Shut Up, Jeremy!

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Michael's cruiser had been towed. Neither Jeremy nor Michael had realized when they parked right in front of the fire hydrant, but, apparently, someone else had. And that someone else had decided to call to get Michael's PT Cruiser towed.

So, the two were now walking back to Michael's house together. They would have to pay to get it back the next day, but, considering how late it was, the car dealership was closed. They were too exhausted from the convention they had just been at to deal with this right now.

The walk back to Michael's place was pretty far.

And Jeremy wouldn't let Michael forget it.

"Ugh this sucks."

"Yeah, I know."

"It's so late." Jeremy looked up at the darkened sky, which was now littered with stars.


"We are  going the right way, right?"

"Of course we're going the right way!"

"I just don't remember all of these landmarks."

"Yeah, well you  weren't the one driving." Michael mumbled.

"It's going to take forever for us to get back."

Michael rolled his eyes, "Stop complaining."

"We both  know that this trip is going to be doubled- or tripled- because we need to walk it." Jeremy tugged his jacket around himself, "And it's cold out."

"I think you forget that it was my car that was towed." Michael shot Jeremy a look.

"I know, this just sucks."

"I know it sucks- my car was towed!"

"And the fee's going to suck."

"A lot of things suck right now, Jeremy." Michael growled, "But your complaining is making it suck more."

"It's just going to be a ridiculously long walk."

"Oh my god, shut up."

Jeremy mumbled another complaint, casting his gaze gaze down to the asphalt underfoot.

Michael inhaled deeply, stopped dead in his tracks, and turned to look Jeremy in the face. Jeremy froze and looked back over at Michael. Michael scooped Jeremy up into his arms and continued walking back to his house.

Jeremy's face burned red, "Aaack, Michael, put me down!"

"If you're going to act like a child, I'm going to treat you like a child. Shut up." Michael tightened his grip on Jeremy and pulled him closer against his chest.

As a car drove by, Jeremy buried his face into Michael's shoulder, still blushing hard, "Mikey, please put me down."

Michael buried his face into Jeremy's hair and inhaled deeply, "Nope."

My apologies! I was going to draw Michael carrying Jeremy and such, but I'm on a time-crunch and I didn't even have time to proof-read this. XD Heere's to hoping it's okay.

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