•Chapter 14•

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Laylah Pov

I sat in the chair next to Bryson as I watched him drink his ginger ale. As he put the cup back on the counter he looked at me then rubbed my hand. I was still shook about what just happened. This reminded me of when Bryson was in that coma for months. I was scared as hell.

"Stop worrying Lay. I'm good" he said

"I know I was just thinking. Thank you so much for calling me Amber" I looked over at Amber. She had just gotten here about 3 minutes ago. Yesterday she had to leave because she had her daughter with her and no one could watch her at that time. I've only know her for 2 days now and she is really a cool person. But I've learned that everybody is not who you think they are. You can't trust everybody. But until then I'm going to be nice.

"Oh it's no problem. I'm glad he is ok. Alexis wanted me to give you this" Alexis is her daughter. She is so adorable. She is chubby with fat cheeks and curly sandy brown just like Amber.

"To be honest I don't know what this is" Amber chuckled and gave Bryson a drawing. It looked like a bunch of scrabble to me but at least she tried.

"Tell her I said thank you" Bryson tilted the the paper and squinted his eyes as he tried to guess what it was.

"I will. So how are you feeling?" Amber asked as she pulled out her phone.

"Im ok. I had a slight headache a few hours ago but I took my medicine so I should be fine" he shrugged and put the paper on the counter.

"Have you talked to the police yet?"

"Nah they haven't came up here yet. Usually they would come to me"

"Well do you have a guess about who it could be?"

"Sadly I don't. I dont have beef with nobody. And the people I had beef with are dead so I don't know" he sighed. I looked at him and started to rub his arm to comfort him.

"I don't know why all this is happening to you" I said

"I don't know why either Lay. I try my best to do the right thing. I haven't did shit to nobody so I don't get it"

"Maybe this happened for a reason. Maybe it was a sign or something" Amber said and I nodded my head in agreement.

"Yea. But don't worry imma find out who did this to you"

"Nah don't do that because if you find out you're gonna wanna retaliate and I don't want you to get hurt" Bryson said

"Im not gone get hurt. I know what I'm doing. But when did the doctor say you could leave?" This was his second day here and I just want him to leave so we can go back to his house and chill like we always do.

"Probably tomorrow or whenever my headache stops"

"Im still surprised the police haven't questioned you yet. Most of the time they come on the first day" Amber said

"Yeah me too. We need to find out who did this to him" I said. For some reason I felt like that car accident was suppose to happen to me. Maybe whoever did it thought it was me driving instead of Bryson. Or maybe I'm just tripping.

"So all you saw was a black van with tinted windows?" I asked

"Yea. I didn't see anything else"

"Do you think this was on purpose?" Amber asked with raised eyebrows.

"I low-key do. Like I hope it wasn't but a part of me feels like they did this on purpose. Like they planned to hit me" Bryson said

"But can we just stop talking about this" he asked. We nodded our heads. I can tell he was getting frustrated because he doesn't know who did this. He was laying in the best rubbing his beard with low eyes.

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