117 | S2: Grace of God

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Accompanying Aika in the garden, we spoke of trivial topics to pass the time. Essentially, I learned more about her than I ever did in one setting. For instance, her favorite fruits are blueberries and strawberries. She loves long walks in the evening where fireflies are most prominent. And once when she was but a small girl, she broke her arm when she fell out of a tree that she was climbing.

"I recall that you have a younger sister?" Aika brought up, "are you close?"

"I would like to say that we are. If anything, I dote on her more than she relies on me." I sighed.

"A pestering older brother indeed." Aika giggled and watched as the butterflies fluttered around.

"You don't have any siblings of your own?" I wondered. 

"Unfortunately, I am the only child. But before I was born, my mother had a miscarriage." She explained with a gloomy smile. "It's just my father and I."

"If it's too much for you, you don't have to answer but where is your mother now? I never hear about her." I brought up.

"It's quite alright." She glanced over at me, "my mother passed when I was very young and because I don't remember much of her, I'm not relatively sensitive to it."

"I see." I nodded my head, "for Nagisa and yourself, I can't imagine how it must feel to not have a maternal figure growing up."

"I don't feel particularly different. I'm not sure if I would be a better person if I wasn't raised the way I was with a single parent. I think that goes for Nagisa as well." Aika reached out and one of the butterflies landed on her finger. With the silence between us, Aika closed her eyes and took a deep breath in.

"Are you doubting yourself?" I spoke.

She opened her eyes and gazed over at me. The mix of uncertainty and embarrassment bled through her expression but she stayed composed.

"Is it telling? I thought I was able to mask it but I guess I can't get anything past the both of you." The butterfly on her finger fluttered away and she stood up from her seat.

"I will manage. Thank you for your concern and all that you have done for me."

The wind blew past us and her hair waved along with her dress. She was indeed an astounding woman on the outside and no one could tell how much suffering she has been enduring alone.

"Karma! Aika!"
I turned my head to see Nagisa waving his arm in the distance and a few other people behind him. When I stood up, Aika walked next to me.

"They must be Nagisa's relatives." Aika pointed out, "I've met the eldest once when my father visited their estate."

"Is that so?" I raised my arm up and waved back.

By the time they made it to us, Aika bowed her head.

"Lovely morning isn't it?" She greeted an unfamiliar man next to Nagisa.

"I'm glad you're doing well. Please send my regards to your father." The man with navy short hair acknowledged Aika with a friendly smile.

"Karma, this is my Uncle. He and his family will be taking over as the head of the Shiota family from now on."

"Glad to finally meet you, my King." He stuck out his hand and I shook it. "These are my sons, Reiji and Kota."

Nagisa's uncle stood to the side and behind him was someone who looked similar to Mamoru, but a bit younger. Even though we were the same height, I could tell that he was older than me. The little one who was slightly shorter than Nagisa.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, my King. I am looking forward to working with you from now on." He greeted with a firm handshake.

"Reiji, it's been awhile. How are you?" Aika wondered with her glowing complexion.

"I've been well Miss Aika." Reiji stuttered his words and diverted his gaze with a visible face of embarrassment.

"Well aren't you timid." Kota loudly exposed him. "My apologies Miss Aika, he gets shy around women." In that moment, Nagisa covered Kota's mouth right away.

I raised a brow and made eye contact with Reiji who wasn't denying it.

"Isn't that troublesome." I commented with a slight laugh, "nothing to be ashamed of."

"Karma...you're not helping." Nagisa sighed.

"Hopefully working with other nobles will build his confidence." Nagisa's Uncle patted his son's back, "he has much to learn, but I can guarantee to you my King that he will be of use."

"Very well." I nodded my head, "Reiji, I know this a sudden call of your duty but I do hope you'll come to enjoy it."

"It's much more complex than simply enjoying it. I have my responsibilities and obligation to the Crown, nothing more." Reiji tipped his head respectfully. "I will do my best."

"Way to act cool." Kota managed to slip out with an eye roll.

"Kota, that's your older brother." Nagisa sighed. "Please excuse his behavior."

"I find it amusing. Kota, how old are you?" I asked.

"I am twelve, my King." Kota answered. By the looks of him, he had spunk and attitude, yet he was oozing with charisma as such a young age. Though, something was odd about him.

"I have a sister who is two years older than you. Perhaps you two should be acquainted." I brought up.

"Isn't that nice Kota?" Nagisa nudged his arm, "it will be good to meet new people especially at your age."

Kota made a slight concerned expression but brushed it away quickly.

"I would gladly but you must know that I am sickly, my King. I wouldn't want to burden your sister."

With a face of concern, I looked over at Nagisa who patted Kota's head.

"He has weak lungs." Nagisa informed me, "but that shouldn't be a problem Kota. Yoriko is a kind girl who would be friends with you regardless of your health."

"Is that so? Then I would be happy to meet her whenever time allows it." He bowed his head again.

While I thought Nagisa and Aika would be greatly troubled by their losses, I was totally wrong. When Aika and I spoke about their mothers, I realized that I was insensitive to the matter.
All this time I thought Nagisa only had his father now to make up the brokenness of his family. But that's not the case, he has relatives that have always been around and friends that he considers as his family too.

I have much to learn, don't I?
I am a person who has everything and points out the lacking parts in others when I have flaws myself.

Nagisa smiled at me which caught my attention. My heart raced and ached for forgiveness.

In front of them all, I wanted to tell Nagisa that I love him. No matter how many times I will say it, it will never become dull.


Nagisa's face burned bright red and I broke out of my daze of just staring at him. The others slightly looked the other way with held in chuckles and grins.
Did I accidentally say it out loud without realizing it?

"Stop teasing me." Nagisa disappointingly looked at me with a frown and crossed his arms with displeasure.

Taken aback, I awkwardly laughed.
I guess I did.

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