83 | S2: Voice of God

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The next day, upon the mounds of letters from our birthdays, a special one arrived waiting for me on my desk. As I thought, it was from my family. I picked at the burgundy red-waxed seal until it opened.
And with a quick glance I knew it was my younger sister's handwriting.

Dear Brother,
This letter may be lost in the endless heap of the others, but I am writing to wish you and Nagisa a wonderful and hopefully auspicious birthday. You are one year away from your coronation and may I say time is slipping rather quickly.

On another note, Mother and Father are doing well as usual. However, Father has been traveling more often than not and is rarely home sometimes because of his new appointment with the other members of the Tempus Five.

Write back when you get the chance. I hope for great news.

Yuriko Akabane.

I folded the letter back up and opened the drawer of the desk. I made sure to keep it for later in remembrance to write back. Sometimes I do end up forgetting and Yuriko would scold me whenever I visited home.

"Tsk Tsk. A thoughtful brother you are."

I clocked my head and saw Roka by the window, looking out at the kingdom below. When he finally made eye contact, he smiled.

"Surely you don't think that badly of me. My sister should understand how busy I actually am." I chuckled and so did he in response.

When Roka changed his expression, he seemed more serious with jokes set aside.

"I came because I sense your thoughts wavering. You sure do now how to stay composed on the outside." He exposed me.

"And only you know what I really am." I sighed, "it would be foolish to stay that I'm not worried at all." I brought up, "though it's sure convenient isn't it? This proposal."

"Why of course. You can't blindly send the current Crowns to Scienion on their own with two officials. You're not of age to take the throne if something tragic were to happen. The kingdom's policy has always been an iron lock."

"And if Nagisa and I were to get killed on our journey." I stopped short and Roka closed his eyes.

"For all the history concentrated in this Kingdom, the cycle never arrived prematurely. The generations follow after another to which new crowns are birthed but not too quickly. For me, the current Crowns, Yua and I would know when that connection is lost. There hasn't once been a kink in the motions. So what will happen if the both of you perish?" Roka opened his eyes and sat down.

"Destruction?" I brought up. A singular word that has bound its presence the floors of the kingdom, just like what happened last time.

"That, I'm not sure of." He answered. "Something like this has never surfaced before. A challenge to fate I presume?" He sat back in the seat and stared at the ceiling.

"Why, if you want my honest opinion, why not see what happens? What will happen if traditions were hanged to their deaths? Will Yua and I finally disappear?"

A sudden chill crawled up my arm, through my stomach and out my mouth. The questionable sensation just by the look on Roka's face. He seemed delighted to know.

"You're tired of being bound here?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

He and Yua and much alike, they both want beautiful freedom but essentially can't.

"It's not that I'm tired of it per say. Just, what else could there be? Something more wondrous in the heavens with my dear Yua? To hold her, talk to her, be with her. I can feel presence but I can not communicate with her. That is what I'm tired of." He explained.

I stepped closer to Roka and placed my hand on his shoulder, my hand floating despite the touch.

"I don't know when it will happen, but mark my words, carve it in your heart if you will." I started, "in our reign, we'll surely grant you the freedom you both desire. But for now, can you wait?" I questioned.

Roka stood back up and nodded his head with a light smile. He turned and then I couldn't see the face he made when he said,

"I've endured it for far too long already. I've lost count. Though if you insist on some sort of hope, I shall count on the both of you."

I reached out and he started to fade before I could say anything back. A trail of camellias scattered with a soft sweet scent. And he was gone.
It was already half past three and I haven't seen Karma once since breakfast.
I walked down the halls of the first floor and overheard taking around the corner. That was when I saw Hazama being escorted from another room by a palace knight.

The both of them noticed me and the knight bowed his head quietly.

"Just the man I wanted to see." She grinned. "Do you mind?" She asked without making eye contact with the knight beside her.

I swallowed back and nodded my head forward to tell the knight that he could go.Without an awkward pause, he obediently left.

Instead of holding a conversation in a private room, we strolled outside in the nice weather.

"My, this Kingdom sure is a beauty. More green liveliness of the earth. I can breath easily." She spoke.

"I don't quite follow." I responded.

"Once you come to Scienion, you'll surely understand. It's not like I'm saying the scenery is bad, no. Simply, the air here is rather peaceful. An atmosphere of lies and deceit."

I stopped short and waited for her to explain herself. Does she not know how to control her thoughts?

"Scienion is much more advanced, technologically, and mentally. I fear that in time, you're kingdom will fall. But no worries, that is why the treaty will be of great benefit to you in the future. We are kind humans of course."

"Rest assured, this Kingdom will not kneel to any storms that comes its way. It would be best in your best interest not to sully the history of this Kingdom." I spoke sternly.

The wind blew warmly with the leaves swimming by. It looked as if Hazama wasn't going to take back her words. She isn't the type of woman to do so.

She giggled and turned around, hiding the fox smile.
The more I wanted to know about Hazama, the more dangerous it would become. I held back a little in fear that any wrong moves could cost us our safety.

"While we're at it, let's discuss something else. The curse of the kingdom. When I heard about it from my subordinates, I was quite interested. Now tell me Nagisa Shiota, what if I told you I could free you from the chains wrapped around that tiny waist of yours?"

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