•Chapter 30•

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(I feel like this song is best for this chapter because Laylah and Bryson are broken up and this would be like a little summary of what's going on) (Excuse any mistakes)

Laylah Pov

"What are you gonna do if you do see him?" Tory asked as he made himself a glass of my red wine.

"I'm gonna continue to mind my business" I sighed and played with my finger tips

"Girl stop lying. You know you gone talk to him"

"No i'm not. I'm trying to forget him" I admitted

"But why though? What exactly happened the last time you saw him?"


"I got time" I sighed and thought about that day


I sat on my bed as I packed my last bit of clothing. Today was the day that I will be moving to Atlanta. It was a bitter sweet moment . I haven't spoke to Bryson in weeks and I honestly do miss him. A part of me wants to forget about everything and run back into his arms but it's pretty late for that.

"So you're actually leaving huh?" my sister asked as she helped me pack my clothes. She stopped and looked at me teary eyed. My heart melted.

"Oh my god Kayla please don't cry" I begged

"I'm sorry. It's just that you are moving and I won't be able to see you everyday like I usually do"

"Atlanta ain't that far away from Kentucky" I hugged her and rubbed her back.

"I know but still. And what about you and Bryson?" she let go of me and sniffed

"Me and Bryson are over. There is no more of us"

"You sound like you still want him"

"I lowkey do but I'm not in my right mind for a relationship. I'm still not over everything that happened to me and I think it's best if I just get away and find my self you feel me" I admitted

"I understand but will you at least talk to him? He really misses you. He comes over Eric house all the time talking about how much he misses you and wants to get you back"

"I will talk to him when I'm ready."

Kayla sighed and rubbed her eyes "Will you come back and visit?"

"Of course"

We continued to pack my things up and talk about the old times. It was almost time for me to leave and catch my plane. Kayla helped me put my bags in the car and as soon as I was about say goodbye to Kayla a familiar car pulled up. I frowned as I thought about who it could be then I saw him get out the car looking even sexier than before.

"Oh shit" Kayla mumbled and stepped to the side. Bryson stepped out the car and stopped when he saw me watching his every move. "I'm gonna leave you too alone to talk" Kayla said before walking into my house. Bryson walked up to me awkwardly he bit his lip.

"Why are you here?" i asked trying to hide my excitement. I may not have shown it but I was extremely happy to see him.

"I came to see you. I heard that you were moving to Atlanta"

"Yea. I only stayed because of you" I said as I closed my trunk.

"Imma miss you"

"Imma miss you too Bry"

"So why are you leaving? You are just gonna give up on everything we had."

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