•Chapter 3•

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Bryson POV

I woke up to the sound of loud music playing and people talking. I looked at the time and it was only 11: 24 and everybody knows I wake up after 1:00 when I don't have anything to do.

I groaned as I tried to get out of bed but I still couldn't walk so I decided to just sit back down and stay in bed until someone comes in.

I just laid in bed and thought about life. It is something I do alot now. I have to do training today since it is Monday. I hate doing it but I know that it is only helping me get better. And honestly I just want things to go back to normal. I hate that Laylah and my grandma aren't getting along. I tried to talk to them but it just goes one ear and out the other.

My grandma is really stubborn when she wants to be. And I know the only reason she is acting this way towards Laylah is because her uncle is the one who shot me. But she needs to understand that its not Laylah fault.

A few minutes later my door opened revealing Eric.

"Wassup bro" we dapped and he sat on the end of my bed.

"Wassup" I sighed

"What's wrong with you?" He asked as he bit into a piece of bacon.

"Bruh I'm tired of staying in this house all day" I huffed

"You can leave when you are able to walk"

"I know but that's weeks away"

"It can be sooner if you get yo ass up and do the training"

I sighed and rolled my eyes "don't you think I be trying. I be tired as hell"

"Well blame Laylah for that" he shrugged

"Come on bruh" I smacked my teeth. He hasn't even been in here for 5 minutes yet and he is already pissing me off. "Everybody keep blaming Laylah for all this. Its not her fault."

"She knows she caused this Bryson. She said it herself. At first I didn't know the whole situation so I didn't say anything but when she explained everything I realized she caused all this."

"But she didn't tho. How was she supposed to know I was gonna get shot?"

"That's not the point. It wouldn't of happened if she stayed her ass home and not go to that damn park Bryson. Boy you need to think"

"Ight bruh" I sighed and shook my head.

"And by the way grandma said get ready for your training. That dude is coming over again today" I rolled my eyes.

"ight get out"

"You mad at me because of that bi-"

"Don't call her no bitch Eric. I'm warning you. I may be injured right now but I will still beat yo ass again. Now get out" I said sternly

"Bro you trippin" he smacked his teeth and walked out the room door. I starred up at the ceiling and bit the side of my lip.

My mind drifted off to Laylah. Yesterday was going good at first until my grandma came out. I think my grandma is going to cause our relationship to go down the drain so I'm going to try to keep them away from each other before something bad happens.

Laylah is a very strong woman. She has been through so much and she still seems to hold a smile on her face. Everytime I think about her I just feel some type of way. She just makes me smile even when I'm feeling bad.

Then my eyes started to close.

"This is a stupid movie" Laylah said as she bit into her taco we made. I nodded my head in agreement and starred at the tv. We were watching a Dance Flick. It was low-key funny but it was still kinda stupid.

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