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Brooke had always hated fireworks. She just couldn't handle the loud, sudden noises that echoed across the sky. Fireworks sounded like children screaming in the night, followed by bone-chilling explosions that shook her to the core. Maybe it was because she had ridiculously sensitive ears, but, regardless, she utterly despised it.

Many sirens had other minor powers that went along with their musical (and murderous) abilities. Some were lucky and had synesthesia (specifically, sound-to-colour synesthesia) like Chloe and could see people's voices. That had always seemed like such an incredibly appealing thing. She wished she could be like Chloe and be able to know what colour people sounded like by listening to their voices. She wished she could know the colours of all of their friends from talking to them rather than needing to ask Chloe.

Some sirens had strange eyes. Eyes that were like an animal's and could glow in the dark or even were like a fish's and didn't have to blink because of how they were structured. Either of those would have been amazing! The night vision of animals would make it far easier at night for so many reasons. She wouldn't need to turn lights on in the middle of the night when she had to go to the bathroom. She wouldn't need to worry about hurting her eyes with the bright light of her phone when checking it late at night. Even not needing to blink would be amazing- she would be able to sleep in class and get away with it!

Brooke was in the unlucky group of sirens with impeccable hearing. In some circumstances, it came in handy. She could pick out small sounds and eavesdrop easily. Even so, it had far more downfalls. Listening to music with headphones or earbuds was incredibly uncomfortable due to her sensitive ears. She always had to turn her music down while listening to it while her friends all blared it and had to turn the volume up. She despised having such sensitive ears, especially when firework season rolled around. 

Similarly, Jeremy hated fireworks and other such loud noises. 

His hearing was quite sensitive and, although it wasn't as sensitive as Brooke's, loud noises still distressed him incredibly. Loud, sudden noises set off alarms in his head and, even if he logically knew that the loud noises weren't inherently dangerous, they spiked his anxiety. As far as he was concerned, loud, sudden noises meant danger, especially with how they grated as his very being. Loud noises had always been such a problem to him, especially fireworks. 

Fireworks were not only loud but completely erratic as well. They shot off randomly and without pattern. They didn't even have consistency in sound. Some would be nearly silent, while some would have short, whirring bursts of noise. Some would create long, dragged-out cries and some would explode like a cannon shot. 

All in all, he utterly despised fireworks. Luckily for him, he wasn't the only one with this problem, nor was he completely alone in dealing with this. 

It wasn't super obvious that Jeremy or Brooke had strong hearing and Jeremy didn't even find out about how it affected Brooke until the Fourth of July the year after they became friends when she complained over text about the fireworks. It was a small thing, but it was still nice for the two of them to be able to talk about it anytime loud storms rolled in or people shot off fireworks. It was a small similarity, but the bonding was still nice and they both appreciated it. 

New Years was... difficult. Many of their classmates were planning on setting off fireworks and having big parties surrounding the horrendous things. Both Brooke and Jeremy were particularly nervous about this. This year had far more hype than the previous years and they knew that the fireworks were going to be incredibly intense- even fearing that they would eventually get out of hand. They feared the up-coming stroke of midnight and everything that would come with it. They lamented the loss of their fun and peaceful New Years traditions that would be shattered the obnoxious fireworks at the stroke of midnight. 

Because of this, Michael decided to step in. 

[Michael_Angelo added JeremyisHeere and *Lohst_in_Space* to the chat]

Michael_Angelo: hey guys

Michael_Angelo: wanna go somewhere 4 new years??

[*Lohst_in_Space* has named the group Nintendogs]

*Lohst_in_Space*: !!!

*Lohst_in_Space*: Sounds fun!

JeremyisHeere: Like where?

Michael_Angelo: idk

Michael_Angelo: we can go anywhere

Michael_Angelo: just like

Michael_Angelo: somewhere quiet for you guys yknow

*Lohst_in_Space*: Awww Mikey! 

*Lohst_in_Space*: That's really sweet! 

JeremyisHeere: Sounds good!

Quickly, the plans were made. Michael picked the two of them up in his cruiser and they drove out of town together. As they drove, the listened to Michael's driving playlist and enthusiastically sang along- or, at least, Brooke and Michael did, with Jeremy eventually tentatively joining in. 

Eventually, they found a hotel not far from town, but far enough for the fireworks to be at least lessened in sound. It was cheap, fairly clean, and had free WiFi, so they thought it was a perfect place to spend the rest of New Years. They holed up in the room with board games that they had brought along as well as plans of binging The Twilight Zone- a long-lasting tradition that Jeremy and Michael had had and that Brooke was thrilled to get in on. These plans were momentarily side-tracked when they opened the closet and found a large array of blankets, sheets, and pillows. 

Obviously, there was only one possible course of action once discovering this and they quickly built up a pillow fort, even going so far as to pull the blanket and sheets free from the bed to add to it. The fort quickly became an absolutely beautiful masterpiece that they immediately decided the rest of the night would be spent within. 

Their night passed wonderfully, simply hanging out within the fort, playing board games, eating junk food, watching The Twilight Zone, and batting back and forth between cackling over silly topics and speaking deeply about more intense subjects. The night went by perfectly without one interruption from fireworks or other loud, obnoxious sounds. The group was able to simply enjoy their time together, eventually falling asleep within their fortress of happiness. 

That night, a new tradition was created for the three friends. A tradition that would hopefully carry on for years. 

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