•Chapter 20•

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Excuse the mistakes i was rushing

Bryson Pov

"I cant stop staring at this ring" she yawned then rolled over to face me. I chuckled then looked back at the tv.

"I figured you would say that. Kayla helped me pick it out"

"How long have you had the ring?"

"Since today. But I went ring shopping a few weeks ago"

"Ohh" she nodded her head then sighed
"Why you still up anyway?" I turned the tv down a little bit then looked at Laylah. She shrugged then rubbed her eyes.

"Cause you up. Why you still up?"

"Cause im not sleepy" i shrugged then wrapped my arms around her. She laid her head on my chest then closed her eyes.

"Oh" she mumbled

"You wanna come to a party with me tomorrow night?"

"Who party is it?"

"Its Geff little sister party. She turning 18 and i want you to meet her"

"Yea i guess. What time does it start?"

"Uh ion know yet. Imma ask Geff and see. But you'll like Pudge"

"Thats her name?"

"No its her nickname. I think im the only person that still calls her that"

"Oh ok. Go to sleep. Its late" she rubbed my bare chest then kissed it.

"Ight" i turned the tv off then pecked Laylah lips. "Goodnight"



Laylah Pov

"Hey daddy" i smiled and gave him a hug.

"Hey babygirl. Why you so happy today?"

"I cant be happy" i laughed then sat on the sofa.

"Of course but you...you are different today" he frowned "you been doing that refa?"

"What?!" I burst out laughing "its called weed. And no not today. I'm just in a good mood today" i shrugged

"What's that on your finger?" He raised a brow then grabbed my hand.

"A ring" i said in a duh tone

"An engagement ring!?" His eyes widened

"No. Its a promise ring. Bryson gave it to me yersterday" i smiled

"A promise ring. So yall are really serious huh?" He sat beside me then turned the channel to MTV.

"Yea. I told you that before"

"So whats next? Yall getting married"

"I mean. Eventually but not no time soon"

"So you really love him?"

"Yes. And he loves me too" i lowkey started to smile thinking about him.

"Ok thats all i wanted to know" my dad shrugged. I nodded my head.

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