133 | S2: Dawn of Tomorrow

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And atlas, the special occasion we've all been waiting for is simply one day away. I find it surreal actually that this is happening despite the fate sent upon us at birth. I'm glad to have met Nagisa and fall in love with him. And to have him by my side for the rest of my life, I simply cannot explain this soft feeling in my chest.

"My, are you even listening to me?" Princess Irina tapped the baton on the board that had the layout of the church's interior.

"Yes yes, you've must of explained this part more than a hundred times already." I spoke.

"Karma, be kind." Nagisa nudged my arm, "clearly the Princess is stressed enough." He rolled his eyes.

"This has to be perfect." Irina sighed, "if not, it will be written in the archives as an utter fail and embarrassment. The transfer of power is a big ordeal if you haven't noticed."

"Don't fret so much. You have a team of planners and people who are better equipped in these ceremonies, why don't you rely on them too?" Nagisa questioned.

"You don't understand. They are doing what they need to do. So far everything has been catered and set up for tomorrow. My job is to make sure the both of you are at your best with no flaws in sight." She explained.

"But you're the Princess, why is that you have that responsibility?" I wondered. "No offense of course."

"Simply because it's my duty as the daughter of the current Crowns. Even though it's not a tradition or mandatory on my part, I want to be involved as much as I can. It is a historic event after all. Wouldn't you say so?" She asked of us.

"You must be the most hyperactive, busy-body royal ever to exist." I commented, "not even the princes from the last generation did as much as what you're doing now."

"Why, you dare compare me to simple men?" Irina brushed her golden locks back and subtly pursed her lips. It did made Nagisa crack a smile too.

By then I understood her passion. But the stress and dark circles under her eyes didn't make us feel convinced that she was doing okay.

"What are you staring at?" Irina crossed her arms as born Nagisa and I glanced at each other and slightly shrugged. "I'll have you know that I'm perfectly fine."

"Did you read my mind of something?" I teased and the Princess clicked her tongue with an agressive approach as if she was going to bite any second.

"Another thing. I was going to disregard it because both of your's special situation, but not talking about it will only be a disservice." Irina brought up to change the subject.

"And what could that be?" Nagisa asked while I leaned in interested as well. "I'm strangely nervous now."

"It's about the wedding gown." Irina uncrossed her arms and sat down in the seat next to the board. "Here's where the tradition comes in. It's written in the archives that the Original Queen's wedding gown was sewn by the finest seamstresses of their time who was actually the daughter of family that protected and housed the Original King during King Kurai's reign." Irina explanation amazed both Nagisa and I as we didn't think there was much to the meaning.

"The gown laced with thin gold and glorified with details that make you wonder if an angel had touched it." Irina closed her eyes as if she was trying to imagine the description that were only written in words. "And of course, that family is one of the few that have survived all this time, generations after generations creating wedding gowns for noblewomen and the Queen especially."

"Must be significant for whoever gets to create a gown for the Queen." I brought up, "a rare of occasion of its own."

"And that is why I bring up the wedding gown." Irina looked over at Nagisa quietly. "The family was devastated when they heard about the true gender of the Queen last year."

"I feel attacked..." Nagisa inched away, "it's not like I had a choice."

"Unexpected turn of events if I must say." Irina sighed, "that morning I saw you when you were born, I was extremely confused. The birthmark on your chest that signified the reincarnation of the Queen but the genitals of the opposite gender."

"I'm not sure how to reply to that." Nagisa raised a brow and seemed like he was uncomfortable.

"It's better if you don't." I whispered to him.
"Would it better that he wore the dress." I asked Princess Irina.

All of a sudden, her eyes flared as if I said something preposterous. And it seemed like she was going to clobber me with that raised clenched fist if her's but she managed to settle down.

"What is it?" I questioned.

"Ugh." She rolled her eyes, "that is impossible at this rate. The wedding is tomorrow and you think a wedding gown can be sewn together in less than twenty-four hours? Even less than that?!"

"I apologize if I struck a delicate nerve." I inched back cautiously. "I'm not one to be well versed in the fine art of threads and fabric."

"What I mean from this whole thing is that there is no glamorous white-laced grown. It takes around one or two years for the completion of such a dress. And due to our circumstances, I had to speak with the family to ensure that the suit for Nagisa shall be one of a kind."

"Why didn't you mention this before?" Nagisa leaned in. "I feel bad..."

"Why, it's like you said. You couldn't help it. Even if I had told you earlier, your opinion wouldn't have changed anything anyways." Irina nodded her head, "but worry not, they've been working on your suits for the wedding since your last birthday. You both don't seem to have grown that much, but maybe Karma has but we can tailor his with no issue."

Nagisa crossed his arms and sighed.

"I will make a formal apology to them myself. It's the least I can do." Nagisa said.

"Why must you apologize?" I patted his shoulder, "it's not your fault remember?"

Irina exchanged glanced with the both of us. Her silence made us wonder what was on her mind but she was kind enough to share her thoughts.

"Honestly, the more I look at the both of you and acknowledge your existence, the more I notice the hard truth. The truth that traditions really aren't meant to last forever and that in time change will come whether we like it or not. I must say, this is a turning point in our kingdom's history." Irina stood up and fixed her dress.

"It leaves a bitter taste but not so much." She added.

"And what do you mean by that?" I wondered.

Both Nagisa and I stood up as well as she headed towards the door.

"I'm just glad to be apart of it." She explained. "I think everyone else is too."

"Why, aren't you getting sentimental?" Nagisa lightly chuckled, "but hearing that from you makes me more confident."

"It's reassuring." I agreed with him as I reached for his hand to hold.

Irina opened the door and the guards at the door bowed their heads.

"Well? Come and join me. I'll even invite Karasuma and Lady Kayano while we're at it."

"What for if I may ask?" Nagisa wondered.

Irina gleamed and extended both her arms out, and her hands reaching for ours.

"Let's enjoy ourselves to the fullest and celebrate for the future that embarks tomorrow."

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