91 | S2: Taste of Life

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In my dreams I witness Yua playing with Iris in the garden of the palace. Yua wore a cream pink dress with a white flowers while her daughter made a flower crown for her.

"Come Nagisa." Yua motioned her hand for me.

Iris looked over at me and didn't say a word. At first I was hesitant to go towards them but Iris smiled brightly and ran over to me.

"Would you like to play with us?" Iris pulled on my sleeve. Her eyes glistening with youth and life.

"Yes, I would love to." She took my hand it held it with the strength of her little grip. At last I was sitting next to Yua on the fresh grass.

"My dear, the last we spoke was a few days ago." She brought up, "in those few days, many things have happened back at the Kingdom."

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"The piece of my soul that resided in the current Queen no longer exists. I am all yours now." She touched my face. "She can no longer see nor feel my presence any longer."

"How did this happen? We're not of age yet-."

"Shh, my child. She came to me and asked for her life. A quiet life." Yua despairingly spoke as she continued to touch my face. "With so much that has happened in the Kingdom, I let her slip. She's free. Therefore, once you two return to Crescent Kingdom, you'll have your coronation."

"Why, it's not that simple is it? Can that even be possible? A year earlier than the dated coronation?"

"I'm not sure at all." She took her hand back and laid her head on my shoulder. "I can't tell what the future holds, I'm not sure what this will cause."

Iris had also finished a daisy flower crown and placed it on my head before she cuddled between the both of us.

"When I took my life long ago to be with my precious daughter, Roka stayed and ruled until his death. I waited for him to meet us and he suffered alone. When I thought we would all finally be together as a family, our souls were grabbed and shoved into the soils of the kingdom."

While she talked, the sun began to set and the skies turned pinkish-orange. The doves settled and perched themselves on the water fountain to the left. And Iris laid with her eyes closed on my lap.

"When Roka ruled, he was able rebuild the noble class. He was worried that if there was no heir, it would create an unbalance of power and peace that he try so hard to bring. Unfortunately, Roka died due to sickness and stress before he could find a worthy heir."

As she spoke, I knew where this story was going. The first through my ears, never written in any books, nonexistent in the royal archives. When Yua speaks her past I can't help but to listen. The lost memory of the Original monarchs.

"A week after Roka passed, four women gave birth amongst the noble class and only two of them were born at the same time. The wet nurses noticed crescent birthmarks and soon word got around, making it to the church."

"And they thought it was a sign?" I asked.

"Yes, they suspected that it was us contacting them. They raised both the children in the palace for some time and deemed them as the Reincarnations. When the girl turned fourteen, I woke up in the chamber room on the bed. It wasn't my body but the girl's. I was able to move around and she saw me."

"And that's how the tradition came to be? Who managed the Kingdom when there was no king?"

"Why, it was my dear cousin." She giggled. "He was also a teacher for the children kept at the palace for many years."

"The Kuro head?" I questioned.
Maybe that explains why the family is very special to the Kingdom, they've been around since the beginning too.

"Yes and that was when everything fell into place. If I existed as a spirit, then it must of been the same for Roka. I felt his presence and I knew if it kept us together like this, I wouldn't have asked for anything else."
When I woke up, Karma's sleeping face was before me. I inched back a little and sat up on the bed to notice that I was shirtless.
I lifted the covers to make sure I had pants on but even those were stripped from me.

I sighed and stared out at the balcony window. Of course, it was the middle of night. The room was illuminated by the immense white moon anchored, along with the stars.

"Can't sleep?" Karma touched my hand and kept his position on the bed. He had his eyes slightly open when he spoke.

"You heard about the news right?" I looked down.

"Yua is a reliable woman." He joked as he wrapped his arms around my torso, "yes." He replied.

"I'm not sure if I'm ready for that kind of power once I get back." I confessed, "there's so much I don't know about right now."

"It'll be fine. You have me remember? It's just a year earlier than expected, it will be fine." Karma assured.

"But everything is changing, what if this really is the end of-."

"Even if it is, is it wrong to travel a new path? One that's never been travelled on? One that hasn't been overused and trampled on?"

"Even so, I'm scared. If we break tradition, what will happen to the Kingdom? Where will it go from us-."

Suddenly, Karma pushed me on the bed and I saw the shadow of his face. His eyes pierced into my soul as he touched the side of my face.

"I'm scared too." He said with a honest tone, "but we'll do manage together, like we've done in the past. What if we break the wheel? What happens when Roka and Yua finally get to live in peace? What will happen to Koro-sensei who has been living amongst us humans ever since the death of Yua? I'm not sure but we just have to wait and see it."

"Always acting composed." I sighed and used my elbow to help support me up.

I kissed Karma on the lips and laid back down.

"I'm sorry, I worry too much." I apologized.

"You've been through a lot, you're worried that if something changes, or is tampered with, people will get hurt." Karma laid down facing up at the ceiling and held my hand. "If there is death, it will be on my hands."

Karma rolled over and faced me once more.
"Let's write a new history. You've seen those old dusty books in the ancient library haven't you? Let's not be another volume, a simple edition to the collection. Our history will be plastered on a wall for the future to see, our story encased by a glass kept upon a high level only reachable for those of Gods."

Karma kissed my cheeks and hugged me in close.

"While the change happens now, we will be remembered."

Karmagisa: Our Fate Upon The CrownWhere stories live. Discover now