•Chapter 6•

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This chapter is short. I'm sorry I know I didn't update last week. It was the first week of school and I was busy. I'll make it up to yall.

Bryson POV

"Daddy I can count to 100. You wanna hear it?" Harley said. I chuckled. This was like the 3rd time today. I swear she loves going to that preschool.

"You already counted to 100 Har"

"1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. 8.. 9-"

"Harley daddy already heard you count to 100. How about you go put on your bathing suit so you can get in the pool" I heard Brittany say.

"Okay" I rolled my eyes. I knew Brittany was going to talk to me on the phone.

"Hey Bryson. How are you feeling?"

"Im fine" I said.

"That's good. Harley been talking bout you all day"

"Aw forreal. When you gone bring her over to see me?"

"Um maybe tomorrow. Today we are going to the pool down the street"

"Oh ok"

"Look I wanted to talk to you about child support"

"Child support!" My eyes widened. She got me all the way bent.

"Yes. Now before you start overreacting. Lets just think about this for a second"

"There ain't nothing to think about Brittany"

"Bryson I need help"

"I do help. I take care of Harley"

"Yeah but when you be on tour and taking all these trips and shit I be left alone. Plus you only see her like twice a week now"

"Only because I cant fucking go over your house to see her. I can't walk. And nobody is going to take me over there because they don't like your ass"

"You are just making excuses. I'm sure Swan or one of your friends could take you to come see Harley. Plus what about money?"

"I give you money. I buy Harley anything she wants so what are you talking about?"

"Bryson Amber is here!" I heard my grandma yell. I sighed.

"You barley give h-" Brittany started to say but just cut her off.

"Man I'll talk to you later. I gotta go. Tell Harley I said I love her" I smacked my teeth.

"Br-" then I hung up the phone. A few seconds later Amber walked into the living room.

"Hey Bryson" she smiled and sat down her bag.


"What's wrong with you?" She sat down on the small chair and crossed her legs.

"Nothing. Can we start?" I wasn't in the mood.

"Uh sure" she stood back up and opened the front door for me. I wheeled outside. When she came out she stood in front of me.

"You seem upset. You sure your ok?" She asked

"Yeah I'm fine" I sighed and rubbed my face.

"Oh ok. Lets get started" I nodded my head.


Laylah Pov

"Chy that's ugly" Kc scrunched up her face.

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