93 | S2: Chemistry of Disaster

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As the ceremony was coming to an end and the Queen's Guard was about to escort the Queen Manami to the court yard, I followed along in hopes to reunite with Nagisa and Karma.

I don't know who structured this event but Karasuma and I were separated on opposite ends of the front row meant for special guest and the royal family. But I wasn't alone as I was standing along with decorated knights and members of the Queen's Guard.

From this distance I could see the tops of Nagisa and Karma's heads but if I were to shout in such a boisterous moment, they surely wouldn't be able to hear me unless it was dead silent.

Hazama nudged my shoulder as the crowds of knights began to disperse to facilitate how the civilians and other family members would leave safe and sound. When we walked along, she started with the small talk.

"I must say, for a lady like yourself under those two. How do you do it?" She giggled with a crass tone.

"Haha, I don't follow." I dumbly played along. "And what about you? For us ladies, being in such high positions are a rarity is it not?"

"Well of course but it's just comes to show how capable we are. I wonder what requirements it took for you to become a babysitter of the Crown. Exhausting is it not?" Hazama walked with her chin up and the fact that she was already taller than me put me in an inferior position.

I held my voice back because if I were to retaliate with anything, it could threaten the course of the peace between these two kingdoms. Plus, Karasuma would surely reprimand me until he was satisfied.

Luckily, I didn't have to stay by her side any longer than I needed to because we went out separate ways. Hazama went towards the alter and I turned right to the seats where Nagisa and Karma were.

"It's time for the after party correct?" Nagisa asked while getting up from his seat. "How was the view?"

"Marvelous of course. Yes, Karasuma will be escorting the King though." And by the call of name, he appeared before us and led Karma out the other way. "For precautionary sake." I explained.

"Anything to preserve security." Nagisa agreed.

While the crowd did dwindle down in size as they were exiting the cathedral, the royal family and guest used another means of leaving which were back door halls. Along with Nagisa and I, a Scienion knight helped lead the way towards the garden.

"Did you enjoy it, my Queen." I wondered, "for me, standing for two hours could have been more comfortable." I joked.

"I'm sorry to hear." He chuckled, "and why wouldn't I? The weather is remarkable for this ceremony and suits the day very nicely." He spoke.

Once we made it to the garden for the after party, Karma acknowledged with a head nod and Nagisa patted my shoulder before he left.

"Thanks Kaede." He said as he made his way towards the group of other royal family members greeting each other.

Around the perimeter, knights stood by two at each opening or gate to regulate who came in and out of the garden. Though, the fact that this was a private after party only for invited family and special guest, it made surveillance a bit easy to control.

"Hello, you must be from Crescent." A voice from behind startled me and I turned to see a man in military uniform. His hair was dark brown and cascaded into dreadlocks. "My name is Taisei Yoshida."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." With one hand resting behind me on my hips, I stuck out my right hand. "My name Kaede Kayano."

His strong grip challenged me and I couldn't help but to return the favor the same way.

He chuckled innocently and apologized, "didn't mean to insult you. Are you an advisor?" He asked.

"For the time being, yes." I answered.

"Then does the sword suit you?" He pointed at the sword sheathed at my hip.

"Yes, but I'm a specialized archer." I explained, "the sword is a basic weapon that is taught amongst our men but can learn other means of defense."

"Are you a knight then?" He asked.

"Well, the females can't be knights per say. We're just called Specialists."

"Ah, then shall I call you Lady Kayano?" He winked flirtatiously.

"No need. I've been Kaede before and after the day I was dubbed for such an honorable title. I'd rather not have to deal with it." I crossed my arms.

"Modest aren't you? Well don't be shy Kaede." He grinned and patted my head, "you want to know something?" He gestured his hand for me to come closer.

I sighed and leaned in slightly while he covered his hand over his mouth and came to my ear. With a soft voice he whispered,

"I'm a specialist too, if you know what I mean."

I immediately inched back and knew that he was making fun of me for the purpose of provoking me.

"You're disgusting." I turned around and walked away and towards Karasuma who was at the other end of the garden, past the floral arch.

"What? I'm only teasing you Kaede." He followed me and walked by my side, "or is it the fact that you're a virgin that you got all riled up?" He grabbed ahold of my wrist and I halted.

"Let go of me, please." I said as respectful as I could even though I was exasperated. If I were to make a scene here, I will surely tarnish the face of the Kingdom. I can't let my emotional outburst make Nagisa and Karma look bad.

I bit my lower lip.

"So it's true isn't it? Don't worry if it is the case. I'm gentle." He released my wrist and waited for my response.

"A low-life pervert like yourself has no right to be called a knight. What? Is it a qualification as a man to disgrace yourself? I lightly touched the handle of my sword that sat on my hips.

"A spunky lady, I like it." He laughed nonchalantly to my words and took a step in.

He reached his hand out to grab me again and when I was on my last straw, I was about to draw my sword but instead, someone stood between us.

"That's as far as you'll go."
With the familiar broad back that I'm used to seeing pushing the men to their greatest potential back at home, I knew right away that it was Karasuma standing up for me.

"Karasuma." I said his name in awe. Why did he save me?

"We met earlier did we not? Yoshida was it?" Karasuma ignored me.

"C-correct." He retreated back slowly and nervous.

"Sorry to intrude on your conversation but may I have a word with her?" He asked.

"It's no problem at all." Yoshida laughed it off by patting his arm casually.

Karasuma demonic eyes pierced through him and he fell back in fright in an instant.

"It was already unacceptable that you touched Kayano without her permission but the fact that a dog like you can touch me so freely just doesn't sit right." His static tone kept me even at bay, cautious.

"M-my apologies, I didn't mean to be rude at all." He started to crack under the harsh pressure that Karasuma instilled within seconds because of his formidable presence.

"Now go, before I crush you."

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