7/11's Day

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Jeremy and Michael had never thought of Valentine's Day as important. They both knew that it was just a commercialized holiday that meant nothing and did absolutely nothing to actually show your love for someone. Just because you buy your significant other flowers or chocolate on Valentine's Day doesn't make everything perfect and it does not symbolize true love. If you need a certain day to tell you when and how much to love someone, then it's not worth it. Or, at the very least, that's how the two of them saw it.

(They both thought that the background behind Valentine's Day was pretty cool, but that was the extent of their positive feelings towards that holiday.)

What they celebrated instead was something that they liked to call 7/11's Day (or Idiot's Day, both work).

This had been a tradition of theirs since they were in Middle School and they continued to stick with it now that they were dating.

Instead of pouring their hearts out into little love letters in the shapes of hearts, they would make joke Valentine's day cards for one another.

The first year they did this, there was a picture of Ciel Phantomhive with the words, "My love for you burns like my parents." written on the back from Michael and, from Jeremy, a picture of Mary Winchester and, the words, "You're hotter than Mary Winchester." on it.

(From then on, there were beautiful things such as: "You're more enchanting than Lord Voldemort," and "You're simply out of this world," (complete with a picture of the Starship Enterprise), and so on and so forth)

Something else that they did consistently was a bake-off.

They would either get in over their heads and attempt something much to complex and then fail or  they would make something super basic and get extremely competitive over it.

One year, they exploded something whilst trying to each make a cake that looked like the Death Star. The next year, they got into a food fight with brownie batter.

Point is: they always do stupid things involving foods.

The final thing they always do is return to the place where this all began.

Valentine's Day: Eighth Grade: Where it all Began

"7/11 doesn't seem like the best place for two Middle School losers to spend their Valentine's day."

"Jere, we have one year before we have to go to high school. We have to make our mark on the world somehow."

"Good point, I guess."

The two teens pushed open the glass doors to the 7/11. It was a wonder that anyone could see into the store through to smudged and grease stained glass that stretched over the doors and lined walls.

"So, what's the plan?"

"We are going to do something incredibly stupid and get kicked out of this store."

"Why?" Jeremy asked, incredulously.

"Why not?"

"Because you love 7/11!"

"Well, this one's far from town- didn't you pay attention to how long the bus ride was?"

"Of course I did, but still!"

Michael was already searching the store for some diet cola and Mentos, "Didn't we talk about this and decide that this was a good a place as any to spend today?"

"Well, yes, but-"

"C'mon, dude, we had this all planned out!" Michael spun around to face his nervous best friend, "There's nothing to be afraid of. I promise."

"Okay." Jeremy agreed.

Michael smiled. Of course, they had discussed doing this and had it all planned out. That had been a while ago, though. Jeremy had never really thought that they'd actually go through with any of it and Michael knew this.

"Let's do some other things first, though."


"Why do they call it 'Top Ramen if it's going to be places on the bottom shelf?"

"Well, they have off-brand butter called 'It Could be Butter', so I think they set their standards pretty low."

"Just like the poor 'Top Ramen'."

"Do you want the Ramen?" Michael looked up at Jeremy, who was perched on top of his shoulders.

"Not particularly. I just feel bad because it's so short."

"Like you."


Michael chuckled, "I'm kidding, dude. You're going to be taller than me next year, I can feel it."

"Are your Spidey senses tingling?"

"Yup." Michael nodded.

"I feel tall and powerful on your shoulders." Jeremy reached out and swiped a few things off the top shelf with a screeching roar.

Michael burst into laughter. He quickly pulled Jeremy from his shoulders and cradled him in his arms bridal style, "Still feel tall and powerful?"

"Oh, screw you." Jeremy glared.

Michael chuckled, "So, you ready?"

Jeremy narrowed his eyes in intensity, "Let's do this."

Michael cracked open the bottle of Diet Cola and Jeremy quickly dumped I the entire wrap of Mentos. The two morons quickly scrambled away from the ticking time bomb that they had just created, nearly hurtling themselves over one another in the attempt to avoid being sprayed by the oncoming torrent of fizzing and exploding soda.

They had made a smart choice in doing so.

The soda splattered everywhere. They almost felt bad, seeing the still sizzling liquid coat the floor and shelves in a thin layer of dark, sticky carbonated sugar-water.


The constantly spraying soda was entertaining, though, and fear pulsed through them as they saw the manager approach, which sent them fleeing.

Jeremy and Michael both slipped in the soda, but managed to get out the door, barely avoiding the fuming cashier, brandishing a broom and yelling for them to never come back into her store again.


Of course, years later, they were still going back to this store in Valentine's day to do stupid things and get kicked out all over again.

Michael had been right about Jeremy's growth spurt, but hadn't expected his own, which gave him about two inches of height over his best friend.

Now, it's their Junior year of high school, they're dating, and they still, to this day, spend Valentine's day the same way that they did way back in eighth grade.

Well, I hope you enjoyed that piece of garbage. 

Have a great Idiot's Day. 

Get kicked out of a 7/11 for me. 

I almost just didn't edit this because I was so annoyed at the world and tired, but I did it!


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