119 | S2: The Love That Never Died

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After spending a week at my home estate, my father bid us a farewell with a genuine smile. Even though I felt bad for leaving him again, I knew that he was going to be okay this time around.

"It's reassuring that Aika will visit your father whenever she gets the chance." Karma brought up as we rode in the carriage back to the palace.

"It is, I'm very thankful." I nodded my head, "she had the opportunity to finally break ties between us and our family but decided to stay."

"Hey Nagisa." Karma called my name.

I glanced up and tilted my head.

"Yes?" I leaned in a bit and Karma stuck out his hand. At first, I questioned his motive but I touched his palm lightly and he firmly grasped it.

Karma was about to open his mouth to talk but he shook his head in silence. I leaned back, keeping our hands locked together and elevated. From there, I guess we entertained ourselves by shaking our arms while keeping our hold.

The carriage stopped and we blankly stared at each other at first and Karma peeked his head out the window.

"Something wrong?" He leaned outwards and from his side expression, his eyes widened.

"Hello, my King!"

Startled by the familiar voice, I looked out and saw Kaede waving her arm. She was by herself with a light-pinked wrapped box in her hands.

"Kaede!" I said her name with excitement and she gleamed once she saw me.

"Haha, Good morning! May I join the both of you?" She walked towards the carriage and we nodded our heads.

But of course, she had to show her palace crest to the appointed knight who was escorting us. It wasn't long until the coachman opened the carriage door to let her in.

"It's good to see you." She tipped her head, "My apologies that I haven't been keeping in touch."

"It's far alright." I wrapped my arms around her when she sat next to me and Kaede grew in delight by my actions.

"I hope that you both enjoyed your time?" She returned the hug and timidly glanced at Karma. Both Kaede and I wondered if he going to hug her as well.

"Something on my face?" Karma raised a brow.

"It's nothing, just glad to see you." She bowed her head again with a pout and Karma smirked.

He opened his arms and I turned my head to hide my chuckles.

"Well?" He waited for Kaede.

Without a word, Kaede lit up with high spirits and nodded her head. She carefully inched in and embraced Karma but from the looks of it, something about her was off.

"Thank you, I really needed that. The both of you." Kaede sat back down next to me.

"Is it something you can share with us?" I wondered.

Kaede sighed and interlocked her hands when she placed them on her lap.

"I'd rather not upset the mood." She spoke.

"What mood? It seems pretty serious now." Karma sat back and got comfortable in his seat, "did something happen when you went back home?"

"Yes." Kaede replied with a short pause, "I was able to spend time with my sister and her son, the best week I've had for a break. To be honest, I'm happy that they're doing fine without me but I learned something when I was there."

Kaede reached into her pocket and carefully drew her hand out to show a small photograph.

"What's this?" I took it in my hand and examined it. On the photograph, it noticed that there was a man sitting next to a young lady. That man was Duke Kuro.

"How did you get your hands on something like this?" Karma questioned.

"Who's the woman?" I looked up.

"That's my sister, I found this photograph in one of the photo albums at home, hidden from the rest." She explained.

"Do they have a history?" Karma crossed his arms, "they look rather close to be just friends."

"I haven't brought it up to my sister yet but I want to confirm it as soon as possible. Maybe I'll get ahold of Duke Kuro first."

"This is a rather interesting situation, but isn't your sister married? What good will-." When I saw Kaede's expression, I immediately stopped talking. I could tell that she was hurting and uncomfortable.

"You're right, what good will it do?" Kaede hung her head and stared at her hands again, "but if there's a chance that my sister can be happy, I want to give it to her."

"Shall we send a messenger bird to the Duke? Surely he won't refuse a meeting with you." Karma suggested, "maybe he can better explain."

"Possibly." Kaede sighed, "but maybe I should let things be. If I bring up unnecessary things for the both of them, I will surely regret it."

"It's all up to you Kaede." I touched her hand and held it, "we're here to help too."

"Thanks, I really appreciate it." Kaede nodded her head, "my sister was deeply in love with a man from her earlier years but he disappeared without a word. When Duke Kuro kindly escorted me home, he spoke of a woman he abandoned but never stopped loving. This photo proves the existence of a sad love story, no?"

"To think Duke Kuro was that kind of man." Karma took the photo in his hand and carefully examined it again, "I've never seen him this happy before. You can tell by his expression that he's vibrantly full of love."

"I'm sorry to load this on the two of you but I want to do something for them, even if they can't be together. If I can ask for it, I need your help."

"Such a kind soul." I smiled, "If that's what you want, then we'll help too. Duke Kuro has been rather gloomy ever since he came back to Crescent kingdom, at least that what his advisor said through mail."

"Alright, it's settled then. First I'll uncover the truth about these two and then go from there. For the meantime, I will need to do some interrogation." Kaede giggled, "I may not know Duke Kuro well but I feel like he's a man that needs to be loved."

Silence drew and Kaede instantly turned red.

"Excuse my silly words! I did not mean to belittle the Duke." She frantically tried to explain herself, "he's lonely in this world and cannot die. I think that's a tragedy of it's own. Call me a romantic but forbidding yourself from loving others because you can't come to terms with your own self is quite despairing."

"For someone whose not crazy about finding a partner themselves, I find it interesting." Karma commented. 

"Strange right?" Kaede slightly giggled, "Thank you for lending your ears. I just want to take the initiative, this is something that I must do."

With the confidence growing in his eyes and even her posture, Karma and I acknowledged it. If this is something that can give Duke Kuro a reason for his life, then I will happily oblige.

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