50 | Drowning In a Sea Of Death

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Essentially, I felt bad for leaving Aguri after that. I don't know how I felt when she confessed about the baby. Should I be happy? And if I'm not, does that mean I'm a bad person?
All I could say then, was nothing. And I just left her like that. I'm the worst...truly the worst person ever. She's my older sister that I adore and the only family I have left. And I turned her away because of that man who impregnated her.

I rode my horse around, treading farther from town and into the villages. I stopped my Mellow Orchid, one of the villages that weren't directly hit by the attacks. I casually went through and many of the children recognized my horse by the skirt of the saddle. As the colors and emblem on both sides, had crescent moons.

"You're from the palace right, Miss?" Four kids huddled to one side of the horse and I stopped to notice them. They were around the ages of six or seven, but I know for a fact that they were absolutely adorable!

"Yes." I replied.

"So cool..!" Their eyes glistened with stars and I could tell how astonished they were to see someone like me. They petted the horse and giggled when it neighed. The delight that was visible on their face, made me feel less harsh on myself.

"Miss, are you arresting someone?" They continued to question me.


"Of course not. Why would you ask such a thing." I replied quickly.

They all looked at each other, making it feel like I was the odd one. They nudged arms and whispered until they thought of something together.

"Miss, we don't usually see people from the palace come by. There were some knights coming and going, but not someone like yourself." They explained.

They all nodded their heads and I felt the urge to apologize to them. At the palace, we may think that everyone is living peacefully and well but many places in the kingdom we lack to acknowledge.
Like those in Mellow Orchard, I think from all the times I've been patrolling and taking my men on hunting practices, I've only visited this place three times including now.

"Ah! We must be going now. See you miss!" The kids scurried around and then finally ran in the opposite direction.

I wonder why they were in such a hurry all of a sudden. Initially I placed that thought away and continued to ride through the village.
I took the initiative to visit the Shiota manor. With everything that has happened, I think Nagisa's and Mamoru's parents would like to know from me, rather than a simple letter.

Again, Karasuma is by my side. We rode our horses to their place without notice. But once the gardeners saw us, they notified the other servants and essentially the news came to their father.

"My King." Our arrival shocked him but, not entirely as he knew why we were here. Her had bags under his eyes and seemed to be less alert and more dizzy if you could describe it.

"I'm terrible sorry who not contacting you like this." I bowed my head and looked upon the empty full manor.

"No no. It's quite alright. Why don't you come in? Let's talk inside." He offered and we agreed.

Once inside, I explained what was currently happening at palace. Where Nagisa was and how the Current King was ready to send him off.

"It's expected isn't it? It's awful...it really is. Why is it that this family receives the short end of the stick?" Shiota has his hand on his forehead, drawing down, while looking at the ground. "I'm all alone in this house, so it seems." He added.

That reminds. Nagisa and Mamoru's mother. I glanced around the living room, and tried beyond the doors. Or maybe she knew and didn't want to greet us. It's understandable in her case actually, I don't essentially blame her.
Karasuma saw me and knew what was on my mind. Then he spoke for me.

"May we ask for Hiromi Shiota as well?" He asked.

"My wife? Well, it's troubling you see. Ever since the turn out of Mamoru's wedding, a few days later she disappeared. I could of swore that she was blowing off steam, but she hasn't come home since." He explained.

"You mean she's nowhere to be found? How is that possible? Please go on." I found this new information interesting, perhaps this can lead to another hint.

"You see one day I woke up and she was not beside me. I thought she headed out, maybe to town, maybe somewhere not here. But later one of my servants who was making round around the manor, noticed that latches and locks from other rooms were opened. That's when we concluded that Hiromi must of taken her expensive jewelry and stones, some cash and left. Rather, it's more like she escaped."

"Would you like us to search for her?" Karasuma offered, "this way-."

"No no. I think she's been through enough. If she hasn't sent any letters back to me, then she doesn't want to be found. It's only better this way I think." Lord Shiota sighed and stared out the window.

While it was silent, I found myself examining the home, in which Nagisa and Mamoru were raised in. The family portrait that seized the main event of the foyer, near the stairwell.

"My King. I know that you mean well. But please...please save my son. The both of them have suffered in the hands of their mother and I feel dreadful that I made them endure such a life. You've cared for Mamoru, I thank you for that. But please, save Nagisa."

His words echoed in my heart and I knew that he thought highly of me. I will and I will not fail this time. I'll save Nagisa, not just physically, but mentally.

The more I sit here, the more I can feel the ghastly life they've lived, under the torment of their mother. I know that Nagisa doesn't often talk about his family, because he would bring up mine. The ways he envied, I could tell the topic made him uncomfortable and a shamed.

"Rest assured. I will save Nagisa. You have my word."

The more I promise the people, the more I find myself burdened with a heavier responsibility. Though I understand that it is my duty, but if I fail here now, how could I face anyone? How could I face Nagisa?

My heart knotted achingly. My stomach felt cramping heavily.
This sensation of decaying thought, wore me down. But in the end, no matter what I go through. Lose a limb, lose my life.
I love Nagisa. I genuinely and honestly do.

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