•Chapter 8•

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2 months later

Will in the media

Shout out to HevynTard ChloEdmond AshantiGibson and @NaomiOX  for voting. Thx❤

Laylah Pov

"Put it down" I said to Bryson. He pouted like a little kid.

"You lame" he mumbled

"Harley tell your daddy that he has too many hats. He doesn't need to buy anymore"

"Daddy Lay is right. You have like a billion hats" Harley said.

"Y'all just don't understand" Bryson shook his head. I laughed and we all walked into Justice. It was Harley's favorite store.

"Ooo these shorts are so cute!" She jumped up and down and pointed to the jean shorts with sparkles on it. To be honest I didn't like it but I wasn't going to say that.

"You want it?" Bryson asked. Harley nodded her head. "Ok" I sat on the bench and waited for him to find her size. After that he found her a dressing room and sat next to me.

"She growing up so fast" I smiled. Even tho Harley isn't my child I still love her. We've gotten really close. Sometimes she even calls me sis.

"I know. I feel old" Bryson chuckled

"Boy I'm older than you. I'm almost 30" I sighed

"But you look 21" i smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I'm so happy you can walk now" Bryson started walking a few weeks ago. He still limps a little but it's not noticeable. He moved out his grandma house too so that's a plus.

"Me too. I wanted to get out my grandma house so bad. Plus I wanted to take my girls out" he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Aw" I blushed. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket meaning that I had a text. I pulled it out and silently read the text.

Wassup ma. You busy?
-Dat nigga😓

"Who is dat nigga?" Bryson raised a brow.

"Alright I'm done" Harley came out the dressing room with a huge smile on her face. "I slay all day. I know" she pretended to flip her hair.

I still felt Bryson staring at me.

"Chy you do slay. You look good girl" I ignored Bryson. These past 2 months me and Will have been texting. JUST! texting. He trys to come see me or ask me out but I always decline. Last time I seen him was at my dad house last week. He was fixing my dad's car. It was low-key awkard but I kept my distance.

I haven't told Bryson because there is no need to. It's not like we be flirting or anything. Plus I'm not interested in Will.

"I know girl. What you think daddy?"

"We'll talk later" he whispered in my ear. It sent a chill down my body. I shivered and bit my lip. I swear he is too much. "They too short. Put them back" Bryson shook his head. I smacked my teeth.

"They not even that short. They are a little bit above her knees" I pointed out.

"So. I said put it back" Harley pouted and walked back in the dressing room.

"Really?" I asked

"What?" He asked when he looked up from his phone

"She is 5. Ain't nobody looking at her"

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