•Chapter 9•

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Shoutout to Asyalivingston and not_najilah for voting and commenting thank you❤

Laylah Pov

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. Bryson groaned and put the pillow over his ears. I grabbed my phone to see who was calling me.

"Hello?" I mumbled. I looked at the time and it was 7:30 in the morning.

"Bitch why you ain't up? I said be ready by 7:00" I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Kayla it is too early in the morning for this. I'll be over there by 12:00"

"Tell yo sister when I see her we gone fight. Waking me up this early with that deep ass voice" Bryson groaned. I shook my head.

"Tell Bryson I said bet" Kayla said. "And no. I told you last night to be ready. I need to be at the hair salon by 10:00 and I gotta do alot for shit so this is the only time imma have time to go baby shopping" she whined

"Where is Eric?"

"He got work at 8:00"

"Ight bruh. Get the fuck off the phone"

"Don't talk to me like that girl. I ain't one of your little friends na"

"Bye" I hung up the phone and laid it on the night stand.

"What she wanted?" Bryson asked me as he snuggled his head in my neck.

"She want me to get up and go baby shopping with her. So I need to get up. And yo breath is kickin!" I covered my nose.

He smacked his teeth "no it don't. And it's too early for that"

"I told her that but she said she need to go now so.." I tried to get up but he gripped my waist tightly.

"I gotta get up. Let me go" my eyes were halfway open and I could feel the eye boogers in the side of my eyes. He smacked his teeth and let me go. I got up and walked to his bathroom. I looked in the cabinet for my toothbrush I kept and the toothpaste. After i was done brushing my teeth I walked out the bathroom and grabbed my clothes I would be wearing today.

Bryson was still in the bed moving  around. I know he can't sleep. Whenever someone wakes him up he claims he can't go back to sleep.

I walked back into the bathroom and turned the shower on and waited until it got hot. Then I started taking my clothes off. When I took off my underwear *I hate the word panties* Bryson walked in the bathroom rubbing his eyes. I gasped and tried to cover up my body.

"Don't you knock?" I asked as I quickly grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body.

"Why would I knock in my own house. You acting like I never saw you naked before" he shrugged and started to pee in the toilet. I rolled my eyes and tied my hair in a tight bun and waited for him to finish.

"You might not wanna wait on me im gonna be in here for a while" he flushed the toilet and grabbed his toothbrush.

"I can wait" I shrugged. He chuckled and then picked up the toothpaste.

If I wait on him I'm gonna be late. I might as well get in now because knowing Bryson, he's gonna take forever.

I groaned and unwrapped my towel. I looked at Bryson and he was smirking in the mirror while staring at me. I rolled my eyes and hopped in the shower.

"You know you need to break out that shyness around me" Bryson said. I frowned.

"I'm not shy around you" I said as I grabbed the soap and started washing with my rag.

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