63 | My Lies and My History

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I laid on my side on the bed, facing the wall and window. The growing discontent in my heart made me more sluggish and tired. What to do...what to do?

"My my, you look awfully lonely."

I heard a familiar voice behind me. I sat up on the bed and turned to see Yua standing in front of the bedroom door that finally cracked open.


"I'm sorry my dear." She walked over at sat on edge of the bed. "I intended to stay longer over there but I couldn't bring it upon myself to separate the both of you any longer." She confessed, "I was selfish."

I held her hand and kissed the top of her right one.
"You are just trying to protect me. I'm grateful." I shook my head, "so what did you do exactly? Where am I?" I wanted to confirm whether my assumptions were true or not.

"Firstly, this is my room. I grew up in here. Nice and cozy isn't it?" She giggled, "however, because of my situation, It felt like I was locked away from the outside." She stared out the window, "instead of running away from my past, I confidently accept everything, because it's me. My past is what makes my present."

"Yua..." I looked to her with a dejected expression on her face.

"While you were here, I took it upon myself to fix some of the problems bestowed on you. Don't worry, everything should be fine. Other than the fact that when you wake up-."

Yua smiled and gazed into my eyes.
"When I met Karma for the first time, I couldn't stand him at all. Truthfully, I was hurt being in the same room as him, because I know that he betrayed you."

"N-no that's not it exactly. Sure it pained me to be left in the dark without a word from him but I can't blame him." I explained.

"I wish the whole world for the both of you." She kissed my cheek and pointed at the window.

I followed her hand and saw a little girl playing with the flowers and dancing around the magnolia tree. A blissful sight of a fairy wearing a white frilled dress. The girl before my eyes was also the one that I've met before.

"And she is my world." Yua got up and placed her hand on the window. "Our daughter."

"What's her name?" I asked despite seeing her previously before.

"Iris." She said in a gentle and passionate voice.

"Is there a correlation between her name and Iris the Town?" I brought up.

"Roka has always been a doting parent. Yes, he named the town in honor of her when she died." Yua dropped her hand to her side. "I wish she lived a fuller life..."

"Iris, she's beautiful." I commented, "may I ask what really happened to you guys?"

Yua bit her bottom lip and started to break down in quiet tears. I know for a fact that history made the both of them to be heroes, casted into heavens to protect us. However, if that was true, why are their souls deeply bounded here? Why is it that Yua doesn't look like she's happy at all?
The truth that is not written in any of the books, locked away in the royal archives?
This storm?

"Iris was always a fragile little girl when she was born. Though, she died when she was only 13 years old in a carriage accident. We went to visit my aunt in Magnolia Landing and on our way, we stopped to gaze at the field of flowers because Iris has always adored them." She looked back out the window with her blue eyes screaming in silent agony.

"And before we knew it, another carriage struck her. She died instantly from the impact. I don't remember it very well now despite the fact that I can't live it down to forget. I just couldn't bear it, I couldn't take the pain of losing her." She gripped my arm and laid her head on my shoulder.

"I'm really the worst." She sighed while her cries coldly pelted onto my arm, "I ended up taking my life." She revealed. "I left Roka all alone because I was selfish."

We quietly sat their as the Iris was now sitting against the Magnolia tree. She had a large book in her arms, carrying it delicately.
Her eyes were closed as I could hear a sweet humming coming from her.

"It must of been painful." I finally said, "harboring this feelings for so long. Especially when you couldn't speak to Roka."

My heart clenched from the idea of being misunderstood by the one you love. I've always admired how strong she is as a woman, but behind that mask of confidence and power, lies a woman with guilt. For she has silently watch her lies twist and shape the kingdom.

But she is not to blame.

"The kingdom is still in distress my dear. Go now, beyond the doors you'll wake up." She tapped my shoulder, "go back to Karma."

"And what about you?" I questioned.

"Fear not my sweet child, I'll be here. I always am." She gleamed while glancing back at her daughter. "Worry about yourself."

I nodded my head and hesitantly stood up.
"Should I prepare myself? What has happened since I was gone?" I asked.

"Y-you're mother. They're hunting her down. She is the one behind your brother's ambush and the Queen's attempt assassination." She informed me.

"M-My mother?" The shock struck me and I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Yua stood up as well and drew her arms around me, embracing me. Her warm touch and alluring scent calmed me down.

And all this time, I failed to acknowledge, that she was treating me like one of her own children. Her motherly love and purity that relieved me from my fears.

I wrapped my arms around her and smiled.

"Love comes in many shapes and sizes." I said, "and yours beats any tender and motherly affection I've ever received from mine. I want you to be happy Yua. You are the Queen that rules the heart of the people in this kingdom. Even if you think you've abandoned Roka and the Kingdom, you surely are quite foolish for thinking that." I lightly chuckled.

"Yua, thank you for your hospitality." I gradually slipped away from her and she wiped the tears coming from her eyes.

"Wake up Nagisa. The world is waiting for your return."

Yua said as I walked through the doors and into the blinding light of regret and sorrow. However I managed to come across a plain field painted with camellia flowers, blooming brightly.

And amongst those flowers, stood Karma with his hand reaching out for mind.
I ran towards him.
I slowly opened my eyes, first with a blur from my sight adjusting. And who knew that the first thing I would see is Karma.

I couldn't help feeling emotional at this point. With Yua'a past finally unlocked and how she always regretted her decisions...the fact that Karma is looking at me with those same kind of sad eyes, I just let it all out.

How silly of me to be crying out now.
But I know that these are my feelings alone.

I caressed Karma's cheek and smiled.

"Karma, I'm back."

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