•Chapter 32•

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Laylah POV

Everyone sat around the yard as we watched the children play. This felt like the longest cookout ever. It was super duper awkward. I felt like there was a lot of tention but neither of us wanted to talk about it. To be honest I don't even think there is anything to talk about. Clearly he has moved on and I have too...I think. Before I came I didn't even want to look at this man but now that he is sitting across from me with another woman all hugged up on him it makes me feel some type of way.

"So Laylah what have you been up to?" Swan asked me then took a sip of his drink. For some reason all the adults stopped talking and focused on me.

"Uh.." I looked around and shrugged nervously "nothing really. Just been tryna get myself together you know"

"Damn you been saying that since last year" he chuckled "but I'm glad you good now"

"Yea I'm finally happy" I said then sipped some of my soda.

"Girl you are glowing" one of Kayla's friend said "you got anyone special in your life?" I dont know why she was asking me personal questions when we just met tonight. Tory looked at me with wide eyes. I knew what he was thinking but I wasn't going to say it because we aren't dating.

"Um..no not ri-"

"Yes she do" Tory blurted out. I knew he was going to be petty. "His name Denzel. They been talking for a little over a month now"

"We aren't dating though. He is just a friend" I tried to explain

"Oh really. That nigga took you on 3 dates and bought you an outfit. Friends dont do that"

"Shut up" I elbowed him. Kayla was just starring at me with her eyebrows raised. Bryson was just looking around trying not to make eye contact with me.

"Oh really" Kayla asked "Why you ain't tell me?"

"Cause he ain't my boyfriend. We not even that serious. He my friend"

"Thats what you said about Bryson but look at yall now" Bryson starred at her then shook his head. He was so quiet tonight. Usually he would be joking around with Swan and Quan but now he is just so laid back.

"That girl grown chy. If he her friend then ok. Shii she better than me cause I would've been a hoe" Kc laughed and bit into her rib. I missed that girl so much she is so funny.

"I like her" Tory said to me and laughed. I shook my head.

"Why we talking about me anyway?" I asked

"Cause you been gone for a year. We wanna catch up" Swan said.

"How did you meet Tory?" Kc asked

"Oh we met at a club. We fucked a few times then we became friends" everyones eyes widened including mine.

"Tory!" I yelled and hit him "He lying y'all" I laughed "we met a store and he wouldn't stop talking to me so he asked for my Instagram then we became friends" I said truthfully

"She lying" Tory shook his head

"Oh my god shut up" I whined

"She just don't wanna tell the truth"

"Ignore him y'all" I laughed

"I'm just playing" he laughed. "We ain't fuck"

"I was about to say" Kayla took a deap breath.

"So Laylah.." Amber started. "how is Atlanta?" I don't know why she is taking to me. It got Super awkard.

"Um..it's good I guess thanks for asking" I fake smiled

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