•Chapter 29•

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1 year later

Laylah POV

"I'm not going" I said to Kayla as I finished typing the last chapter of my book. I decided to write a book about my life. I don't plan on publishing it I just wanted to make one.

"Oh my god please come. We haven't seen you since New Years and the kids miss you"

"I miss them too but I know you. You are going to invite Bryson and I don't want to see him"

"Oh my god Lay are you still mad about that?"

"No I just don't want to see him. He is gonna bring back old memories that I don't want to think about" I answered truthfully. I haven't spoke or saw Bryson in almost a year. We didn't end on good terms. Last time I saw him I called him a son of a bitch and he called me a nasty whore. It's a long story. After that I moved here to Atlanta. I wanted to move to Miami but I realized how close it was to the ocean so I changed my mind. Living in Atlanta isn't so bad. Iv'e made a friend and I moved into my dream house. And I got a new job so right now my life is going pretty good but I won't get my hopes up.

"Ok fine I won't invite him"

"Kayla i'm serious. If I come up there to Kentucky and I see Bryson I will never forgive you"

"Me and you both know that's a lie. But on my life I will not invite Bryson" I sighed and leaned back in my chair.

"Ok i'll be there" Kayla wanted me to come see her for the fourth of July. I knew she was gonna invite alot of people because she is very social. I just had to prepare myself for the worst.

"Yayy!!" she screamed "You better not be lying either" she said sternly

"I'm not. I'll talk to you later"

"Ok love you bye"


"I guess i'm going back home" I mumbled then started texting my friend Tory. Tory is the first person that spoke to me once I got here. At first I was very hesitant but he wouldn't leave me alone so I had no choice but to speak to him. He is funny as hell too. You would never know he was gay until you talked to him. A part of me wants to see how Bryson is doing. I see him on IG sometimes but I always scroll past him. I'm not gonna lie. I do miss him and I still love him. I was just going through some shit and he made me so mad that I just wanted to say fuck everyone including him. I even tried to overdose but I woke up sadly. I never told anyone tho. It happened about 5 months ago. I don't know what I would do if I saw him with another girl. I can't be mad though because I did leave him after I promised I wouldn't. I guess I will just have to wait and see.

Bryson Pov

"Bae stappp" Amber laughed as I kissed her neck.

"Shut up you know you like it" i kissed her one more time before letting her go.

"You ain't lying. But I have to get ready for work" she smiled before getting up and walking towards her room. Me and Amber have been dating for about 2 months now. So far it's going good and i'm happy. Not as happy as I was with Laylah but I think it's pretty close.

As I sat on the sofa I watched Living Single then I heard my phone. I looked at the caller ID to see Eric flash across my screen.


"Wassup lil nigga"

"What I told you about calling me dat"

"Shut up. I got good news"


"Laylah coming back here on the second. She staying at me and Kayla house until after the 4th of July"

"And you are telling me this because.."

"Cause I thought yo bitch ass would want to know. I mean you was talking about how you miss her a few weeks ago" he said in a duh tone. I smacked my teeth.

"I'm over her. She left me. Now I got me a girl that actually wants to stay with me"

"Me and you both know that's a lie. You still love that girl you just tryna act hard. When you see her I bet you gone think about her the rest of that week"

"I bet I won't"

"Mhhm stop lying bro. Look don't tell anyone I told you that, I wasn't even suppose to know. I just heard Kayla and her talking about it. I know you with Amber and all but I know you don't want her. You only with her because you don't want to hurt her feelings"

"That's not true. I really like Amber"

"You may like her but do you love her?"

"I don't know yet. It's kinda too early to say that" I looked to see if she was listening but I heard the shower running.

"Exactly. I know that I was an asshole to Laylah in the past but I do think you are better off with her. Just saying"

"Eric just face it. We are not getting back together. Look I will talk to you later" After I said that I hung up. I think me and Laylah are better off separate because when we are together everything just falls apart. And I don't need that happening because my life has been going good lately.

I got up and walked towards the bathroom that Amber was in. I could hear her singing Sativa by Jhene Aiko and Rae Sremmurd. Laylah can sing wayyyy better than her that's for sure. I still don't know why she didn't become a singer.

I opened the door and stripped out of my clothes then got in the shower.

"What are you doing Bryson?" Amber smiled

"Taking a shower" I smiled then wrapped my arms around he waist. Another thing is that the sex isn't as good as me and Laylah's sex. It's just so plain and boring. I try to spice things up a little but it's still not the same.

"You ain't slick" she kissed my lips and hugged me back. I chuckled and started kissing her down her neck. You know what happened after that.


One more chapter then this book will be over. Thank God

QOTD: Do ya'll think Bryson and Laylah should get back together?

I really don't give a fuck lol. I'm just writing what ya'll want to read

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