120 | S2: Reaping Love

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When I said I needed their help, I didn't think they would immediately send a messenger bird to Duke Kuro to meet on the same day.

"My heart cant seem to take this." I sighed while slumping in my seat in the one drawing rooms in the palace.

"Fortunately, Kuro agreed to come even though we have a Noble Council meeting." He spoke while taking a sit across from me, "he's a strange man, I'm not really sure what he finds important when he said he would graciously come here instead. Then again, we did excuse him from it."

"Exactly what did the letter entail?" I wondered.

"Not to worry, I simply just asked for his presence here at the palace. Obviously, I mentioned that you've requested his audience for an important discussion." Nagisa explained.

"I can't thank you enough." I bowed my head, "you and Karma are too kind. I am in your debt."

"Nonsense, we're friends aren't we?" Nagisa smiled and I almost broke down in joyous tears. I'm grateful that I can ever call them my dearest friends.

"Will you join me?" I questioned.

"Well, it is a private matter." Nagisa brought up, "and for Duke Kuro, it may be a sensitive topic."

"I understand. Then I'll relay what he means to share afterwards." I nodded my head.

"Karma and I will be attending the Noble Council meeting at the Eye of Thrones. So we'll be back shortly after." He explained.

"Yes of course."


The door cracked open and the attending palace guard spoke through,

"My Queen, Lady Kaede, Duke Kuro has arrived."

Nagisa stood up and so did I. Then, Duke Kuro walked in with a pleasant smile that didn't harbor confusion for the sudden call.

"I was surprised by the letter." He began, "did you miss me that much?" He chuckled while shaking my hand.

"It's good to see the both of you again." He greeted us.

"I will be taking my leave now. Your absence at the meeting won't be detrimental, so take your time here. Karma and I will be only introducing the new members, you have all the time to meet them later on." Nagisa explained.

"Very well." Duke Kuro acknowledged.

Once Nagisa left, we both sat down with slight awkwardness between us. I stared at the table with the teacups and pot of freshly brewed tea. There was already a poured glass on a saucer on the table between us. Kuro took notice and reached for it.

"And what is the reason that you've called me for today?" Duke Kuro asked after taking a sip.

Nervous, I kept my hands on my lap. Just how lucky am I to have a private conference with the Duke when I'm just a lowly Specialist.

"You seemed troubled, relax Lady Kaede."

"My apologies." I tipped my head, "there's been some things on my mind after visiting my sister and my nephew."

"I see. How was the trip?"

"Quite nice actually. My baby nephew has won my heart and I'm glad that my older sister is living somewhat well."

"That's great to hear." Duke Kuro nodded his head, "I may sound rude but couldn't a letter have sufficed?"

"Maybe if I was only talking about my trip, but that is not what I want to talk about today." I eased my tensed body and stared confidently into his gaze.

"Oh? Something that can only be brought into discussion in person?"

"Yes, only in person." I agreed.

"Now I'm quite interested. What could that be Lady Kaede?" He inched a bit in setting his cup on the table gently.

"That woman you love, the one you've been loving all this time," I began, "that woman is my older sister isn't it?"

Brought out into the light, Duke Kuro didn't seem that shocked that I had figured it out. Instead, he sighed and sat back in his seat, crossing his arms.

"It was a surprise that day when I escorted you home. That the woman who was calling for you was actually her and the fact that she was your older sister." Kuro sighed and brushed his hair back, "no wonder you looked familiar the first time we met."

"So it's true then." I reached into my pocket for the photograph and handed it to him.

Duke Kuro stared at it with a melancholy expression and finally looked back at me when I opened my mouth.

"Dare I say, if you hadn't left my sister back then, she wouldn't have married that vulgar man I hate so much." My words spilled out of me and I couldn't hold back.

"Time can only go forward, you must know that Lady Kaede." Duke Kuro said with a serious tone.

"I understand that, I truly do and I wish that there was a way to take it all back. Don't you?"

Duke Kuro placed the photograph on the table.

"I was truly happy to see her again and it would be cliché to say that my heart skipped a beat. But she has a new life and I have to respect that."

Evidently, a part of me shattered and I knew that I had to respect his decision. But why am I so willing to change his mind?

"Then can you at least do me a favor Duke Kuro? I know that you're in no position to reclaim lost love but can you at least fulfill this selfish request of mine?"

Carefully, I kept eye contact as he uncrossed his arms.

"And what may that be Lady Kaede?"

"Can you meet with my sister once?" I asked.

His eyes widened and it looked like he was taken aback from the idea. He stared out the window and with a short sigh he came to a decision.

"You're a persistent Lady aren't you?"

"I'm afraid so." I replied.

"My sister doesn't know that I know. Simply, I just want my sister to know that the man she has never stopped loving is alive and well."

"That may be over exaggerating." He commented.

"I know for a fact that your love is painfully mutual. If she wanted to forget about you, she wouldn't have such a meaningful photo in her album."

Kuro didn't seem convinced by my explanation.
"Probably a keep-sake, a memory." He proposed.

"Tsukirou." I said aloud, "that is the name of her child. My sister has always been a poetic person growing up. She gives meaning to everything and I am sure that she named her son after you and your existence."

Kuro silently continued to listen.

"Our kingdom has symbolized moons for the longest time in our history. Crescent moons represent new beginnings and rebirth. The reincarnated monarchs bore these crescent birthmarks of eternity and only certain people possess them till this day. The King, the Queen, and you."

"What if it's a coincidence? There doesn't need be meaning behind everything."

"That is correct Duke Kuro but I know for a fact that you are Aguri's moonlight in the darkness of her world. I am betting my life that she is still in love."

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