•Chapter 1•

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Laylah POV

"Hi Swan" I sighed as I changed through channels on my tv. Today was Sunday and I have nothing to do. Swan had just called me.

"Wassup sis. What you doing?" I rolled my eyes. Swan didn't call me to just talk. He wants something.

"Watching tv. What do you want?"

"Why you gotta say it like that?"

"Swan I'm not in the mood ight"

"Well go eat a snickers. You're not yourself when you're hungry" he chuckled but I didn't find anything funny.

"Swan" I said

"My bad. Bryson wants to see you" I sighed because I knew this is why he called me.

"Why didn't Bryson just call me?"

"Because his phone is broke remember"

"Is the old lady there?" I asked referring to his grandma.


"Then no. Just let me talk to him" Bryson has been staying at his grandma house because he isn't stable to stay at home by himself. He wanted to just higher a nurse so he could stay home but his grandma refused to let him do that.

He has been out for a little bit over a month and he is getting better. He hates doing physical therapy but he get through it. The only time I see him is on FaceTime because I wont go to his grandma house. He knows that we don't like each other but he insists that I come over to see him.

"He said please" Swan said

"Nope. Im not going over there with that woman. I'll face time him" I heard people talking in the background before I heard Bryson voice.

"Lay" he whined

"Hi Bryson"

"Can you please come. I haven't seen you in person in weeks. I miss you"

"I miss you too but I'm sorry. I don't want to cause no more problems. Last time I came me and yo grandma almost faught and I'm trying to go to heaven."

"Can you at least come. You don't have to come in. We can sit on the porch" I thought about what he said. I miss him but I cant deal with his grandma. After he has gotten out the hospital she has been acting way too disrespectful towards me. I try to ignore it but she just irks my nerves.

"Baby I-"


"...OK I'll be there in 15 minutes" I sighed.

"Thank you baby. I'll see you when you get here"

"Ok bye Bryson"

"Bye" I hung up the phone and looked at what I was wearing. I had on some basketball shorts and a white T-shirt. I changed into my black pants and black croptop. After that I out my hair in a low bun and put my glasses on.

When I was done I grabbed my phone and my keys. I pray that nothing goes wrong when I get to this lady house.

On my way there I stopped by Wendy's and ordered 2 baconators and a large sprite with no ice for me and Bryson. After that I started driving to the devil house. On my way there I turned the radio up and Losin Control by Russ was playing. So I mumbled the words lowly as I drove.

When I got to the house I saw Bryson sitting on the porch in his wheel chair typing on his phone. Every time I see him I think of that night. It just brings back bad memories. Im glad he remembers who I am. I was afraid that when he woke up he wont remember anything but he turned out fine. When he saw my car a huge smiled spread across his face. I smiled and took off my seat belt and grabbed our food.

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