24 | Rising Sun

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When we all made it back to the palace, I asked Karasuma if I could review the knights, protectors of the kingdom. I was very serious when I asked and Karasuma knew it was bound to happen at this point.

Nagisa refused to come along and I don't blame him. Since the execution, he's been quiet a lot more or maybe it's been like that and I've never known. Lady Irina went on and accompanied him back to his chamber and I think it'll be that.

"Sir." Karasuma caught my attention and I had been stuck in my own world for a moment. I forgot that I was watching these men train and respond to their seniors at the call.

"I just don't want another man like Takaoka roaming within close quarters again." I said.

"We all don't want a man like that." Karasuma agreed, "if we find anything or anyone suspicious, we'll inform you and do our greatest to make sure the wellbeing of the kingdom is peaceful."

"I'll remember that. Thanks for your cooperation." I nodded my head. 

Karasuma bowed his head and went back to his men, calling attention. They all lined up, standing like stone with their chins raised. Some I knew were mentally weaker than most. But I believe that people can change...become stronger, and much more confident.
When I decided to return to my chamber, I don't know why Irina followed me. She didn't say anything either and followed me like a duckling.

When I closed the door, she instantly found a seat on my bed and made herself comfortable, but kept her manners.

"Oh, I think you've got mail." She pointed at the sealed letter on the table next to the window.

I walked over and lifted it up and saw the Shiota family emblem on the wax seal. I ran my finger over the snake and grabbed a letter opener. I took the letter out of the envelope and read the contents.

"From whom?" She asked.

"From my parents at home." I replied. "I think this is the first one since I came here." I added.

"The first you say? That's quite odd." Irina frowned and I walked over to her to continue reading it.

When I was finished, I dropped my hands a little down and Irina crosses her arms.

"Karma usually gets one every week from her mother alone. Sometimes two if his younger sister writes as well."

"Really? That often?" I looked up.

"Yes. He does have a doting mother, and a cute little sister." She replied, "and you? Doesn't your older brother write to you?"

I chuckled to myself quietly, but somewhat hurting.

"I wish that were the case." I played with the corner of the letter and almost wanted to crumble it up.

"So? What news?" She questioned, getting up from the bed. "What did they say?"

I paused before I spoke and placed my eyes on the paper once more.

"They want me the come back home for my mother's sake. She's fallen ill." I bit my lip and sighed, "you think that's possible?"

"Well I'm not sure. Do you think it's possible?" Irina tilted her head, as if we both knew the answer.

I slipped the letter into my breast pocket and made my decision. Even though part of me really wanted to escape the wrath of my very own mother. But again, if I weren't born I wouldn't have met Karma.

"Could you tell Karma for me? I know that he is busy and all." I asked.

"I'm not a mere messenger, go tell him yourself. Or he'll think you went out and disappeared again." She I placed her hands on her hips sassily.

"No mater where I go, he thinks I'm running away." I sighed, "very well, I'll tell him."

Irina nodded her head, she opened the chamber door and spoke to the palace guards.

"Please fetch a carriage, the young one is being sent off. Make sure the footman is present." She demanded.

"Yes, Princess." One of the guards marched off.

Irina turned around, "it's a chilly evening, be sure to dress warmly." She pointed out rather kindly.

"Yes." I nodded, "I will go find Karma now." I walked passed Princess Irina and she suddenly grabbed my arm.

"He should be in the knight's quarters by now."

"Thank you." I appreciated her always helping me and began to wonder what her life is like as the daughter of the current crowns.
When Karasuma led me into the knight's quarters, it was a giant area that included the half of the palace's armory with the Red Halls. Swords, shield, armor, any equipment possible. Some were off duty and just sat on wooden benches, playing card games.

"I assure you that when calls are made, they respond quickly." Karasuma made clear.

"I trust that." I replied.


A voice spooked me from behind and I turned around to see Nagisa out of breath, as he continued to jog over.

"Is something wrong?" Karasuma stepped forward.

"Nagisa?" I checked on him.

"Nothing threatening, but I must go home. My mother is ill and I must return." He explained.

"Your mother?" I asked.

"Yes." He answered.

"Is the carriage prepared?" Karasuma poked in.

"Yes, Princess Irina has already called for them." Nagisa nodded his head, "I must go now." He added.

"Surely you must know that I'm not letting you go alone." I nudged his arm.

"By now, I know." He slightly smiled.

"Three palace guards." I said.

"B-but that's too many." He rejected.

"Should I raise the number?" I raised a brow.

"I'll speak no more." Nagisa firmly replied.

Both Nagisa and I after that exchange just glanced at each other quietly. That was until Karasuma broke it, clearing his throat.

"Ahem. You shouldn't make your mother wait." He said, "Hurry now." Karasuma bowed his head.

"Y-Yeah, I should go." Nagisa agreed.

"For how long?" I brought up.

"Two days or maybe three days, I'm not so sure myself, but I'll write." Nagisa assured.

"You're awfully a baby close to the womb?" I teasingly pointed out his care for his mothers wellbeing. They must be close if Nagisa is hectic to leave.

Nagisa looked away and sighed, "it would be a dream." His despondent expression left me in wonder as he moved away from me.

My heart ached suddenly to his needs of departure, but I couldn't dare to show myself in front of these me .

Nagisa gleamed, ignoring his feels at the moment.

"I'll see you soon Karma."
And he left.

Karmagisa: Our Fate Upon The CrownWhere stories live. Discover now