•Chapter 2•

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Laylah Pov

After about 2 hours of us talking get and joking around I was ready to leave. I forgot I am suppose to go to Kc house. I threw my trash into the dumpster they had and grabbed my car keys and stood up.

"Well" I yawned as I stretched.  "I'm about to go bae"

"Already?" He smacked his lips.

"What you mean already? Ive been here for almost 2 hours."

"That's not a long time Lay"

"I promise I'll be back tomorrow. If your grandma i-"

"Why are you at my house?!" His grandma appeared at the front door with her arms crossed. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Grandma chill she came to see me" Bryson said.

"I don't care. I told you I don't want her at my house. Why are you even talking to her? She is the reason why you cant walk right now"

"I'll talk to you later Bry" I pecked his lips and started walking off the porch towards my car.

"And don't come back!" She yelled.

I shook my head and got into my car. After I put my seat belt on I drove away. Im not about to deal with that lady today.

Its crazy how much she changed. When I met her she was so sweet and now she is just so petty, mean, and disrespectful. She lucky my grandma dead cause I would have called her and told her to beat Bryson grandma ass.

On my way to Kc house I bobbed my head to Childish Gambino album. I love his music. It just calms me down.

When I got to Kc house I texted her and told her I was outside because last time I walked in her house without knocking and I found her having sex with a guy on the sofa. It was so awkward after that.

The door open

I put my phone in my back pocket and locked the door. As I was walking toward her house I heard Check by Young Thug blasting loudly. It was so loud that even the people down the street could hear it.

I opened the door and saw Kc and a girl sitting on the sofa. When Kc saw me she turned the music down and got up.

"Hey girl. What took you so long?" She asked as we shared a small hug. The other girl just watched the scene.

"Bryson wanted me to stay longer" I smiled.

"Are you Kehlani?" The girl asked with wide eyes. I laughed and shook my head.

"No I'm Laylah"

"Oh damn. You look just like her" she pouted

"I get that alot" I sat in the small chair. And Kc sat back down on the sofa and picked up a blunt.

"Lay this is my step sister Marjena. Marjena this is my close friend Lay" Kc introduced us.

"Hi. You can just call me Nae" Nae smiled and shook my hand.

"Oh ok" I smiled and looked back at Kc. "So what's the tea you gotta tell me?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Oh yeah. Biittttccch" she closed her eyes and shook her head. She so dramatic somtimes. "Let me tell you bout Chantelle hoe ass" she smacked her lips and shook her head again.

"Oh lawd" I rolled my eyes. Chantelle is Kc boyfriend baby mama. They always bumping heads. I don't know why Kc is still with this guy. He is a fuck boy but she claims that she likes him so I just try to stay out of her mess.

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