Lost in the Full Moon

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Suggested by: SimplyaSketch It's a full moon and Michael tries to avoid Jeremy and Jeremy confronts him about it. Michael accidentally hurts Jeremy in some way, then realizes what he did and runs away. Jeremy attempts to chase after him but ends up lost. Ending is up to you cause this is all I could come up with lol.

Michael rolled around in his bed uncomfortably. Today was the full moon, which meant that he would be a danger to society for the day. Michael had always hated the full moon, when he was forced to go all-wolf.

He hated when his body was forced to shift into a huge, snarling beast. He hated that he would thirst for blood and need to hunt. He hated how territorial and unstable he felt when he transformed. He hated how strong everything smelled- so strong, in fact, that his eyes would water or he would sneeze constantly.

Overall, Michael hated full moons.

But, sadly, they came once every month.

Full moons always scared him out of being around Jeremy. He was terrified that he would accidentally hurt his best friend while he was in wolf form.

He groaned at the prospect of a day without Jeremy. Right now, it seemed like the most unpleasant thing ever.

Technically, he wouldn't transform until the moon came out that night, but that didn't mean he wouldn't still feel some of the influences of the moon that day. He knew that he would be overly aggressive and territorial all day. He also knew that he would be craving meat all day. He was not excited for his new cravings that he would be feeling.

Growling, he crawled out of bed and tugged on some black jeans, his iconic sweater, and draped his headphones around his neck before heading to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Avoiding Jeremy, even just for a day, had slowly gotten harder the older they got. For the longest time, he could just call in sick. Now that they were in High School, though, it was a lot harder to catch up after taking sick days once every month. And, now that Jeremy had started getting more observant and noticing his patterns, it was harder to hide it from him.

Of course, this got a lot easier while Jeremy had the Squip and was already ignoring him all the time, but this was the first full moon after the incident. Michael knew that Jeremy still felt terrible for what happened and would notice Michael avoiding him.

Needless to say, Michael wasn't ready for today.

It wasn't too hard to avoid Jeremy for the first few hours, considering their classes were on opposite sides of the school, but Michael found it harder as the day went on. He had to alter his routes to all of his classes and duck in and out of vacant rooms to avoid Jeremy. He even texted his friend to tell him that he couldn't sit with him at lunch because he had to work on a project. He ended up hiding in the back of the library throughout all of their shared lunch period, snacking on whatever meat products he had stashed in his backpack from this morning.

The scream of the bell sent a wave of relief through Michael's body. He calmed as he realized that he only had a few more hours of the day to get through. Only a few more hours of ignoring and avoiding his best friend, then he could go home and just chill in agonizing pain until his full transformation.

He left the library and started heading to the next class.


Michael immediately tensed as he heard Jeremy come up behind him.

"Hey, buddy." Michael laughed awkwardly as he offered a failed attempt at a smile.

"How'd that assignment go? Didja' finish it?"

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