•Chapter 28•

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Laylah Pov

"Lay stop crying" my dad said as he wiped my tears. Kayla sat beside me as she held my hand. Right now I couldn't control my emotions. Everything was fucking up and I just wanted to be held by Bryson but he isn't here plus he is mad at me. Like damn i know I was wrong but he didn't have to ignore for the past few days. I wouldn't do that to him. He just lost major points for that shit.

"I cant stop" i sniffed and rubbed my eyes.

"I talked to Bryson. He should be on his way" Kayla said. I rolled my eyes at the mention of his name. At this point I font even want to see him.

"I don't even want to see him anymore" i mumbled

"You and me both know that's a lie. You love that sorry ass mother fucker" Kayla said.

"After this I don't even know if I do anymore" I said truthfully. It was true. He is being beyond petty and its fucked up how he was just ignoring me. I need him the most right now and the least he could do was answer the phone.

"Are you serious?"

"Yea" my dad just sat there listening to our conversation as he rubbed his beard. I know he was kinda upset with me right now but he didn't want to admit it.

"Im sorry i didn't tell you earlier dad. I was just waiting for the right time."

"Its ok babygirl. I'ma go to the vending machine" he got up and kissed my forehead then walked out.

"I'm sorry this happened sis. I know this is hard for you" I sighed then bit my lip.

"I'll be ok."

"I know what you're doing. Its OK to express your feelings Lay. You cant keep brushing shit off"

"Kayla i'm good. I just wanna go home"

"The doctor said you have to stay over night just so they can make sure you are good."

"ok" i said plainly as i felt my eyes start to burn. This shit really just hit me hard. My life can never go right.

"Lay please don't cry. You are gonna make me cry."

"I just wanna be happy" I sobbed into her shoulder as she held me while I cried. "I want my baby back. I wanted a family like you. You've got this great boyfriend, a son, and another child on the way. I can't even have a child because my crazy ass uncle raped me now my body is fucked up. I can never get a break."

"Lay you are gonna get through this-"

"I'm tired of everybody saying that shit! No it's not! And I don't want you or anybody else feeling bad for me cause its not gonna help the situation."

"I get what you're say-"

"No you don't. You don't know what I went through. This isn't my first miscarriage. This is the second fucking child iv'e lost and t-that shit hurts" my voice broke "and i'm tired of crying about it. You don't know what it feels like to loose two fucking kids and it hurts knowing that I did the shit. Then my boyfriend isn't even answering my calls and I needed him because he makes me feel better at times like this. But fuck him. I don't want nothing to do with him anymore cause what he did today hit me hard as fuck" By now Kayla was crying with me. "ion even wanna talk about it no more. I'm going to sleep" i turned over in the bed and pulled the cover over my head. Maybe if I sleep I will feel better.

The Next Day

Laylah Pov

"You have to eat Ms. Waters" the nurse said to me. I looked at her then back at my plate. It was now 10:45 at night and I haven't ate all day. I wasn't in the mood to talk or eat. My dad and Kayla just left about 10 minutes ago and all I wanted to do was sleep. I don't know why they haven't sent me home yet. They claim I can leave tomorrow morning but I don't believe that.

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