•Chapter 22•

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Shoutout to Vayahhh !!! You are my 110th follower!! Thank you so much. If you would like you can be a character in my new book Strawberry Kisses. I haven't published it yet but im working on it. But i will message you the details if you wanna be in it. But thank you again. Thank you everyone else. So follow me😊😊 oh and if you have any social media you want me to follow you on i will. My Instagram is the_official_trish and my Snapchat is sugamama048 and my facebook is Latricia Thomas

Laylah Pov

The whole ride to the party Bryson was talking about the baby. Im glad that he is happy because right now i don't know how to feel. Im really happy but I'm not at the same time.

What if i loose this baby like the last one? What if my health messes up the baby? What if i hurt the baby? What if the baby comes out with some kind of disorder? What if-

"Lay!" Bryson shouted

"Huh?" I said

"I said when are we gonna tell our family?"

"...um lets go to the clinic tomorow to know for sure then we'll talk about that"

"Ok. You know i dont like you wearing that outfit right? You lucky i let you walk out the house" I looked down at my outfit then burst out laughing.

 You know i dont like you wearing that outfit right? You lucky i let you walk out the house" I looked down at my outfit then burst out laughing

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"YoU luCkY i leT yOu wAlk OuT thE HouSe. Boy if you dont getcho ass on somewhere"

"You laughing but im serious. You carrying my child now so your wardrobe has to change. Cause ion need so niggas looking at my babies"

"Bryson you cant tell me what to wear"

"Says who?" he shrugged

"Says me. I don't having a wedding ring on my hand so i say you cant" i rasied my hand then looked at him. He chuckled then glanced at me from the corner of his eye.

"I told you imma marry you. But now aint a good time being as though i been real busy. But baby best believe when this tour is over we gone be engaged. Now back to what i was saying. This is your last time wearing that dress"

"I just bought this less that a month ago. This my first time wearing it"

"And its your last time too"

"You funny asf bre bre" i laughed then leaned back in my seat. Bryson continued to drive until we pulled up to this big club full of cars and people standing around. I was kinda sad that since there is a possibility of me being pregnant so i cant drink tonight.

When Bryson drove around the parking lot i spotted a familiar face. I blinked a few times and realized it was Will.

"Fuck" i mumbled

"You ight?"

"Huh? Yea im good" i lied. He parked the car then he turned the car off then looked at me.

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