118 | S2: Moon Child

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While Aguri made lunch in the kitchen with the chef, I stayed with Tsukirou in the den to play with him. As little as he was, there wasn't much I could do to entertain him but I made sure to keep him content until Aguri was finished.

"He is adorable isn't he?" Hana, Aguri's made that has been helping her out with the baby all this time commented.

"Yes, almost too adorable." I giggled.

In all, they had three servants because Aguri was the type of person to help out around the house regardless. She made sure to keep the number of servants low because the thought of being constantly pampered was not comfortable for her.

When I made bubbly faces at him, he immediately smiled and started laughing. And obviously I was so happy that he was fond of me. This baby is just too cute. Fortunately, Tsukirou had all Aguri's features or maybe that was my bias talking.

All of a sudden Tsukirou flailed his tiny arms around and managed to hit me on my chest where I was still healing.

"Ouch." I slightly crouched over and endured the sudden ache and sting. From that, I think Tsukirou noticed that I wasn't feeling well and stopped moving.

"Are you alright?" The Hana reached out and took Tsukirou from my hold, cradling him in her arms.!

"Nothing worth troubling over." I assured, "it takes time for a body to heal." I sighed.

"You must be anxious to get back to work." The maid came back with Tsukirou and carefully laid him in my arms again. "I can tell."

Running index finger on his soft cheeks, I looked into his eyes and told him that I was fine. Though, it seemed like didn't believe me and stayed quiet afterwards.

"I am anxious." I confessed, "but coming back to my family is also important to me, even when I tried my best to stay away."

"Rest assured Akari." Hana inched closer to me, "Kotaro is rarely home these days, so please visit more often."

Hana lightly touched my shoulder and I could feel the radiance coming from her words. To know that someone was looking out for Aguri all this time made me happier than before.

Essentially, baby Tsukirou fell asleep in my arms and Aguri walked in with her apron on.

"Ah, he's usually like that sometimes. Can you take him upstairs to the crib Akari?" She asked. "Hana, will show you the way."

"Yes of course." Hana bowed her head, "shall we go?" She gleamed at me.

"Sure." I nodded my head and got up from the seat.

"When you come done, the food will be ready." Aguri winked, "I made your favorites."

"Thank you Aguri. I'll be right back." I made my way upstairs and and down the hall to the room with Hana leading the way.

Inside was was a creamy white wallpapered room with a wooden crib at the center. On the walls, there were photographs of Tsukirou in the past year where I was absent.

"Hana, tell me the truth." I started, "how has she been doing?"

Hana finished tucking Tsukirou in the crib and looked over at me with a careful yet kind expression.

"To be honestly my Lady, it's been a difficult time." Hana revealed, "with Kotaro always working, he's rarely home to give any attention to those two. Aguri and Tsukirou have been lonely together."

I stared at the crib and inhaled the emotions that were about to slip out of me. I felt my throat drying and tears welling.

"I'm the worst." I said aloud. "All this time I've been selfishly building myself up to serve the Crowns but I've abandoned my own family for it."

Hana stepped over and placed both her hands in my drooping shoulders.

"My lady, don't be too harsh on yourself. You have your responsibilities and we have ours. Aguri knows that you're loyal to the Crown and it is an honor for all of us. You are an extraordinary woman that brings us hope and motivation that we must do our best as well. Hana wrapped her arms around me, "I'll be here to support Aguri too, so worry not."

"Thank you Hana." I hugged her back, appreciative of how understanding and sympathetic she was.

"Hana, can you help me out please?"
Startled by Aguri's muffled voice from down stairs, Hana excuses herself from the room.

Before I went down stairs myself, I took the time to examined the photos on the wall. It was apparent that Kotaro wasn't a family man because he wasn't in any of them.

It's better this way, isn't it? As long as Aguri has Tsukirou and vice versa, Kotaro can walk off a cliff for all I care. I just detest that man with all my might.

As I was about to leave the room, I bumped into the shelf when I accidentally stepped on one of Tsukirou's toys. A small photo book fell out and I caught it.

"Phew, that would of woken up Tsukirou." I sighed and when I was putting back the book, I saw a photo slipping out.

I opened it up and saw more recent photos of baby Tsukirou and Aguri. My hands moved on their own and I couldn't help flip back through the pages. Somehow, I managed to see photos of my younger self in the photo book as well!

Of course Aguri would have these photos of our childhood, she is the kind of person to keep tangible memories. Skimming through, I noticed a photo tucked behind a few of them. Picking at it, it was difficult to take out without tearing it.

"Ah, I got it." I said with quiet triumph.
Staring at the photo, I thought my eyes almost deceived me. How is this possible?

"My lady, are you okay? We were wondering what took you so long." Hana peeked her head into the room.

"My apologies. I was attracted to this photo album that I lost track of time." I tucked the photo secretly in my hand and placed the book back on the shelf.

"They are indeed adorable. Come now, lunch has been prepared." Hana turned her back and walked first.

I followed behind her and made sure to keep the small photo secured in my pocket. Distracted as I was, I wanted to confirm it again when I have the chance alone.

How can this be? Does Aguri personally know him? It is not a lie. The man in the photo who had his arms wrapped around Aguri with both of them sitting in a flower garden was definitely him.

Is Duke Kuro actually Aguri's lost lover from many years ago?

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