113 | S2: Bird Sing

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When we arrived at my home estate, my father welcomed us with open arms and an enthusiastic smile. I couldn't have been more joyous to see that he's been doing just fine.

"It's been awhile hasn't it? I've heard about what happened abroad, are you both doing well?" He examined us by backing up and noticed that Karma was still in the process of recovering.

"Healthy but healing, thank you." Karma appreciated my father's kindness and we talked in a more comfortable setting in the drawing room.

"Have you've heard from Miss Aika lately? She sent a note regarding her visit this evening and stay over night as well." My father brought up.

"No, I didn't receive any notice of sorts!" I replied with shock, "I'm glad though! It's been quite some time since I've talked to her in person."

"We slightly cut off our communication with our families and friends a few days before our departure to Scienion. Even if she did send something, it's should be somewhere floating about." Karma pointed out.

"Nothing to mind." My father chuckled, "I wanted to see if she was handling herself well after Mamoru's passing." He grew distance all of a sudden and his expression collapsed.

"Father, please don't tell me you're still blaming yourself for his death." I leaned in with concern.

"I would be a lier if I said I wasn't." He sighed, "the current Crowns have made their decisions and I have to make my move." He responded.

"What are you talking about Lord Shiota?" Karma also grew interested in the sudden turn of topic. "Did something happen?"

"Initially, Mamoru was to take my place as a member of the Noble council but because he is no longer with us, I cannot fill that duty forever. I had to discuss matters with Lord Asano because his boy was expelled from the seat." My father looked at us seriously but did not direct any disappointment onto us.

"I see, it's a predicament isn't it?" I spoke, "will you discuss matters with the other relatives. Probably your brother?" I wondered.

"Yes, I will have to arrange something. Essentially, I am the oldest of my siblings so that is why I am the head of the House. However, if I don't have a heir then I must pass on my duties to my younger brother and my nephew." He explained.

"It's the only way isn't it? I believe that Asano will do the same." I nodded my head, "are you okay with it?"

My father looked over with wide eyes and broke out into simple laughs. I didn't think he would find my question amusing. Karma sighed with relief and touched my hand gently.

"It's unfortunate that our family crumbled beneath us in a blink of an eye. However, I cannot just sit here and grieve, I have to continue my life." He went on, "it will be okay, I trust my brother."

"I'm glad. I think my cousin will be delighted for such a position." I agreed. "And you will be able to rest from now on."

I held back my emotions, it wasn't pleasant at all to keep it bottled up. I'm just happy, that's all. After what my father and I have lost, I want him to take a break from this life.

"You've been such a good boy, Nagisa." My father stood up and so did I. He came in with tears and embrace me with his slender arms. "My, it's overwhelming to know that you've grown into a fine man."

In that moment, it would of been an insult to myself and him if I wasn't honest with my feelings. It didn't matter to me if my own father saw me burst into sobs, I loved my father more than my pride.

"My sincerest apologies my King, that you have to witness an old man like me cry out in the open." He looked over as I still had my arms around him.

"Don't fret over such matters this is your moment, very heartwarming indeed." Karma gleamed at me and I continued to hug him.

So much is changing.
As the sun began to set in the west, Aika finally arrived at our home with her usual tenderness and angelic presence. Something that was new about her was that her long hair has been severed short and now it hangs on the shoulder blades. A more youthful glow, if I were to describe her appearance.

"Good evening." She tipped her head forward once she noticed us seated and waiting for her. Aika thanked the butler who escorted her into the dining hall and sat down.

"You've grown more beautiful." Karma commented on her transformation and she timidly thanked him.

It was apparent for all of us that it wasn't just her appearance but her maturity. Evidently, death does change people for the worst but sometimes for the better.

"My apologies that I haven't been socially active. To be honest, I'm still coping with my beloved's death but I can tell you for a fact that I am gradually moving forward." She explained.

"Take your time Aika." I smiled, "we all go at our own pace." With the calming exchange for the both of us, I could see it in her sparkling eyes that she was happy.

Aika nodded her head, "thank you for letting me celebrate Mamoru's birthday along side you all."

"No need for such words, you are welcomed here anytime." My father spoke, "even if you find yourself with a new future, you are always welcomed here. Just please never forget about my son." His voice trailed.

"It would be ill of me to ever forget about that man. Worry not, he will be stained in my heart for as long as I shall live." Aika closed her eyes and bowed her head downwards.

When she lifted her head, my father acknowledged her and gestured his hands. At that time, the food was served.

"The chefs have prepared us something special tonight. Please do enjoy it."

We all proceeded to eat the caramelized stuffed salmon and the bedside of greens. The white wine that was served along with our meals came from Iris and it had a sweet aroma.

"I take it that you are still with the children?" Karma wondered.

"Yes, I am. Many have finished with my father's lessons and have gone off on their own. It's quite nice when the older ones come back to visit." She answered, "plus, my father has been leaving home more often now to school more middle class children, not just nobles." She expanded on the matter.

"It's good to hear that." My father nodded his head, "I must send my regards to Sir Hara when I get the chance. Always a busy man."

"I will surely tell him." Aika giggled, "with him rarely home, the younger children keep me company when I help tutor. The youth are so gratifying to be around."

"It wouldn't be a surprise is any of the youngsters fall head-over-heels for you." Karma joked, "you best be careful Aika."

Aika let out a cute laugh and covered her mouth while she did. With Karma's wink that persisted, she couldn't stop and it became contagious that my father chuckled along.

"Mind you that they are children. Your humor still is lively isn't it?" She wiped away the happy tears that accumulated from Karma's teasing.

"It's possible." Karma glanced over at me, "anything is possible."

For all Aika, Father, and I, his words rang differently in each of us. From here, we can only hope to build ourselves up again and essentially maintain our stronghold.

I want to become a better person for this Kingdom, for Karma, and even for myself.

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