Hopeless Hanukkah

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For the first year ever, Jeremy would be spending all eight days of Hanukkah completely alone.

His mother had left this time the year before, abandoning both him and his father, making it clear that she wouldn't be there for the celebration or any to come. His father was supposed to be there to celebrate with him, but a last-minute business trip pulled him away. Neither of his parents would be there for Hanukkah and he didn't even have any siblings to fill that lonely void. Jeremy was seventeen- far old enough to be capable of handling himself while all alone at the house, and for the most part, he was. This time of the year, though, he couldn't seem to make himself feel okay. 

It had been almost a year since his mom had left him and his dad. A year since he got his squip. A year since he was so close to the end of his line that he ran off his mom and became so desperate for validation and happiness that he abandoned his best friend for a crack-job floppy disc to take residence in his useless head.

Needless to say, he was feeling more lonely, worthless, and just downright sad than he usually felt. Unlike a lot of people, Jeremy never really struggled with worsening seasonal depression during the cold months of winter. Instead, they were always the opposite. The beautiful snow, the warm sweaters, the seasonal drinks, being able to (somewhat) celebrate Christmas with Michael and his moms on top of being able to celebrate Hanukkah with his parents. The season was always great in years past, but this year was different. Sad. Lonely. Cold.

It was the third day of Hanukkah- Christmas Eve- but it didn't feel like it was and Jeremy couldn't bring himself to bother with the menorah at that point, tradition be damned. Especially because of the time of Hanukkah, he felt crappy. To combat this, he attempted to watch some TV, suspecting the voices and cheery music would help him out of his slump. Unfortunately for him, every channel on TV was screening some crappy holiday movie about people being changed by the Christmas spirit and falling in love with strangers and old friends alike, making him feel even lonelier than he had felt before turning on the damn TV.

It was a dangerous cycle.

He was snapped from his stupor when the ringing of his doorbell cut through the air. Somewhat confused, he headed to the door, swinging it open without bothering to look through the peephole.

"Happy Hanukkah, Jeremy!" Christine beamed up at him from where she stood on his front stoop, wreathed in several fluffy, cuddly layers to keep warm. Behind her stood Michael, Rich, Jake, Jenna, and Chloe. The entirety of their friend group was at his doorstep for no discernible reason in the middle of a freezing cold December afternoon- on Christmas Eve, no less, a day they should all be with their families or whatever, celebrating. 

He gave them a genuine but confused smile before greeting them, "Hi guys! Uh, not that I'm not thrilled to see you all, but what are you doing here?"

"Michael said you weren't feeling great," Jake explained, throwing an arm around Jeremy's neck to pull him into a side hug, "So we decided to drop by."

Jeremy cast a glance in Michael's direction. He hadn't said anything directly about how he was feeling, but Jeremy was far from opaque as far as hiding emotions went, so Michael figuring out how he was feeling wasn't too shocking. What was shocking was the fact that he went to such lengths to make Jeremy feel batter and less lonely. 

"...thanks, guys," Jeremy's small smile grew. 

"Yeah, yeah," Chloe rolled her eyes, "You gonna let us into your house or what? This is super touching, but I'm freezing my ass off out here."

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