Cheating on You With NPCs and Other Secrets

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So, @LanaTheEddTurtle commented: "What if Michael actually did like the dog toys Jer bought him? Like one day Jer found his stash of dog toys. And then days later found Micha playing with them? Thisideawasstupidimsosorry." I honestly really liked this idea. I'm so sorry this took so long for me to write, and that it's so short, but here it finally is! I hope you like this. :3

Jeremy and Michael had been playing Terraria, with I Fight Dragons, The Near Future album on replay blaring in the background. Bags of chips and bottles of soda were scattered in front of them. This had been going on for a few hours.


"I am not flirting with the NPCs!" Jeremy defended, "Are you accusing me of cheating on you?"

"Should I be?" Michael joked, "You were being pretty friendly her."

"I'm offended that you think so little of me."

"Hey, I'm not the one feeling up the NPCs."

"I'm not 'feeling up' the NPCs!" Jeremy's face went a little red.

Michael laughed when he saw Jeremy's face go red, "I'll be right back, Jere. Gotta go to the bathroom."

They paused the video game and Michael headed upstairs and to the bathroom.

Jeremy stood up and stretched, his back making a satisfying cracking noise, before flopping onto Michael's bed. He inhaled deeply, feeling Michael's scent fill his lungs. Michael's bed smelled of his cologne, weed, and cherry slushies.

Jeremy slid off the bed, realizing what a weirdo he was being, just laying on his boyfriend's bed so he could smell him.

As Jeremy was sliding off, though, he accidentally kicked a cardboard box that was tucked underneath Michael's bed.

"Huh? What's that?" Jeremy dropped to the ground and pulled the box further out, so he could see what was inside. The second he peered inside, he burst out with laughter. "Holy crap!" he was actually struggling to breathe now. He couldn't believe what was inside the box.

Inside the box was an assortment of dog toys that Jeremy had bought Michael over the years as jokes. He had no idea that Michael actually kept all of them.

Briefly, Jeremy wondered why Michael had kept all of these. Was it sentiment? Was it a joke? Or was it because Michael actually liked them? Jeremy didn't know, but it immediately made him imagine trying to play frisbee with Michael.

As he heard Michael coming back down the stairs, Jeremy shoved the box back under the bed and flung himself onto his beanbag, falling over in the process.

"What are you doing, Jere?" Michael laughed as he came downstairs. Jeremy looked like he was trying to pose across the beanbags and was falling off them, while failing miserably.

Jeremy blushed hard, "Posing for the NPCs, obviously."

Michael fake gasped and sat down next to Jeremy, "So you are cheating on me!"

"What can I say? Those are some well-constructed pixels."

"You geek!' Michael punched Jeremy in the shoulder, and the two burst into laughter.

Two weeks later, Jeremy wandered into the Mell's house. Michael and him hadn't planned on hanging out today or anything, Jeremy was just bored and wanted to see what was up. Besides, he had a spare key, and they did this all the time, so all was cool.

Jeremy trotted downstairs and almost died upon seeing his boyfriend.

Michael was lying on his bed, the box Jeremy had uncovered only weeks ago slightly poking out from underneath the bed. Michael had a chew toy between his teeth and seemed to be attempting to rip it to shreds.

Jeremy couldn't keep his laughter in.

Michael froze upon realizing that Jeremy was there too. He quickly sat up, letting the dog toy drop to the ground. Michael was blushing like crazy, completely embarrassed that Jeremy had seen that.

"Oh my God, Mikey!" Jeremy was in hysterics by now, "Holy Hell! I didn't know that actually-"


"Whatever you say." Jeremy came the rest of the way down the stairs and sat down next to Michael, eyeing the box.

"Don't do what I think you're going to d-"

Jeremy grabbed a tennis ball and threw it to the other side of the room.

Michael perked up for a split second, and had to restrain himself from chasing the ball, "Nope. I am not going along with this."

"Aww, c'mon Micha. It's cool."

"No, shut up."

"Does this mean I can still get you them for your birthday?"



"You're a jerk, Jeremiah Heere."

"But you love me, anyway."

"Yeah, guess I do."

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