84 | S2: Diamond Sea

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After the maids packed our belongings the day before, it was today that we set off for the voyage to Scienion.
The skies were robin blue with no clouds in sight by the time we made it to the harbor. The smell of salty water tickled my nose and the ripples in the water hit against the rocks softly.

Nagisa stared off in amazement with the wind brushing his hair back. The sparkling water reflected in his eyes and I chuckled from how childlike he looked.

He looked over with a pout and questioned what was so funny.

"You look absolutely adorable, that's all." I crossed my arms and continued to grin.

"Creepy." He commented.

"Nagisa! They're ready for us to board." Kaede waved her arm while she was waiting at the base of the platform to get on the royal ship.

"Inspections were made three days prior, everything is clear." Karasuma said while he walked towards us.

His appearance was more approachable without his intimidating armor and such. Rather that, he wore the royal military uniform with his colorful decorations. The attire was similar to what Irina has worn in the past, especially when she attended diplomatic conferences with the gaijins.

Even Karasuma's gloves were white as snow without a flaw. It made it wonder if he's kept them unsoiled or they were perfectly new.

"This way."
Karasuma led Nagisa and I to the boarding platform and towards Kaede.

Once we made it, Kaede gleamed in excitement. She was also dressed appropriately along with Karasuma but her collar was red for her lower rank while Karasuma's was silverly grey.

"Good morning your majesties." She bowed her head.

For some reason her manner of formality really took a big turn. I scratched my head with confusion. Kaede noticed and giggled. She leaned in towards Nagisa and I and whispered,

"It would be troublesome if I were to address you the way that I have in foreign land. Might as get used to it again, correct?"

"You can't teach an old dog new tricks." Karasuma shook his head as if she never was formal to begin with.

"H-hey!" Kaede blurted but then realized her sudden outburst. "My apologies." She bowed her head.

"Why does it feel uncomfortable?" Nagisa awkwardly chuckled, "it's alright really." Nagisa allowed.

"For once, I cannot agree." Kaede smiled, "it is my duty to serve and the way I present myself is also a reflection of your leadership."

"Well spoken." I nodded my head, "it will be a good experience either way." I patted Nagisa's shoulder. "Anyways, shall we board?"
Upon the deck, the view itself was astonishing. Honestly, I think this was the first time for both Nagisa and I to be sailing on a giant royal ship like this one. The figurehead was a gold layer over the iron made dragon wrapped around a griffin.

Perhaps those represented the family crest of both Roka and Yua.

Along side ours was the Scienion vessel that was smaller by a little. Their ship will be escorting us there. Plus, Hazama told us that she would be traveling by herself upon the Scienion vessel with her people rather than us. A smart move? At least we won't have to confront her on the travel there.

"Welcome! It's an honor to meet you, My King, Queen." The Captain wore a dark navy blue coat with gold buttons and had a gray beard. "Welcome aboard to HMS Crescent." He bowed his head.

"Thank you." I acknowledged, "it's quite a beauty alright. I wonder where it has travelled."

The Captain smiled, "it's been a while since this lad took a swim." He commented. "But still strong as ever even if it's used every now and then. I think the current Crowns only used it once themselves. It's apparent when we never interact with other kingdoms."

"True." Karasuma agreed, "but with the revelations in foreign affairs, we may be visiting more often."

"Well, I hope so! It would be a waste not to work this lad." He chuckled.

"And how long will the voyage take? To Scienion?" Nagisa brought up.

"Two days and a half." The captain looked out at the sea, "but if all things go well, maybe less." As he referred to storms and other run in with other vessels. But I think it's a rarity to confront other foreign vessels.

"If you would pardon me, it's time to sail." He bowed his head and walked off towards the helm. Karasuma made eye contact with me and then followed him as well.

For us three, Kaede escorted us to our cabins as she already familiarized the ship earlier this morning. We past two dozen knights that were to travel with us but not step on Scienion land. The ship will be anchored for two days until the morning we leave.

"I hope that the rocking of the ship won't make me nauseous." Kaede joked, "or this will be utterly dreadful."

"Have you've been sailing before?" Nagisa wondered.

"Only when I was but a small child in a small boat. Other than that, no." She sighed, "we'll hope for the best." Kaede glanced around the cabin and examined it once more. "I'll be right next door and so will Karasuma. So if you guys need anything, just call." He added.

"Of course." Nagisa replied, "thank you."

Then Kaede placed her hands on her hips and stared at me.

"My King, a reminder that both Karasuma and I are on both sides of this room." She repeated.

"Yes, I understand." I said back confused.

"That's means these walls are next to each other. So if naughty acts are apart of your plans for the voyage, please do it quietly. I'd rather not feel awkward around Karasuma when it happens." She sighed.

"K-Kaede!" Nagisa blurted out with an embarrassment expression. His voice followed with a fluster, "that won't happen, rest assured!"

"What? What are you talking about?" I made eye contact with him and he inched away.
At first it was a joke to tease him but now I'm curious to know how silent Nagisa can be under that kind of situation. Should we test it out?

"You look like a pervert right now." Nagisa didn't look please when I didn't deny it. Or the fact that he knew I was going to pull something on him.

"Haha, don't worry Kaede. I'll make sure the both of you won't hear a thing." I assured.

"Great..." Kaede replied while crossing her arms, "I wish you luck Nagisa."

When she left the cabin, Nagisa scrunched his face at me in annoyance.

"You better not." He warned.

I approached him closer and whispered in his ears,
"you should prepare yourself Nagisa."

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