." She spoke trembling, "excuse me for my-."

"Aika, it's me. Nagisa. I'm back." I assured.

With a light glint, she spoke more confidently.

"Welcome back Nagisa." She smiled graciously.

We both sat down next to each other. I couldn't afford to face her when I told her the news. I know I'm running away from it, but I respect Aika. And I know, she doesn't want to expose herself to me.

"You've come to tell me that Mamoru isn't coming back, right?" She asked with sorrow in her voice, while staring at her hands held together.

"That is true." I spoke.

"I almost don't believe it really. I find it..." She trailed off and then started to quietly weep to herself. "I feel awful for thinking that he wouldn't come back to me, but am I wrong for not wanting my expectations to be crushed?" She shook her head and covered her mouth.

I know that she wants to scream. Scream her pain.
I took her hand and she suddenly flinched.

"He loved you dearly Aika. His last parting words was your name. When the angels took him away, he could only see you. Not the corruption in the world he lived in, but the pure light that you brought him. Aika, you are a spectacular woman."

She pressed her head on my chest and sobbed out loudly, holding my shoulders as she continued. With my emotions dried out already, it seemed that even I couldn't cease the real agony.

"I love Mamoru. I loved him." Her voice cracked.

I felt the slip of my own voice and I cried out.
But it felt like we were inclosed in our own world. The white walls that caged us in our mourning and the locked door that will stay locked.

We both loss something apart of us, that engraved their love onto our flesh. It will remain permanent, but remind us till the day we manage to forget. But we both know, that we can never forget.

Karmagisa: Our Fate Upon The CrownWhere stories live. Discover now