•Chapter 27•

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Bryson POV

I sat in the club as Swan popped the champagne bottle and watched the girls dance all around. I was trying to forget about the Laylah situation for now and have fun but it was pretty hard because every time I saw a girl I thought or her. I was beginning to miss here voice and I knew once we do talk she is going to curse my ass out. To get my mind off of her I started talking to Kc and one of her home girls that she invited in the VIP section.

"It smell like donkey dick and mussy up in here. These bitches need to move" Kc frowned and covered her nose causing me to laugh. I noticed the girl that was dancing in the crowd staring at me in seductive way. She was dark skin with clear skin. She had long silk black hair and white teeth. She was a pretty lil thing. She was tiny and adorable.

"Niggas" Kc shook her head and started talking to her home girl. I smacked my teeth and sipped some of my Hennessy.

"What you talkin bout now girl?"

"I saw you and that girl looking at each other. You better not do Laylah wrong. I don't care if you my boss pr not I'll still fight yo ass"

"Shut up you sound dumb as fuck you know I'm not gone do Laylah wrong. And you acting like she ain't do me wrong" I said then looked back at the girl and she was coming my way.

"No you sound dumb and why the fuck is she coming over here uninvited?" Kc frowned and popped her gum. She got a fucked up attitude I swear.

"I don't know" I mumbled and sat my drink down. I looked over and saw all the guys getting lap dances and talking to the girls that were in our section.

As she got closer I saw Swan look at me then at her with his eyebrows raised.

"Hi I saw you from over there looking fine as hell or whatever so I wanted to come over here and speak" her accent was adorable. It was ghetto but country at the same time. I never heard anything like that before.

She held her hand out for me to shake it and I did.

"Wassup shawt' "

"I'm Omeretta" she smiled showing her pearly white teeth.

"Oh I'm-"

"I know who you are. I went to your concert you had earlier"

"Oh fr" I said she nodded her head and took it upon herself to sit beside me.

"You told her to sit down?" Kc asked. I shook my head because I knew she was gone say something.

"Yea it was lit. I was hoping I'd see you"

"Um you know he got a girl right?" Kc asked her

"Ok and? I'm having a simple conversation with him it ain't like I'm tryna suck his dick" she laughed then turned back to face me.

"Oh shit" I mumbled cause I knew Kc was going to act a fool.

"Ok and?! I swear you hoes these days gone end up trying the wrong bitch and end up getting hurt" she shook her head then took a sip of her drink. "You probably do wanna suck his dick anyway"

"Girl bye" Omeretta rolled her eyes and shooed Kc away

"Bitch I suggest you shut the fuck up. Like on my daddy grave i'm bouta beat the dog shit outta you. Shut the fuck up if you know whats good for you" Kc said as she punched her fist as she spoke each word. This is how I knew she was serious because she said on her daddy grave. Everyone knows Kc has a bad attitude and she cant control her temper.

"Bitch I wish you would put yo hands on me imma put yo ass to sleep. You better ask somebody girl ian the on-" right before she could finish her sentence Kc popped her in the mouth and slung her across the table.

"oh shit!" Swan pushed the girl that was dancing on him away and grabbed his drink before it fell off the table. Kc then pushed her on the floor and wrapped Omeretta's long hair around her hand and punched her in the face. A crowd of people began to surround us and while they were fighting i was trying to break it up.

"oh shit! oh shit! oh shit! Worldstarrrrrrrrr! Whoop that trick Kc! Whoop that trick!" Swan and one of Kc friends yelled.

"Chill bruh!" i yelled as i grabbed Kc and Omeretta got off the floor and pulled Kc by her hair and slung her into the wall. People were screaming and laughing all at the same time. Kc got out of my hands and pushed me out the way and attacked Omeretta like a damn Tasmanian devil. They were hitting each other so hard it felt like i was the one getting hit.

Omeretta swung on Kc but she missed "Oops you almost had it, you gotta be quicker than that" Swan laughed "Bryson move the fuck out the way and let them fight bruh damn you always fucking up some shit" Swan smacked his teeth as he recorded the fight. I gave him a death stare and soon calmed down once i seen the security guards coming towards us. I'm not gone lie Omeretta got hands. I was shocked because most of the time when Kc fights she wins but this one was a tie.

Once the fight was over people were still recording and screaming. They took the girls outside the club and I followed them because i didn't want either of them to go to jail. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and i pulled it out to see Kayla calling me. I sighed and answered the phone. Before i could even say hello she started cursing me out.


"Aye bruh stop yelling at me like i'm yo child. What you want?" i did not have time for her shit tonight.

"Shut the fuck up cause i wouldn't have to yell at you if you would've just answered Laylah calls or texted her back! She needed you and you was ignoring her"

"What you mean she needed me? Whats wrong?" my whole mood changed . I had completely forgot about Omeretta and Kc. Laylah was my main priority right now.

"That girl is in the hospital and she been tryna tell you hours now but your bitch ass ain't been answering the phone"

"What you means she in the hospital? What happened?"

"i cant tell you that. She has to. Just know that you need to bring your ass back back home asap" after she said that she hung up.

"fuck" i mumbled and walked over to Kc and Omeretta. I needed to get a plane ticket home asap. "aye bruh i'm sorry this happened they was with me" I spoke to the security guards. Kc looked like she wanted to kill Omeretta and i know she did. This whole situation is petty and Kc needs to learn how to control her anger because if she keeps getting in fights with people at clubs she is gonna get arrested and I might not be there to help her. Seconds later Swan came out the club with a drink in his hand and watching the video on his phone. Sometimes this nigga does some of the most childish shit I swear.

"Damn girl is you alright? You was taking some hard hits. I would've been embarrassed if I was you. I was just standing over there like goddamn Kc hitting that girl like a professional boxer. Ian gone lie tho. You got a few hits in. You was trying your best. Your hard work wasn't unnoticed. Imma give you your credit-" Swan spoke to Omeretta

"Shut the fuck up Swan!" I yelled and continued to speak to the security guards.

"Don't be yelling at be with cho titty back having ass" i stared at him and sighed

"You tryna jive bruh. Now is not the time. Go back in the club" I pushed him towards the club. I could tell he was drunk. After about 5 minuets of me talking to the security guards I convinced them to let the girls go. But they are banned from coming back. Now I have to get home to see my baby.


Im so sorry that i haven't been updating. My mom took my phone because of my grades but i'm not getting it back because she went through it and lets just say she saw some very inappropriate things. But since i have free time i'm going to be on here more often because i have nothing better to do. Im using my grandma computer btw. But i don't like this chapter but i would appreciate it if you all comment and vote because y'all comments be making my day good asf. I know this chapter is short also. Excuse any mistakes also because I didn't proof read.

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