77 | Rose Thorns

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After those two entered the palace, I couldn't keep up-right at all. My knees collapsed and I fell on the ground, my head becoming hazy.
What's happening? Am I waking up?

Everything around me morphed into other places around the kingdom, memories of those two replaying, and even the static sounds that kept me unfocused.

Soon enough, everything went dark.
At first I was skeptical about doing this to Nagisa while he was sleeping, but I couldn't resist at all. His sweet taste that I longed for despite doing it the last night.

To be honest, I was turned on when I was helping Nagisa out before. The idea got to the best of me and now I'm taking advantage of him while he's sleeping.
Though, I wonder if he'll wake up if I do this.

I was already inside of him, thrusting slowly but not abruptly. If I happen to wake him up in an instant, he will definitely punch me.
Without needing to prep, moving around was not hard at all, especially when his body was used to it from last night.

A few minutes in, his shallow breaths got louder and even his calm facial expression became tense. Even if he's dreaming, his body is reacting to me
I saw his hand slightly twitch and him groaning awake. Though, that didn't keep me from stopping.

"K-Karma...?" His eye's opened gradually but he didn't notice the situation he was in.

I continued to move.

"Karma?!" He jolted and let out a cute moan. Sort of like a soft little kitten.

"Sorry Nagisa, but just hang in there for me." I set down and kissed his chest.

When I looked up, I gave him a teasing wink. The best part of this was witnessing so lewd Nagisa can actually be. He couldn't keep still and voice echoed through my ears.
Ah, so this is his answer.
By the time I finished, Nagisa avoided me once he got out of the shower. Not a single word, not even a glance. That's to be expected right?

"Come on Nagisa." I walked behind him as he refused to keep the same stride as me. "It was the only way to wake you up." I explained. "Didn't it feel good?"

As I followed him around the corner to the white marble split staircase, Yuriko was also heading down stairs.

"Good morning Karma, good morning
Nagisa." She looked at me and nodded her head at Nagisa. "Did you just wake up?" She tilted her head, "you both left me alone with mother and father at breakfast." She sighed.

"As you see, we were both exhausted." I said.

Nagisa walked down the stairs and gestured for Yuriko. She shyly walked down herself and little confused.

"Won't you join me in the garden?" He asked.

"Nagisa?" I called him and Yuriko looked over at me. She mouthed the world, what's wrong?

But before I could mouth anything back, Nagisa gently took her hand and I could see his partial expression. A glowing beam of a smile.

"I would love to, my Queen." She giggled. "Are you sure that you're not hungry?"

"Wait..." I felt left out from the activity as they both heads down stairs.

"I can always ask for something later." Nagisa replied.

Soon enough, they both made it down stairs and headed out.
I've really done it this time.
"Yuriko, if you don't mind me asking. How is it that you chose amongst your pool? How does it normally go?" I asked.

We sat in around the gazebo for at least ten minutes already talking about the weather and such, just the two of us. But talking about trivial things can get bothersome and mundane.

The wind was tapping against our clothes lightly and the sun speckled across our skin. She looked over and smiled.

"As you must know when it comes to marriage amongst the aristocracy, it's the parents who gather the worthy individuals." She started.

Rarely does nobles marry within nobles.

"The ones I met during the Bells of the Saints, were from the upper middle class. Intellectuals, top of their class, children of well-ranked military officials, bishops and priests, and relatives or families of the Tempus Five." She explained.

And rarely does peasants marry into nobility because there wasn't necessarily a community of them in the first place. The Crowns before the current ones, probably three generations ago helped lift the poor off their feet. Despite many living in villages, they were comfortable so to speak.

I nodded my head as she caressed her braid sitting on her shoulder. I already know about the process, but I want to hear it from her. How does she actually perceive it?

She paused and slightly moved her mouth.
Yuriko is someone who chooses her words wisely and not many are as cautious as she is.

"Anyone who marries into nobility takes the name of the noble house. That goes for both genders. Whoever I choose in the end will have to take the Akabane name and will have to give up theirs." She slightly giggled.

"What is it?" I questioned as she changed her expression.

"It's nothing, I apologize." She gleamed again, "it's just that it's amusing for me now. That I would complain to myself that I live an oppressed life when it's actually far from the truth. I can marry anyone, as long as they're approved."

"Then, are you happy with your choice?"

Ultimately, I was afraid to even ask. I guess it's good for her to let things out. Even if it's doesn't help the actual situation, getting Yuriko to explain the process might make things a little more sense than the beginning. Though, she is a young girl so of course she would feel a bit lost.

"Yes." She bowed her head, "and when the time comes, it would be a great honor for you to bless the both of us."

"I would be happy to." I took her hand and kissed the top. "Have you found your resolve?"

"It was never lost, my Queen. It's always been there and I haven't taken the opportunity to acknowledge it." She stood up from her seat and grabbed my hand. "Why, we can't stay here for too long. Let's go look at the camellias." She suggested.

"Are those your favorite?" I raised a brow.

"They're beautiful, but I'm one to like daisies. The common flowers. Though I know for a fact, that both you and my brother adore camellias." She brought up.

"You're a unique lady." I complemented, "I know most girls would say roses." I pointed out.

"Well, roses are elegant but I feel at ease with daisies. You see my Queen, with a rose you're bound to be pricked by thorns. For such beauty, you risk a drop of blood."

Both Yuriko and I made it to the rose bush wall farther back in the garden, which essentially enclosed the garden like a rectangle.
She lightly touched the rose petal.

"Call me a baby, but why should I sacrifice a part of me, for a brisk moment of charm?"

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