•Chapter 17•

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Amanda in the media

Laylah Pov

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing on the night stand. I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes then I reached over and grabbed the phone. I rolled my eyes when I saw that it was a unknown number so I didn't answer it. When I was about to close my eyes I realized Bryson wasn't in the bed with me anymore.

"Bryson!" I called out. I didn't get a response so I started getting out of bed until I saw a note on the pillow beside me.

Good morning gorgeous. I could've just texted your phone but I wanted to be romantic lol. But I had to leave so I could handle some business with my tour but I'll try to be back soon. Don't forget I'm taking you out tonight at 8:00 so be ready. And dress nice. I made you some breakfast earlier. I put it in microwave. I love you so much I'll see you later.

~Yo future husband❤

I smiled and put the note on my night stand. I looked at the time and saw that it was 2:12 in the afternoon.

"Damn" I sighed. Then I started rubbing my eyes as I yawned. It felt like it was more like 2 in the morning. I was so sleepy. I got out of bed and felt the cold air hit my body. I forgot I was naked. I pulled the sheets off the bed and walked towards the laundry room and stuffed the sheets in the washing machine. Then I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror and sighed. Then I got into the shower.

About 30 minutes later I got out of the shower then I started to brush my teeth. Then I walked back into my room and picked put my outfit for the day.

After i put on lotion and my deodorant i put on my clothes I grabbed my phone and went downstairs. I decided to leave my hair in a ponytail and keep it simple until tonight. I opened the microwave and saw that I had some pancakes and eggs. Then I heated the food up then sat at the table and started eating.

As I ate the food I started thinking about Bryson. I wanted to hear his voice. After he said what he said last night that made me love him even more. I've never been with someone who loves me for me. I unlocked my phone and called Bryson.

Bryson Pov

"Bryson we don't have time for phone calls right now. This is very important information" my manager said. I looked down at the caller ID and debated in if I was going to answer the phone.

"I understand. Go ahead" I declined Laylah's call. I knew she was going to be asking me 100 questions as to why I didn't answer the phone.

"Now like I said before. We will leave bright and early Wednesday morning at 4:00am. Were gonna go to the hotel around 10:00 maybe later than that. Yall gonna get dressed or whatever then were gonna do sound check and all that good stuff. Then we gonna eat and-"

"Wait when is the show?" I asked

"Its Thursday night at 9:00" he answered.

"Alright" I nodded my head.

"So after we eat were all gonna go back to the arena and get everything set up. Bryson the crew is gonna-"

"I know what to do" I cut him off again. I don't know why he's explaining this to me. I've done this plenty of times. This isn't my first concert.

"Oh ok well good. Yall can go now" he dismissed everyone. As soon as I stood up my manager blocked the door.

"Bryson I need to talk to you. Privately" Kc and Geff looked at me then walked out the room with the other crew.

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