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U P D A T E:

U P D A T E:

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Hi! So that is my face up there

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Hi! So that is my face up there. (As I am, no make up ever. My hair is messed up in this pic.)

I finally saw Spider-Man in the movies! I loved it!!!
Now I see why people call me "the female Asian version of Peter Parker". (Though I'm half Asian, not my point.) **
Also, my friends (tbh, I sometimes question that they are my friends, but whatever) are hypocrites because they said Spidey sucked BEFORE they saw the movie. And they teased me about how much I love Spider-Man, then again I am the only teenage who still wears capes to school. After they saw it, they said it was the best. I told them. 😒 I also noticed that Midtown High is nearly exactly like my own school. And it is not because we are all (most of us) American.
My friends met Tom Holland himself but that was because they were related to people with diabetes; and they rubbed it in my face. Thanks guys.

I have to say sorry guys about this not being exactly like the movie itself. I tried. But at least I got the fact that Michelle is called MJ sometimes.

Also, was I the only one who started tearing up when Peter cried?

I personally love Tom's personality, usually the fans of his that I meet only like his looks. What is wrong with them?
He's funny, and I like his jokes and puns. Tom cares about other people and he's humble. I love how he doesn't care about what people think about him. He likes dogs. He loves superheroes and does not judge them based on DC or Marvel. He's a nerd and I love that he is, because I have that in common with him. There are probably 50 jillion people that think the same thing as I do. I mean, its not like he'll notice me or like someone like me.

If you guys want to know my fan account for Spidey, its: spiderfangirl. Or something like that, I forgot. I have not been using it lately. 😅

Above: Hollanders will understand that reference.

Ok... I think that's it. I'll update this part if I need to. Byeeeee!

** I like science class, and almost joined the science team for the championships, like the movie. I wear nerdy science shirts. I read comics, and am unpopular. I got (and sometimes still) bullied...a lot. I get teased for liking superheroes. I am very few times told I am the female Asian version of Peter Parker (up above). End of story.
[Though being Peter is not a bad thing.]

Heart and Heroics ›› Peter Parker [1] #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now