•Chapter 24•

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Laylah pov

Today is the day that Bryson leaves. He has to be on his plane by 9:00 pm and i haven't seen him all day but im not mad becausehe is with Harley. I know Harley is going to miss her dad so i didnt want to ruin their father daughter time together.

I looked at the time and saw that it was now 6:45 and i sighed. I was extremely bored right now. Kayla is always tired or not feeling good. And Kc just go out too much for me. She loves to party but im that chill at home type girl. Now would be a good time to talk to Misty but unfortunately she is dead and a back stabbing hoe. That was kinda harsh but its the truth.

Just as i was about to turn on my tv i heard a knock on my front door. I knew it wasnt Bryson because he has a key. I got up from the sofa and walked towards the door then looked in the peep hole. It was Will.

"What the hell" i mumbled as my heart started beating. How the hell did he find out my address. I knew i shouldn't have messed with this dude.

I decided to just let him keep knocking and act like i wasnt home. But that didnt last long.

"Laylah i know youre home. I just need to talk to you. I promise i wont do nothing crazy i just wanna talk. Open the door" he said

"Talk now. Im listening" i stood behind the door with my arms folded

"Laylah please" i sighed then opened the door. I knew this was a stupid idea but for some reason ive been doing stupid shit. I walked onto the porch then closed the door behind me. There is no way he is coming in my house.

I immediately shivered as i felt the cold breeze on my skin.

"Ok talk. And you might wanna hurry up because Bryson is on his way here" i lied. He rolled his eyes at the mention of Bryson.

"How you doing?" He smiled. I rolled my eyes.

"That's what you wanna talk about?"

"No im just trying to start a conversation"

"Bye" i opened the front door but he sighed then grabbed my arm.

"Ok first i wanna say that im sorry about what happened that night at the club. I knew what i was doing and i just wanted to start drama. I was high as hell. I should've just left you alone. And second i wanna say that im also sorry for coming on to you these past few months. I knew you had a boyfriend but i kept trying because i wanted you to be mine. Even tho i didnt know you that well i still knew that you were a great person. I was jealous honestly. I shouldn't have been trying to break up a happy relationship. That night that we got kicked out of the club Marjenaa knocked some since into me. Literally. She punched the shit outta me. Thats why im hear. I should've just stayed in my place. I thought that i could get any girl i wanted with my smile and licking my lips but i couldn't get you because you different from any other girl. Can we be friends. Just friends. No strings attached"

I was shocked. I didn't know Will could actually be serious for once. I liked this side or him instead of the arrogant nonchalant Will. But i dont think its a good idea to be friends with him because he could be lying.

"Thank you for apologizing. I didn't even know it was in you. I like this side of you. We could've been friends if you acted like this when we first met. But i dont think its good if we be friends. Its already enough drama between you and Bryson. We can just be associates or something. You know what i mean?"

"Yea i know what you mean"

"Yea and if you really wanted a girlfriend i could've just hooked you up with somebody"

"Yea but i wanted you and i still do but you have a boyfriend and i have to respect that"

"Yea" i said uncomfortably

"You forgive me?" I gave him a small smile and nodded my head.

"Yea you coo"

"Good. Well I guess I'll see you later" he reached in for a hug and i accepted it. Then Will leaned down and kissed my cheek. As soon as I was about to pull away i saw Bryson car pull up.

"Shit!" I mumbled. Will turned around and made eye contact with Bryson. He did not look happy. He turned the car off then jumped out the car.

"You gotta go" i said. I didn't even know Bryson was coming over.

"So this what we doing now Lay?!" He yelled as he came towards us. I sighed.

"Bryson chill. He just-" i tried to explain

"Why the fuck was you hugging this nigga? And why the fuck did he kiss you" He bit his lip then looked at Will

"Bryson he came to apologize for-"

"You know what imma leave. I'll see you whenever Laylah" Will tried to walk away but Bryson stopped him

"No yo ass gone stay" Bryson said

"Bryson shut up so i can tell you!" I yelled

"Why the fuck was you hugging this nigga laylah? And why did he kiss you"

"He came over to apologise for what happened at the club"

"Yea you dont need to be yelling at her. Im the one who came over unannounced-" Will started

"Shut the fuck up fore i beat yo ass again my nigga!" Bryson said

"You aint gone beat shit pussy ass nigga!" Will stepped up to him.

"Yall need to stop. Will leave, Bryson come in the house-"

"Nah I'll leave fore i end up killing both yall asses" Bryson starred a hole into Will's face then started walking to his car.

"Bryson" i grabbed his hand but he pushed me away.

"Laylah i suggest you leave me alone fore i do something to you i might regret" after he said that he got in his car and sped away. I felt my eyes buring as i felt a huge knot in my throat. This must be my hormones messing with me cause I was never this sensitive.

"Laylah don't cry. Im sorry its my fa-"

"Im coo. You should go tho" i mumbled and looked down at the concrete.

"You ok?"

"Yea" my voice broke then i walked in the house and locked the door. Bryson didn't even let me explain what happened. Thats mostly why im mad. He probably thinks me and Will got something going on but we dont. I hate that he didn't even try to listen to me. I know he's mad. I would be mad too so i dont blame him. Imma let him cool off for a few hours. I hate that this had to happen right before he leaves.


Ik this chapter sucks ass. You dont have to tell me😔 I'm been getting worser at writing so i just decided to stop because im not getting any better. I'll finish this book and probably just give up after that.

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