123 | S2: Pink Laterns

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I leaned against the chair in my office of the Red Halls and thought about how I was going to persuade Aguri to leave her home for the surprise. Surely, I will have to rely on Hana so that she can take care of Tsukirou while Aguri is reunited with Duke Kuro.


Snapped out of my thoughts, I noticed Terasaka peeking his head through the door.

"Yes?" I sat up straight and looked ahead.

"Equipment is all set up. I think the other specialists are heading to the training ground and shooting range now." He said.

"Thanks, I'll be out shortly." I acknowledged his update and he closed the door.

With a sigh of contemplation, I rubbed my temples with my hands.
I guess I'll have to deal with it later for now. With the impending coronation drawing near, the military is preparing itself. And this is solely because the Tempus Five members are making their appearances. Everybody wants to be recognized so it's understandable that more trainings would be held for those working towards higher positions in our ranks.

I slightly cracked a smile with a hint of laughter escaping. If someone were watching, they would be surely confused. In any case, I just thought about how far I've come since my scouting days. The fact that there are so many boys and girls pursuing the same path I dreamed of when I was little, it makes me happy but somewhat depressed.
"Have you made arrangements?" Nagisa asked me when I was walking with him in the palace.

"It's coming together." I replied, "I just hope my sister doesn't get mad at me."

"I think she'll appreciate it." Nagisa commented, "she's lucky to have someone like you around."

"How is it on your end?" I wondered while taking a sip of tea that he offered.

"The days are rapidly ending before I know it. It's almost frightening to know that Karma and I will be soon crowned." He sighed while scratching the back of his head.

"I believe in both of you." I patted his back, "we'll both do our best!"

Nagisa chuckled while nodding his head. Once we made it back to his chamber room, he stopped me before I left completely.


"Yes?" I glanced back.

"Just wanted to let you know that Dame Hayami and Sir Horibe will be coming back tomorrow." He spoke, "don't know if that will serve any purpose to you but-." Nagisa looked away with an awkward pause, "never mind."

"Thanks for letting me know. In any case, I'll keep you updated about my plans." I bowed my head and Nagisa smiled.

On my way back to the Red Halls, I thought to myself about whether or not me knowing that they are arriving tomorrow was significant. Unless Nagisa thought that Dame Hayami's unique relationship with me stirred him.

Well, whatever it is, I'll make the most of it. Dame Hayami is busy herself so when she makes plans to meet with me, I'm overwhelmingly delighted!
A few hours before sunset, Aguri and I took a carriage to the secret destination point where we would meet up with Duke Kuro. It took me a lot of convincing to get her out of the house but fortunately Hana took the cue and helped.

"A girls night out." I lied, "it will be fun."

"Akari, this is very unlike you." Aguri touched my shoulder, "is everything alright?"

I bit my lower lip, "no." I replied, "I'm at a point in my life where I need to give back." I couldn't help the solemness from leaking out as I spoke. But evidently these were the truth of my lies.

"What are you rambling on about? Give back? You're the most selfless person I know who's loyal to the kingdom." She nudged my arm.

"Yeah, that's all I've been doing." I sighed, "but I think it's time to give back to my family." I glanced up and Aguri seemed touched by my words.

With a growing smile, she embraced me.

"This is what I mean. No matter what you do, you're always thinking about others. You can be selfish too once in a while."

"I suppose." I replied with a light tease, "but seeing others happy makes me happy. Tonight is your night Aguri, I hope you'll engrain this memory deep within your heart."

"Anything you do for me will always be kept." Aguri pinched my cheek and giggled. "But why am I the only one dressed up for the occasion?"

"My apologies, it's just that I feel more comfortable in this uniform. I was never fond of dresses and jewelry back then." I brought up.

"It was apparent when you would come home with stains and rips. Mother would scold you for hours and I remember that all too well." Aguri and I laughed together as she gently held my hand.

"Things were significantly different back then. Good and bad memories." I commented. "But now is not the time to depressingly reminisce about those old days. We are here now."

"Well spoken." Aguri agreed.

By the time we arrived in the outskirts of Rosemary, I gazed upon the mountains reflecting into the glistening lake. The moon was even painted beautifully in the water and lit up in the night.

"Breathtaking." Aguri commented, "I've never been around here in these parts of Rosemary before." She brought up. "I feel quite calm right now like my heart is at ease. My worries depleting as I keep breathing."

Watching Aguri walk closer to the lake, I noticed Duke Kuro walking up and next to me. He touched my shoulder and smiled lightly with gratitude.

"To even make this possible, I'm simply speechless. I thought I would be confident to meet her once again, but I'm utterly terrified and nervous." He explained with a soft voice.

"Take those butterflies in your stomach and embrace the feeling. Be nervous, be terrified, but more importantly be you. My sister will be appreciative one way or another."

I stepped back and bowed my head towards Duke Kuro.

"I'll be taking my leave for now. Please take care of my sister." I gleamed.

As quietly as I could, I snuck back to the carriage and signaled to the coachman. He lent me a horse and a lamp that Duke Kuro used to get here and I rode off.

With one glance back, I saw their shadows.
I wasn't sure what they're talking about nor the expression on Aguri's face when he appeared before her but I knew one thing. Love can never be forgotten even if time strips it away.

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