81 | Season 2: Compass Heart

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After the overwhelming news Karasuma decided to bestow upon us so early in the morning, the three of us decided to meet in one of the conference rooms down near the Red Halls of the palace.
In other words, we headed down to Kaede's office where the other royal trainers of the Kingdom's army are.

"I know that you've been down this hall a few times, but only in the presence of Karasuma and his men-the knights." Kaede brought up, referring to Karma.

"That is correct." He answered, "We've known of the multiple halls designated to the archers, horsemen, and so forth. Never did we have the time to visit the other specialists."

"This palace is grande, even the first day here Karasuma thought it was futile to learn every nook and cranny of this palace." I chuckled. "Gradually learning is the best-quoted."

"He is right. Even when I started training under my superiors, I only knew of the Red Halls. That's where I also met Terasaka during our training days. That is why I think of myself as useless as an attendant. I only know of these parts of the palace. If you take me down to the west-wing, anywhere else but here, I will surely get lost."

"You managed to make it to my chamber this morning?" Karma raised a brow.

"A butler escorted me." Kaede winked. "They're flocking everywhere sometimes after 10am." She explained.

Once we made it to main room of the Red Halls, Kaede took a key out of her pocket and opened one of the numerous rooms of the hall painted with burgundy and gold linings.

"Ta-da. Through sweat, tears, and blood, this is what I worked towards. A lonely giant room that is only filled when we're on duty. Other than that, no one really keeps me company." Kaede signed.

I walked in after her and set my eyes on the wall of bows and it was noticeable that they were made with different materials. From silver limbs to dark redwood, the arrows displayed on racks were beautifully made as well.

"Archer's gear are in the wardrobes, more personalized bows in the back, painted and decorated." Kaede spoke.

"Decorated?" I said confused.

"Of course. Sometimes you have to battle in style." She winked, "the bows used for training are not as elegant, cheap but durable."

"I assume that when the hunters harvest, they have similar ones?" I asked.

"Of course. Handmade from the bowyers themselves. Though, personalized ones are ordered differently than the massed produced ones for the palace. It's common that we go out ourselves and make a request."
Kaede sighed and placed her hands behind her back, smiling from the leisure in our conversation.

"Training ones are not the prettiest, but we all use the same. Anyways, we can continue the tour on another date. Join me in my office, we have much to discuss about our next trip." Kaede smiled. "We must be best prepared especially on foreign land."
In another tucked away room, Kaede brought us to a small round table enough to fit at least 6 people. She glimpsed out the window swiftly before joining us.

"If you want my honest opinion. I think this could be a set-up. Why now have they invited us to their home? It's obvious that they take you both as fools. Forgive my language." Kaede explained.

"Seems very likely, but maybe it's a new page of the ongoing story." Karma replied, "Scienion is an interesting kingdom of their own. We can only anticipate the bad."

"I assume we can only take a number of our men?" I asked. "Surely they don't want an army at their front doors."

"True. We have to act strategically if this happens to be trap, even if we want to think that it's not." Karma spoke, "it's in our best interest to do some further research. Maybe send a diplomat before we arrive ourselves."

"We can certainly ask Karasuma." Kaede agreed. "Though, how will you guys take it? Surely the fact that the both of you are men isn't a dealbreaker, in Cresent Kingdom because of the reincarnations. We don't know for a fact if Scienion will be the same."

"Then we'll have to show them won't we my sweet Nagisa? Maybe a kiss on your cheeks in front of the whole conference." Karma teased.

"Then you should carry your belongings there too. You won't be coming back here if you do." I crossed my arms.

Kaede slightly giggled and resumed the conversation.

"Maybe if all goes well, we'll create a treaty of some sorts with Scienion, we can become trade partners and such." Karma reverted back to all seriousness, "both Kingdoms would thrive."

The three of us talked for quite some time that it led until late lunch. We discussed more topics and problems with Karasuma afterwards and he assured us that we would all have a proper meeting.

To add, he stated that a representative of Scienion would visit us tomorrow and explain their current state as well us inform us of their Kingdom's basic history and modern news. Essentially, when it comes to traveling over, they would join us, escort us to their grace in power.
By the next day, both Karma and I were summoned to the throne room of the current Crowns. They sat quietly on their red and golden thrones, elevated from the ground with ten steps to climb. We stood off to the side, along with Karasuma and Kaede on opposite ends.

"Your majesties, it's an honor to meet the both of you." A tall women with curly short black hair bowed her head, "My name is Hazama. Apart of the Queen's guard of Scienion."

She wore a wine purple uniform that also had in some parts black. Her ribbons bright to the eye, contrasting the nature of her attire.

However, there was an uncomfortable darkness to her name and voice. Maybe it was the thick accent that sticks to her tongue but she has no control over that of course.
Her presence is unsettling but she was poise and well-mannered. She spoke softly but loud enough to echo in the throne room.

"They sent just you?" Karasuma finally spoke.

"If it's numbers you speak of, then yes. I've come alone as a sign of peace. No hostility towards the remarkable Crescent Kingdom." She played with her words flawlessly and the King nodded his head.

"If I please you with my presence. Allow me to teach you the history of the isolated Scienion Kingdom. Then will voyage across to my Homeland for the coronation.

For some reason, her gaze struck me stranded from my ocean of thoughts. Her eyes of glistening amethyst, precious, worthy. She winked and diverted her gaze.

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