07 | My King

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For the past few days, Nagisa had been walking by and ignoring my presence. Every time I tried to open my mouth or even wave a hand, he shuts me out.
Tsk. Why is Nagisa even giving me the cold shoulder? Is it wrong to worry about it?

Both of us are in class with the royal tutor and he's about to finish up. He first looks over at Nagisa and hands him the books and the came over to me with different ones.  It wasn't long after that studies was dismissed. Nagisa was still refusing to talk to me and there's was less form of engagement than ever.

I don't know if he's pretending to be serious and focused but, it's annoying me. That's all I can say.

Randomly, Nagisa stood up and so did I. It felt so empty just to leave things like this.

"You're done?" I mistakenly asked. Of course he's done, class is over isn't it? Why would you ask him that? You're an idiot.
Nagisa shrugged and walked by me again.

"Nagisa!" I called out his name.

He suddenly jolted from my loud voice and dropped his books on the ground. He didn't care to look my way, he just bent down and collected them. I headed over and picked up the red one that was out of his reach.

"Thanks." He took the book from my hands and started to leave the room.

"Nagisa, wait." I sighed tiredly.

For once, he actually halted in his tracks and waited for me to speak.

"What?" He clocked his head.

"Uh-um. About last time. I want to apologize. I know you won't go back on your words, I get it but, wouldn't it be less of a hassle if you didn't hate me?"

Ugh, what was I saying? Damn, I'm so awkward about this. I guess it would of been normal just to leave everything as it was. It be safer for us that way.

"I don't hate you." Nagisa spoke.

"Huh?" My heart stopped.

"You're just like me. Pawns of some love story. It's not you're fault that it's like this." Nagisa brought up.

"What?" I questioned.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be leaving the premises. I don't want to spend another forced second in this place."

"Back into town?" I wanted to know myself where he was always running off to.

"Where else?"
Nagisa gave a half smile and left.

I didn't know whether to be irritated by his sudden words but, I was. It kind of stings actually. He thinks this is all just some act... he may be right when it all comes down to it. I don't know what my heart and soul actually wants.
He managed to break me...well, it doesn't matter now. It's vexing when I have to purposely avoid him every hour of the day.
Karma doesn't know that he symbolizes and reminds me of my destiny. Seeing him and talking to him in general darkens my soul even more.
But it is not his fault entirely. It is this curse.

I strolled down the same street as I usually do and picked up some snacks on the way. Studying and listening to the Royal tutor about arithmetics really makes me hungry. So I payed for some stuffed buns and was on my way.

"Hey! It's you again!"

I turned around to see the trolls from before, the ones that bullied Sugino and his friends. Are they back to settle the score? Why does all the awful things happen to me? I noticed that I was quite far from the main crowd and was distanced away from everyone. A trap.

"Yeah, yeah. Found me." I murmured.

Then I saw the orange haired one, it was Asano. This time he came up to me instead of the others ones. Asano was polished and cleaned very nicely. Like he was showing off the noble crest to everyone in sight.

He looked deep into my core with his scoffing purple eyes. He smirked and patted my shoulder.

"Who said you could walk freely around like this?"

He shoved me back a little and chuckled to himself. "Is playing nobles at home, not good enough for you?" He shamed me more.

I swatted his hands off me. If I do that to Karma, then I'll do it to anyone else who I don't want touching me.

"If you detest me, then don't talk to me." I legit tried to walk by but he stopped me.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere."

I looked at him with a puzzled expression. What the hell does he want?! Then I saw him look past me and whistled. Someone's behind me-


I dropped to my knees on the stone ground and felt my arms swaying to my side. The loud crashing sound behind me and I saw the evil look on Asano's face.

I lost consciousness.

"Alright boys, take him back to the armory, make sure my old man doesn't see him." I instructed the guys.

"Will do, sir." Two of them picked up Shiota and carried onto the two-wheeled cart and started to drive off down the street.

None of the townspeople cares enough to look about, or the fact that someone was knocked out cold.

"Asano, what shall we do with him?" Araki bowed his head. "Same as last time?"

"Hmm, well Shiota is a special case. Just make sure that they don't drug him. I want to have some fun torturing him." I explained.

All my life as a child, my family would belittle the Shiota family. Isn't it in my blood that even I, would loath him as well? And if people ask, he just got in my way. All the other noble families won't even bat an eye either.

I clicked open my pocket watch and realized what time it was. I was supposed to make a quick stop and hand deliver the new sword to Akabane, the one he recently requested.
The Akabane and Asano family goes way back and because Karma is the destined King, everything is in my favor.

What I do, no one can stop me.
It's dark...am I awake or am I dreaming? My head is swelling from the blows that I had received before. Is there blood? Am I bleeding? It really is a pain. I tried to move my arms but, they wouldn't budge. They were chained. I hear the pattering of water droplets near by...I don't know here I am.

That was when light burst through the creak of the open door before me. At first I thought I was seeing things but, it was Asano's lackeys.
The one shaggy haired one kicked my stomach and I lurched over, choking on air.
My mind was all in jumbles that I couldn't think straight.
He pulled my head up by the stands on my hair and got up real close to my face. It was rather vile as his breath stank of dead horse.

"The fun is just beginning, I wonder how long you'll last for? Until then, don't die on us."

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