•Chapter 23•

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Bryson Pov

Me and Laylah sat in the waiting room of the clinic, waiting on the doctor to call her name. I could tell Laylah was nervous because she was just sitting there biting her lip and playing with her phone. I was happy because i possibly have another child on the way.

"You ok?" I rubbed Laylah's thigh as a way to try to calm her down.

"Huh?" She finally looked at me

"I said are you ok?" I repeated myself with a light chuckle.

"Oh yea"

"You lying. I can tell when you're lying" she sighed

"Im just thinking about what could happen if im pregnant. So many things can go wrong with this pregnancy"

"Dont think like that. This baby is going to be healthy. Nothing will go wrong."

"I hope"

"No i know"

"Waters?" The middle aged black male called out. Me and Laylah stood up and walked towards the door. "Follow me"

We followed the doctor into a small room and i sat on the side of the bed.

"Have a seat" Laylah sat down as she wiped her palms. I grabbed her hand then kissed it to reassure her that everything is going to be fine. "The doctor will be with you in a sec" we nodded our heads and the man walked out. About 5 minutes later another man came in the room.

"Hello im Dr.Stallworth. How are you feeling today?"

"Im fine" Laylah simply said

"Well it says that you are here to find out if you're pregant or not"


"And you must be her boyfriend?" The doctor asked me

"Yea" i answered

"Nice to meet you" we shook hands and he continued to talk.

"Ok so what makes you think that you are pregant?"

"Well I've been throwing up alot lately. Gaining weight. Eating more. Ive been very emotional. My stomach hasn't been feeling right. My period is late also" the doctor nodded his head as he wrote on his clip board. "And i took 3 pregnancy test and they all came out positive"

"Have you been having unprotected sex?"

"Yes" we both answered

The doctor talked some more before he gave Laylah a cup and told her to pee in it and to put on the hospital gown then he walked out.

"Welp.." Laylah sighed as she got off the table.

"Dont take too long"

"I'm not" she walked in the bathroom.

About 3 minutes later she came back out with the gown on. One hand was holding the back of the gown and the other was holding the cup.

"Took you long enough" i mumbled

"Shut up" she laughed and sat back on the table.

"You washed yo hands?" I frowned

She smacked her teeth then rolled her eyes "Yes nigga"

"Im just checking" i shrugged

"I'm nervous bro" she sighed

"I told you dont think about the negative stuff"

"No i mean like. The whole time im pregnant youre gonna be on tour. You're gonna miss the best parts"

"Oh.." i sighed "i know. But i promise I'll come back and too see you whenever i can. I would cancel it but you know i cant do that"

"I know. I feel like this is the wrong time to have a child"

"We're gonna get through this. Don't worry bae"


"Congratulations Ms.Waters you are pregnant" the doctor smiled. Laylah burst into tears. She was cryun so bad that she was turning red. I dont know if she was happy or sad. It was kinda hard to tell. I stood up and hugged her as she sobbed on my shoulder.

"Uhhh is that a bad thing?" The doctor asked

"No" Laylah mumbled. I kissed her forhead and rubbed her back.

"Bae" i said and lifted her head as i wiped her tears. "Are you ok?"

"Yes. I'm happy" she smiled and sniffed

"Well we'll go over everything once you do an ultrasound" laylah nodded her head then continued to rub her face.


Im sorrrrryyyyy i know this chapter is hella short but i got writers block. I didnt know what else to write. But next chapter is going to be long 9/10 because i usually type 3000 words each chapter.

Qotd: What are you? Taken, Single, Hoeing, or its complicated

Im Taken

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