•Chapter 19•

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Bryson Pov

"Wait" Laylah grabbed my hand then started taking off her heels.

"You want me to hold them?"

"Yea you can" she gave me her heels then we both started walking along the beach.

"It feel so good out here" she sighed

"Yea it do"

"Im glad you picked this spot and not somewhere public cause i got serious gas right now" she laughed and i shook my head.

"Just nasty. I wont be eating yo ass tonight"

"Shut up" she punched my shoulder "you don't do that anyway"

"And i never will. Thats basically eating shit"

"Yea ion blame you. I wouldn't do that either. Ion see how men eat ass" she frowned and shook her head.

"Me either. I eat pussy but not ass"

"You sure do" she tried to mumble but i heard her. She a whole freak.

"Keep on playin. I'll fuck you right now on this beach"

"I know you will" she kissed my cheek then kicked the sand as she walked.

"I want you to tell me how you feel"

"What you mean?" She frowned and starting biting her lip.

"Like tell me how you feel. I feel like you dont tell me everything."

"I do tell you everything"

"No Lay. I can tell when you're keeping something from me. I just wanna know what you be feeling 24/7. When you're around me. When you're sad. Hungry all that shii"

"Why though?"

"Just because. I wanna know"

"Uh..ok. When im around you i feel..weird. Not a bad weird but a good weird if that makes any since" she giggled "like right now i feel special and kinda shy at the same time" i chuckled and kissed her cheek.

"Its ok. I know what you mean"

"So what about you? How do you feel right now" she asked as she starred at the ocean as we came to a stop.

"Apart of me is happy that im with you and a part of me is hurt"

"Why are you hurt?"

"I don't wanna ruin the moment. Just forget about it" i shrugged and started to walk again but she pulled me back towards her.

"No tell me whats wrong" she demanded

"Lay im fine. Can we just finsh the night without an argument?"

"Im not trying to argue either. I just want you to tell me whats wrong" she crossed her arms and looked me in the eyes. I sighed i starred at the ocean as i bit my lip to keep myself from tearing up. "You can tell me"

"My grandma told me that she has lung cancer" i mumbled. I heard Laylah gasp.

"Oh my god Bryson. Im so sorry. When did you find out?" Her eyes widened

"Today. Shes had it for a few months now but she just now told me because s-she uh...she was scared to me. When i found out i didnt know how to react. I started cursing and yelling. I was mad as fuck because she waited till she is at stage 3 cancer to fucking tell me" i felt my anger buliding up all over again.

"...Bryson i know you're mad. I would be mad too but you have to think about how she's feeling. Its bad enough she has cancer. She doesn't need to grandson spassing out on her too" i sighed again.

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