51 | Skin and Bones

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I left Mellow Orchard and headed towards the town Magnolia Landing next. Around here, everyone else seemed unfazed by the damage. Instead, they were more focused on rebuilding and coming together.

Similar to the village of Sage Hill, this town has the easing hospitality that you couldn't help but feel welcomed, no matter who you were and what you did.

If there was one word you could describe the general people, it would be integrity.

I decided on my own accord to walk around, and make myself less noticeable. I tended my horse to the hitching post open for use, and restrained her there for the time being. Though, she really didn't need to restrained completely, as she is obedient.
Plus, no one would dare try to steal my horse. Especially if she's from the palace.

"I'll be right back." I spoke to her and she neighed.
As I left the hitching post, I made my way towards a small pub that wasn't torn down from the destruction.

It wouldn't hurt to get a drink or two before continuing my search. Plus, many men gather around at this time, especially in pubs. I could get some valuable information if I stay.

When I entered I accidentally bumped into someone.
He was a tall man with black hair and a young expression. He wore a clean attire and his face spoke all. Charisma? He seemed to be around the Karasuma and Princess Irina's age.

"My apologies." He nodded his head and two other men followed out with him, while one of them held the door for me when they saw my arm.

"Thank you." I took the door and placed my own weight on it. As I was about to slip through, I heard the same voice again.

"If you don't mind me asking. Have we've met before?" He asked.

"Huh?" I turned my head confused.

"We must be going now. The carriage is awaiting." One of his men directed his hand the other way. For a normal looking fellow, I didn't think he was wealthy.

"Oh, alright then." He smiled and glanced back at me, "never mind that, carry on." He shortly waved and went on his way.

Hm. I wonder what that was all about. Maybe we did meet before, or he just happened to see me training along with my men.

I can't remember all the people that I pass on the daily.

When I entered, there was a few tables here and there. Mainly the bar was filled with many older men, drunk and slobbering over jokes.

I found an open seat amongst them and sat down. They all took a glance and saw my uniform and whistled away without making eye contact.

"An Ale for the little miss." One of them spoke to the bar tender for me and winked.

"Thank you mister." As a drink was slid down the bar table towards me and I caught it with my open hand. The crisp bubbles and reddish sunset liquid that looked coldly welcoming. I took a sip and my body couldn't help but feel refreshed.

"What is a palace lady like yourself, doing in these neck of the woods? They all steered their attention towards me.

"Collecting information." I replied taking another, longer sip. "Say, you don't happen to know of any rumors walking about, do you?" I raised a brow at them.

"Why of course there's been rumors sinking around. Why, that's what we were just talking about. You know about those fires and loud bangs? They were all started by Molotov cocktails. Found them bottles lying around everywhere when we were cleaning up." They explained. "Bet you palace folks already knew that."

Surprisingly I didn't know any of the specifics. I'm not a usual knight that patrols the areas. Instead I've been stuck training my men on palace grounds all these times.
I sighed and drank the ale.

"Say, you could question those boys that often come in here. Around 18 years old, like yourself I presume."

Though I was 17, they were not wrong about the estimate.

"Oh, finally ratting on them aren't yeah? Once high authorities come along, you decide to be of some help." The man with a beard slapped the back of the younger blond's neck, the one who just spoke.

"What do you mean?" Their odd way of talking sparked an interest. Maybe this can lead to something.

"Well you see. These local boys come in, a group of five. Talking about the news at the kingdom quite a lot. If you came here earlier, you would of seen them. Well long story short, they were talking about someone they know that got thrown in the dungeon. I don't know if that helps but, they were also carrying around them badges made for servants at the palace."

"I'd be worried if they're caught up in something bigger." A larger burlier man with veins popping on his neck commented.

All I know that a young man had framed Nagisa. If these people have connections with this person, I could dig something up eventually. And if these attacks and Nagisa correlate, then everything would most likely add up.

If you put the pieces together, these attacks inflicted distress and chaos. The fact that everyone had just settled down after figuring out their next Queen was a male, would be a strategic move to create catastrophe.

"You okay there miss?" One of them spoke and knocked me out of my deep thought. Well, it didn't really matter at this point. I just need to find those boys.

"Yes I am." I chugged the rest of my ale and heavily slammed the glass on the bar table. "Tell me, where can I find them?" I questioned.

"Why, we'll take you to them. Can't have a miss like you confronting five men. Just because you're from the palace, doesn't mean they possess the same kind of respect."

I made a good choice to come to Magnolia Landing second. These people are actually quite friendly and helpful, or maybe it's because they're afraid of me. Whatever it is, all I know is that Magnolia Landing has their own pride, just as the Original Queen was harbored her since she was young.
I guess they would do anything if it's for the sake of the kingdom.

Could you imagine a whole town back then, keeping a noble safe from harms way for all those years? Not a single slip or a whisper? I can confidently say that those values have been passed down for generations.

Of course, the Original Queen's survival and taking on the thrown later on, impacted many of the people who protected her here.

It would be nice to see a kingdom back in orderly fashion. One where there was no sorrowful tears, but tears from delight and joy.
But we all know that, that kind of life is untouchable, unreachable, and far from the natural.

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