•Chapter 16•

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Laylah Pov

I was woken up out of my sleep once I felt a warm body against mine.

"What the fuck?!" I jumped as my heart rate sped up but lightly went down once I realized it was only Bryson. I forgot he has a key to my house.

"Chill babe it's just me" he chuckled and kissed my neck.

"Oh you gave me a damn heart attack" I breathed out then sat up so I could fully see him.

"I ain't mean to wake you up"

"Nah you good. I missed you" i wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips.

"I missed you too. Mhm you smell so good" he inhaled my sent.

"Thank you" I smiled. It's weird how he can change my mood that fast.

"Now lay back down. Its late"

"No I'm up now. You was at the studio for that long?"

"Yea I lost track of time. Me and the crew was smoking and you know how they get"

"...oh ok" chill put Laylah he was just chillin with the crew. But he could've chilled wit me instead but just forget it Laylah. It's not that serious yo-

"Are you ight?" He chuckled

"Huh? Oh yea I'm good" I fake smiled.

"You sure?"

"Yea I'm sure. You spending the night?"

"Maybe. Maybe not" he yawned and pulled me closer to him. "What you been doing?"

"Nothing just chillin and talking on the phone. I went to your house but you wasn't there so I came back here"

"I'm sorry I didn't know it was this late. But I'm here now. You ate?"

"Yea I cooked me a t-bone steak earlier"

"And you ain't save me none?"He asked with a surprised look

"No cause I didn't know when you was gonna be back" I laughed

"Excuses" he shook his head. I playfully rolled my eyes and snuggled into him.

"I just wanna stay like this all night" I mumbled as I kissed his neck.

"You wanna get in the bed? I'm tired" he asked

"Uh I guess" he nodded his head and got up from the sofa. I did the same and grabbed my phone then  followed him into my room. He snatched his shirt off then started taking his shoes off. Then he took his pants off leaving him in nothing but his boxers and socks.

I climbed in bed since I only had on my red silk robe and pulled the covers over me.

"You must've knew I was coming over" Bryson smirked and climbed in the bed.

"No why?"

"Cause you got on that robe you know I like" I rolled my eyes.

"No I put this on because I wanted to"

"Mmhm" he got under the cover and pulled me closer to him while he massaged my thigh. It was making me horny as hell but I was tired too so I didn't say anything.

"How was the play date?" I asked to try to change the subject.

"It was ight" he mumbled into my neck as I felt his hand go higher up my robe. I quickly grabbed his hand and pushed it further down.

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