•Chapter 25•

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Bryson POV

"Yea bro! And that bitch ass nigga had the nerve to say sumin to me!" I yelled as I paced around Swan's living room

"Bryson chill. Did you even let her explain?" Swan asked as he chewed on some skittles.

"There was no need to. She was hugging that nigga. Like why the fuck was he even at her house. She said he came to apologize but I don't believe that shit at all. Then the nigga tried to take up for her"

"Maybe she was telling the truth bro"

"Maybe she was. But that's not the point. She was hugging that nigga smiling and shit. He even kissed her cheek. Now if you went to yo girl house and saw a nigga walk out her house and they started hugging and smiling n shit then he kiss her cheek what would you think?"

Swan sighed and leaned back in her chair. "Shii I would be pissed but I'll ask what happened before I start acting like a fuckin Tasmanian devil. But the kissing part I would have a fit but you didn't even let the girl talk"

I rolled my eyes and sighed "you ain't helping"

"Nah actually I am. You doing a little too much. Im not saying you shouldn't be mad but I'm not saying you should fuck up your relationship just because she hugged another nigga. You bouta leave the state in a few hours and you don't wanna leave on bad terms with ya girl. Trust me I know"

"But she let him kiss her"

"Now she was wrong for that I can admit. I would've beat his ass for kissing my girl then I would've pimp slapped her as for letting him"

I sighed and sat on the sofa "roll up a blunt real quick"

"I gotcha"

A few hours later
Laylah POV

"Shit" I groaned.

"Laylah stop crying. His bitch ass left you. You don't have to beg that nigga to talk to you" Kayla rubbed my back as tears ran down my face. "Now stop crying before I call daddy"

I quickly straighened up and wiped my tears away. If my daddy finds out that I'm crying over a guy he's gonna have a complete fit then go out looking for Bryson. My dad is crazy when it comes down to his kids.

"Don't call him"I mumbled

"Then stop crying"

"Its just that he left and didnt even let me tell him what happened. Now he is gone for a couple months and I won't get to see him. He pisses me off so much"

"Well you did let Will kiss yo cheek. Thats a big no no and you know that Laylah. I would've beat yo ass. He was just mad at the moment but I'm sure he'll be calling you by tomorrow morning."

"I don't know. He looked really mad"

"Oh he did that to look tough. Deep down inside he wants to talk to you he is just teaching you a lesson right now"

"How are you so sure?"

"Cause I just know. Now get cho pregnant ass up and do something. Aww this is so cute. We both pregnant at the same time" she smiled. I lightly smiled.

"Yea that is kinda cute. Our kids gone be close in age"

"I know right. Now let's watch a movie to get Bryson off your mind"


"What you wanna watch?"

"Edward scissor hands"

"No that's gonna make me cry"

"The fuck" I laughed. "Who cries on Edward scissor hands?"

"I do. Now what else?" She grabbed the remote.

"50 shades of grey"

"Good choice"

The rest of the day we sat in the living room and watched movies since Kyle was at my Dad house for the night.


I'm loosing interest in this book. Im trying to finish this as fast as I can. Ik its short

Qotd: Who heard Medicine by Queen?

Me Dats my mf songggg

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