So, Like, if I Throw a Stick, Will You Chase After it?

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SimplyaSketch and I were talking about Michael as a werewolf, so here this is

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SimplyaSketch and I were talking about Michael as a werewolf, so here this is.

If you want more Boyf Riends, go check this out.  It has a few chapter of Werewolf AU stuff, and Sketch sent the link to me after we started talking about this. I'm not sure if the AU was the author's original idea or not, but BOYF RIENDS so yeah. It's 4:10 AM, I'm brain dead and not ready for this.

Jeremy sat next to his best friend, Michael Mell, in Michael's basement. The two of them were each sitting in their own beanbag and they were watching some documentary about the Salem Witch trials on Netflix. Honestly, Jeremy wasn't paying much attention to the documentary, even though it was admittedly pretty interesting.

He was more focused on the fact that his best friend was a werewolf.

Well, not that he was a werewolf, he'd known this for a while, but he had suddenly started wondering if he reacted to things the same way that dogs did. Jeremy had thought of this earlier today, and it had been bugging him ever since. The thing is, he really wanted to know, and was struggling with focusing on anything else.

Jeremy turned his head slightly to the side to look at Michael. He could practically picture Michael in wolf form. I wonder if his fur would be as soft as his hair looks...

"You okay, Jer?" Michael paused the documentary and shot Jeremy a worried look as he turned his body to face him.

Jeremy's face went red, "Y-yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You've been out of it all day."

Now that he thought about it, Jeremy had kind of been zoning most of the day. If Jeremy threw a stick randomly, would Michael chase it? Seriously, though, these were dire questions that needed to be answered. He wanted to know these weird things about his friend.

Michael snapped his fingers in front of Jeremy's face. "Jeremy, have we smoked weed down here so much that you're getting stoned by just hanging out down here?" he laughed a bit.

With a sudden burst of courage, Jeremy let his curiosity get the best of him. He reached out and started scratching behind Michael's ear.

Michael looked confused for a split second as Jeremy reached towards him, but totally blissed out when Jeremy started scratching behind his ears. A happy, dopey smile spread across his face and his eyes closed in utter calm as he leaned into Jeremy's touch. He seemed to relax almost completely, except for the fact that his left foot kept twitching and tapping against the floor.

Jeremy just about died right there. This was absolutely the most adorable thing he had seen in quite a long time. He did not expect this reaction, but he was glad that he had done that. Michael was acting like a puppy, and that made a huge grin spread across Jeremy's face.

The two of them felt as though they could've stayed like that forever, but, unfortunately, Jeremy's fingered cramped, and he had to pull away.

Jeremy snorted with laughter at what had just happened. Michael laughed for a bit, too, "What inspired that?"

"I was wondering if you'd react the same way as a dog would, since you're a werewolf. It's been bugging me all day." Jeremy explained, "And, apparently, you do." He burst out in laughter again, but his face was a little red.

"Oh my God, Heere." Michael shook his head and dropped it into his hands to stifle his laughter.

"If- if I threw a stick-"

"No, I would not chase it." Michael snapped.

"Awww! But what if-?"

"No. Jeremy, no."

"I wanna try now, though."

"I will literally bite your head off."

Jeremy paused for a moment to seriously wonder whether or not Michael could bite his head off if he was in his wolf form. Wolves are pretty dang strong, so Jeremy suspected that he probably could. The thought of a wolves massive jaws clamping down around his neck and snapping it made him feel sick.

Michael sighed, "Yes, I could. No, I won't." Michael averted his gaze and muttered under his breath, "You're too important to me for that crap."

Jeremy didn't catch the last part, but didn't seem to care, "Good, that sounds painful."

"I think getting decapitated tends to be like that, Jer."

"Woah, really?"

Michael shot him a mock disapproving look, which made Jeremy laugh again, "Okay but- holy crap that was so funny! You looks so happy and adorable." Jeremy's face went red when he realized that he'd just called Michael adorable.

"Never mind, I reserve the right to rip your head off."

I'm not worried. You love me too much, buddy.

Jeremy's laughter slowly died down, "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'm sure you're a ferocious werewolf."

"I am." Michael crossed his arms over his chest defensively.

A huge smile spread across Jeremy's face as he went in to scratch behind Michael's ear again. The got pretty much the same reaction, but this time, Michael made a little happy noise. Jeremy wanted to just cuddle up with Michael and make him happy like this forever. It was just too adorable. Michael batted Jeremy's hand away, "Cut it out!"

"But you look so happy!" Jeremy didn't sound teasing anymore, he sounded genuine.

Honestly, Michael had been enjoying it. Michael let out an indignant sigh before leaning in towards Jeremy again. Jeremy paused for a beat before reaching up and starting to pet his hair. It was softer than he had imagined. When Jeremy noticed the smile that graced Michael's lips, he beamed.

Yep, Michael did react like a dog would have.

And, yes, it was absolutely adorable.

Awww, a Puppy! (Be More Chill, Werewolf AU, Boyf Riends Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now